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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. New trilogy and DC are the worst examples of fan culture and internet trolls driving execs into panic mode. If KK and Lucasfilm had stood by TLJ and seen the set up through in the final film, the discussion around the films would be very different right now. Ditto for DC where execs bailed TWICE on the leadership's plans (Snyder and Hamada respectively) at the worst possible moment.
  2. Lmao Zaslav allowed the Gunn/Safran announcement to be made immediately after Black Adam's OW, killing all interest not only in that film but also the 4 films this year from the 'old' DCEU. His greater sins are on the streaming side but his leadership has accelerated the DC films flopping in theaters as well
  3. It was never going to be Krasinski. The humiliating way they treated him in MoM made that very apparent. Honestly dunno why he accepted that cameo in the first place.
  4. Lmao right message wrong messenger considering your own need to bury The Marvels and TLM to prop up The Barbz Also speaking of cultural impact, TLM has officially made Halle Bailey a future superstar with an army behind her, Disney is comfortable still pushing Black Ariel to the agony of the haters and Barbie is yet to outsell Amazon's No.1 selling toy of 2023, the Halle Ariel doll. No other live action remake has come close to making such waves.
  5. RPatz just looks great for his age. He's actually in his late 30s. Can easily be the dad of a 10-11 year old and foster father figure/older brother to an early 20s Dick Grayson.
  6. Well, Captain America is the closest reference, IMO. Like Cap, I don't think Supes is a billion dollar character by himself, but a really good Superman film can at least make Winter Soldier $$$ which should be great for this.
  7. It literally would have no screens with Transformers, The Flash, Elemental, NHF and Indiana Jones on its ass to make 1.2B
  8. I mean it's hypothetical but I feel SV2 could have crossed 900M WW if it had Mario's date in April and maybe even a billie. Not sure how big of a hit Mario would have taken in June. Some people are overconfident it wouldn't have been hurt much but the fact is it would have been bleeding screens regardless of reception, on a week to week basis. Anyways, hope June 2023 proves to be a lesson for all movie studios. Or they could pressure theatre chains to build more premium screens.
  9. Hmm, not feeling Mackey as Lois RN especially after knowing Brosnahan is/was in the mix. TBF though Mackey will be in her 30s for any sequels or future appearances post SL where I think she could be stronger in the role so there's that.
  10. Also it's possible Mattel is splitting promotional costs. I don't remember any other WBD film have anywhere near this level of promotional blitz under Miser Zazzy's regime.
  11. Yes thank you. That's what I was getting at by saying this opened in a severely crowded time frame as opposed to Mario which was the only big player in the entirety of April but you gave it much more detail and brought receipts. It would've been an amusing scenario if AtSV and Mario dates had been swapped. Mario losing screens in June and not living up to its potential because of it would have started a 'Woke Hollywood is flopping with its feminist Princess Peach' narrative by the haters
  12. Yes, Tokyo Disney Resort does have a TLM section. Ariel was also the face character with the longest meet and greet line when my family visited in late 2017.
  13. Mario had the entire month to itself while SV2 released smack in the middle of every other film and its mother.
  14. Honestly, they would have probably been better off sticking with Hamada's plans of DC Multiverse with the Battinson and Joker standalone franchises and the main DCEU with Keaton Batman and Batgirl joining the rest of the Leaguers. Instead they dumped Cavill and announced the reboot for Gunn's grandiose plans, which rang the death knell for the 2023 DCEU films. Worst display of crisis management. Third disastrous decision on WB's part in a span of 6 years after offboarding Snyder and Terrio from JL just when they were getting the hang of the franchise, and announcing day and date OTT release for their entire 2021 slate. At this point these 3 would run the studio better:
  15. Not really once you consider the vast majority of the (theatrical) Pixar films after Up have been fan-driven sequels. And then there was Onward's second weekend kicking off the global lockdown 🥲
  16. Nonsensical. Blame the crazy June schedule for the accelerated loss of screens. Posted this on OS threads but Indian audiences actually had to ask theatres to bring it back on more screens. Hopefully other markets see a re-expansion too as AtSV's competitors have just been duds so far.
  17. My bad. That India Today article i linked to said it had already made 50 Cr by Thursday and someone replied saying Frozen 2 made 47 total
  18. Obvsly, Man of Steel is the bar. If it beats MoS even by a tiny bit then it shows this whole reboot business wasn't a pointless endeavor. 700M+ is ideal tho
  19. Ngl the Spidey films and even Dune waste her. Chani was always a nothing burger character but MJ having so little to do in the new SM films is MCU being MCU. Love or hate SM3, MJ had her own flop Broadway star subplot going, giving Dunst something.
  20. Well, this is a coincidence. I was actually watching Die Mitte der Welt (Eng: Center of My World) in the morning, starring Louis Hoffman from Netflix's Dark. Will recommend it if I find it strong enough after getting back to it and finishing it in the night. Not Frozen for sure. Not until Disney gets the balls and says the word I'm a bit torn on TLM as an LGBT artist was so instrumental in creating it and made the allegory (that was already present in the original tale) more apparent. But if TLM counts, so should BatB. Personally, I feel including allegory films would push out actual representation from the list so I'll vote NO to all of them.
  21. It has already blown past the previous animated top grosser, has expanded screens in its fourth week and is selling out. I'd say that's an enormous success.
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