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Everything posted by Sam

  1. I’m partly guilty of this. Skeptical about how it’ll perform with all black cast but I did count on Marvel established brand name and good will to overcome things. Man, never been happier about getting proven wrong.
  2. Monica Rambeau, who was Captain Marvel for a while, is also a prominent strong black female character from Marvel. Aside from the X-women.
  3. I’m in. I can be there for any dragging of Ike any time. What’s the capacity of Ike’s involvement with Marvel now btw?
  4. That would make it worse. Wakanda princess shouldn’t have to deal with Emo boy’s shit
  5. Wait, is it really about Emo boy? I made the right choice then. I left after the mid-credit scenes
  6. I still remember that time they brought Chadwick onstage with Evans and Downey Jr. to officially reveal him as the Black Panther. We came a long way indeed. I’m already ready for my second viewing.
  7. To have the best Chris become part of MCU is me, you, and @MrPink dreams. We gotta keep pushing it. Never know, it could happen.
  8. Man, what I would pay to have Denzel or Chris Tucker in the BP franchise Especially Chris Tucker.
  9. @ecstasy Thanks for doing the Lord’s work with all this theaters reports. Absolutely crazy for BP
  10. Really happy about OS numbers. My doubts about its OS performance before release all rendered pointless
  11. I’m not doing that? My only comparison point about CM is to BP because they’re both important to Marvel Studios. And thus, just like BP, Carol Danvers coming in this late in the game, but at the heights of MCU, will hopefully also be reaping the benefits of audiences goodwill and investment towards the franchise.
  12. It doesn’t have to be a cultural phenomenon. It’s still gonna be a monumental film for Marvel that will help open doors to their other female-led movies. Hopefully. I’m excited because for all the comparisons about WW and CM, the only common thing between them is they’re both the go-to biggest female character of their respective franchises. Other than that, their characters/traits/attributes/beliefs/etc... are completely different. And that’s what true representation means. Hope Feige and Marvel Studios folks will put the utmost resources and care into Captain Marvel the same way they did Panther.
  13. And the dude paid for an expensive IMAX ticket, contribute to BP box office success just to do that? Some people are just stupidly hilarious. You should have dragged him out when you left lol. Sorry about the bad experience.
  14. After Phase 1, I was skeptical when movies like GOTG and Ant-Man was what got made instead of BP and CM. But looking at it now, even though BP got introduced late due to internal problem within Marvel Studios (aka Ike), retrospectively, BP came at the absolutely right time, with MCU at its absolute height, reaping all the benefits. I hope and suspect Captain Marvel will be same.
  15. You know, I always meant to ask, you’re not Rsyu, right? He’s another valuable member who always provided us with insights and numbers from SK box office too. But I haven’t seen him for a while and was thinking maybe something went wrong with his account. Sorry for the random question haha. But anyway, base on the number of posts, I’m assuming you’re new to the forum. Yet you’re already a very valuable member in my book. Thanks for all the sharing of SK BO numbers and providing helpful contexts to those numbers. Happy Lunar New Year!
  16. It’s the first day of New Years celebration, so I think that’s a good number, staying almost flat. Not sure about the South Koreans but my experience is that first day of New Years is for family/friends at home.
  17. Sure. I’m in on the BP > IW after all. But still, y’all doing this now like it’s a big deal and that it proves something that BP has to outgross IW. And I’m saying amidst all these incredible reports about BP performances, it’s nothing but artificial.
  18. You know, Black Panther is already doing incredible for itself BO-wise as proven by this gigantic preview numbers and the OS figures up to this point. Everyone can see that. It doesn’t need the artificial propping up from Infinity War potentially grossing less.
  19. Marvel gotta be happy about people debating whether their tentpole gonna do 400M or 500M. Black Panther and Infinity War both gonna kill it this year. Can’t ask for anything better than this for their 10th anniversary. Well, there’s the Ant-Man movie....
  20. At this point, comparing JL’s pathetic BO performance to Black Panther is just doing BP a disservice really. And yup, no Marvel vs. DC club.
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