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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Umm... they started doing that only because Katniss and Wonder Woman were so big. And it's not like other kinds of women-driven films haven't been big like Frozen, Maleficent and BatB. Your Captain Marvel hate is needlessly showing up again methinks. Just because she isn't your cup of tea doesn't mean she didn't make 1.1B+ at the box office.
  2. Barbie has been a blessing for her and her team in more ways than one. Now they finally know what works for her, which audiences to target her towards, what brand image to create etc. Her even being in talks for FF shows her management had no idea what to do with her after the Amsterdam/Babylon double bombs. FF would have wasted her like how the Spider-films waste Zendaya.
  3. If Deadpool 3 doesn't make 2024 then don't see how Joker 2 will miss 400M. It's got all the makings of a breakout much bigger than the original film: More pent-up demand for an actually anticipated CBM, some of the memeable Barbenheimer dynamic with Gaga's Harley opposite Joaqer, and the inclusion of musical elements has made even the naysayers of the first film curious.
  4. Who other than Echo (who didn't even get a solo comic to test her popularity) proved unpopular with core fans? Even the recency argument doesn't check out considering AtSV is almost making 400M DOM with a lead character created 13 years back and featuring other characters created just 6-8 years back. All MCU needs to do is fix its writing and planning issues. Secret Invasion should have been the entire 3 phase build-up storyline interconnecting movies and shows, with Emilia Clarke's character as the Big Bad. Unfortunately Feige seems to have gotten greedy by getting the FF villain rights and burning up Kang prematurely.
  5. Why should Clark get jealous of Lex lol. Goes against the whole point of the character. It will be just replacing one bro take for another post-MoS. Barbie literally is the way forward for Supes. Relatability without assigning the character any toxic traits.
  6. There had to be a face for Mattel Patriarchy (which in Barbie's POV was The Creator). Take him out and you just get Barbie going to Mattel and meeting Ruth's ghost. While some parts of the film would remain unaffected like Ken seeing how patriarchy works in the real world and going back to Barbieland to enact it there, Barbie would have been in a different headspace if the only authority figure she met at Mattel was Ruth. While the sexism she experienced in the world outside Mattel would have affected her, she wouldn't have reached her breaking point in Barbieland if she thought Mattel itself was A-OK. Ferrell is also the foil to Ferreira's character. She would've been even less fleshed out and relatable if we were told she was depressed because of a non-specific toxic work atmosphere vs. us knowing she had to put up with him at work every day. That's not to say the character had his pitfalls being used as corporate propaganda at points ("I can't let Ken take over Barbieland coz what about inspiring little girls?") but I can see why a moment like that was Gerwig offering an olive branch in return for some seriously effective and chilling scenes like him sweet-talking Barbie to step into her box and be shackled again.
  7. I like how if the movie were from Weird Barbie's POV, it would have been basically Wicked. Ken's POV would have made it Oz: The Great and Powerful
  8. Sorry but the X-Line was the only one I was following due to the brilliance of the Krakoa Era and Marvel can't let me have that either. I'm so tired of mutant genocide being used as a Reset button to push the X-Men years behind.
  9. TLM is making almost 300M DOM. Don't disagree that Snow White is a tougher sell but going by TLM goes against your point.
  10. What % that Maverick WW goes down for Barbz to be post-pandemic Top 3?
  11. That club is pointless now considering Barbie DOM looks to beat EVERY MCU MOVIE other than 3 Avengers films*, BP and NWH. *with a miniscule chance of beating even the 2012 film
  12. Some of them have made a whole YouTube cottage industry over the past 4+ years ranting about Brie Larson. I think she's good. Now we just need Taehyung to dress in pink and say Hello it's me Barbie for a seismic jump
  13. It's very apparent a lot of ya'll have STILL not watched this ahead-of-its-time masterpiece 👇 I know Diablo Cody would have killed a Barbie movie script if she had been allowed to write the character like she wanted instead of the then studio mandate to girlbossify her.
  14. I mean, Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, NWH and MoM are all proper Cap, Thor, Spidey and Strange movies respectively despite having other folks in them 🤷‍♂️ You said Captain Marvel as the comparison. I'm pretty sure an SW film with just Wanda (and maybe Agatha) will be able to beat Wonder Woman if the Agatha show is good and reinstates Wanda's image + if Wanda has a good showing in Secret Wars
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