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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. I mean, Winter Soldier, Ragnarok, NWH and MoM are all proper Cap, Thor, Spidey and Strange movies respectively despite having other folks in them 🤷‍♂️ You said Captain Marvel as the comparison. I'm pretty sure an SW film with just Wanda (and maybe Agatha) will be able to beat Wonder Woman if the Agatha show is good and reinstates Wanda's image + if Wanda has a good showing in Secret Wars
  2. I was going to say they are going for more mythic + horror tones before remembering the name of the 'phase' is literally GODS AND MONSTERS
  3. I feel trades need to make a distinction for Greta being the first SOLO woman director to be posting these numbers. Deadline said Barbie has the 2nd highest WW opening for a female director after Captain Marvel's Anna Boden. But Boden was one of that film's two directors. Ditto for Jennifer Lee and Frozen. Being the highest grossing solo female director film is quite noteworthy IMO so not sure why Barbie is being lumped in with films like CM and Frozen that had two directors each to (slightly) underplay Gerwig's achievement.
  4. If Putin was Barbie, Russia wouldn't have been in this spot in the first place. We need the ghost of Catherine the Great to haunt his ass and knock some sense into him
  5. LMAO @ people who raged for years and years against TLM only for it to make a profit. Add in merchandising, VOD, OTT rights, spin-offs etc. etc. Hariel will keep bringing in the cash for Disney.
  6. I wouldn't expect anything less extra from I honestly hope she stays in character during the promo tour next year too. In place of recreated Barbie looks, she's gonna serve method acting.
  7. Coz people who use 'woke' as a bad thing don't have brains unfortunately. MAGAism is, underneath all of the other layers of BS, a refusal to grow up and to continue living in the hopes of bringing back a fantasy world that never really existed. This film is all about growing up and facing reality head on. Obviously ppl are going to throw crybaby tantrums over it. I am curious how ACTUAL kids will handle this though. My late night screening had none (fortunately?) but it was still fun as half the theatre, including me, were in pink 💗
  8. WB trying to use Barbie as a weapon against Nolan but Barbie lifting up Oppie with all her contrasting happy pink energy is the most Barbie thing
  9. Yeah, retire the term 'box office poison'. Robbie led I, Tonya to big numbers based on her performance alone and has starred in smashes like WoWS, Suicide Squad and Tarzan. Granted those films had other things going for them but true BO poison should repulse audiences regardless. Gosling has had The Notebook, Crazy, Stupid, Love and a respectable opening for Blade Runner. His less commercially appealing ventures open consistently around 11M, much more than most other actors can open films to.
  10. It's about a consumerist product. It was always going to have the harder battle than a film about demons of regret haunting the inventor of the atomic bomb (provided Nolan didn't drop the ball).
  11. I don't want GCS to be Harley Quinn & Friends like BoP. Catwoman and especially Poison Ivy are superior characters.
  12. Don't get the Interstellar love. Honestly that and TDKR turned me off big time. Guess my Nolan love was never meant to pass my prime. 😛
  13. Yeah, Barbie broke the internetz right when the rollerskate BTS pics leaked. The This Barbie is posters then created a hype avalanche. I think it's probably just boosted by 5-10% thanks to Oppy, if even that.
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