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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. Your best path of action would be to start your own blog, and start posting and critiquing films on the blog. Get a Twitter account, and see if you can get some magazines/newspapers to follow you and your blog.It's a really tough field to get in to, who wouldn't want to critique and watch films for a living?
  2. At this point, hell no.He has yet to show any kind of knack for portraying any kind of real human emotion, and that is a huge deal, IMO. His films thus far are too formulaic in that they all look the same, the characters don't really show much depth, and there's a very "mechanical" feel while watching a Nolan movie.I'm not saying he won't get there eventually, but he needs to show that he can actually portray relatable characters with real emotion.
  3. It's amusing for the first 15-20 minutes in a "what kind of drugs were these guys on when this was made" type of way, then it gets tedious, and then it's simply awful. D+
  4. Yeah, come to think of it the reason I likely place TDKR the lowest of the three is a result of my inner bias towards comic book films. I like them, but for some reason have never been able to get into them as much as most.BB is still my favorite, I loved the origin story and I still think it had the best all-around story of the three. TDK and TDKR are still good though, in all honesty I think a large part of me was just expecting something a little different for TDKR.
  5. I liked both films to a certain extent, but I do disagree with this.You can't judge a movie going for a more popcorn, entertainment vibe the same way as a movie going for a more serious, realistic approach. I love that Nolan went with a more serious and real world approach with his vision of Batman, but with that comes a more detailed and critical way of looking at things.Avengers was pure popcorn entertainment, and Batman is trying to be something more. Don't you think, as such, you at least have to judge and view them at least a little differently? Because let's face it, if you judged TDKR as a pure popcorn comic book film, like TA, it is a failure.They both are good in different ways, and should be judged in different ways, IMO.
  6. It's easy to see where the filmmakers are coming from and what they're trying to accomplish, but trying and doing are two very different things in this case. If you're going to make a movie in the vein of Escape from New York and pay homage to a Kurt Russell-like character, you better make damn sure you have some good action scenes and the film is entertaining enough to get by. In this case, you have neither. It's basically a chore to sit through, and ultimately, worthless. Barely edges out Underworld: Awakening for the worst film of 2012. D-
  7. I could be wrong, but won't they re-broadcast the opening ceremony at night on NBC?The Olympics are usually taped anyway, since a lot of times it takes place in another country. Live telecasts aren't really that feasible for most. If they broadcast the ceremony on Friday night in the US, it will still be a factor.
  8. 1. The Grey- B+ 2. 21 Jump Street- B+ 3. Brave- B+/B 4. Prometheus- B+/B 5. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B 6. The Dark Knight Rises- B 7. The Avengers- B 8. Moonrise Kingdom- B 9. Jeff, Who Lives at Home- B/B- 10. Ted- B- 11. Haywire- B- 12. Wanderlust- B-/C+ 13. American Reunion- B-/C+ 14. The Amazing Spider-Man- B-/C+ 15. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+ 16. The Hunger Games- C+ 17. John Carter- C+ 18. Men In Black 3- C+ 19. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C 20. Safe House- C+/C 21. Contraband- C+/C 22. The Dictator- C 23. The Woman in Black- C- 24. Battleship- C-/D+ 25. Underworld: Awakening- D
  9. Wes Anderson is one of those love or hate directors, but I'm rare in that I've always had mixed feelings about his films. Moonrise Kingdom was no different for me. There's no denying that it's well-made, and Anderson is creative and original enough that he has a style really all to himself. My problem is that I tend to appreciate relatable characters and situations, and Anderson's films come across as too off-the-wall and quirky for me to really understand where the characters are coming from. That being said, I did enjoy this, and really dug Norton's performance. Decent flick. B
  10. The media may as well stop beating around the bush. From now on, anyone who sees TDKR and commits a crime of any nature within a year after viewing should be labeled a "copycat." Someone besides the actual criminal has to be blamed, right?
  11. Yeah, no movie has ever had to deal with this kind of baggage.I'm trying to understand why people feel the film or WB had ANYTHING to do with the shooting. Jesus Christ, this country is so fucked up. Everyone always has to point the finger and someone else always has to be responsible. Yes, it was terrible, but there is only one person to blame for what happened. The movie studio having to deal with lawsuits is really sad, and I think embarrassing for the state of things in the country.
  12. That's a pretty good number.I'm thinking this has a decent shot at rebounding a little bit. Only the most idiotic haters are downplaying the effect the shooting had on OW.
  13. I'll still need to see it once more, but after a few days I'll say this.........it's a good film, and I enjoyed it for the most part. I don't know though, it just felt like a lot of it was just going through the motions for me. I really wanted to be excited and feel something at the climax (sexual innuendo, anyone?) but it just didn't work for me. I will say I think this will work much better when all three are watched together, but I still think BB is the best. BB- A- TDK- A-/B+ TDKR- B
  14. Ok, here we go. There was no need for this film to be approaching the 3-hour mark. There was nothing really that "deep" about TDKR that warranted a running time like that. The film never really had any flow, it seemed scenes would happen, and then the next would begin. Bane was a good villian until he takes over Gotham, and then he just gets boring. The throwaway death is embarrassing as well, especially after building him up the whole damn movie and saying things like "he came out of the darkness." For me, that took a lot of the air out of the movie. I still just don't think Nolan does action all that well. The fighting scenes always seem to be staged and somewhat awkward to me. I also still just feel that Nolan doesn't really know how to handle emotion very well. I know some thought this was an emotional film, but it never really worked for me on that level. I will say I did enjoy it, but this is easily Nolan's worst outing to date. In fact, Nolan was at his peak to me with films like The Prestige and Memento. It's a nice little movie, but in all honesty, I likely won't remember it in a few years. And not even close to the upper echelon of comic book films, IMO. B/B-
  15. There are some really awesome scenes, and the last hour is fantastic. However, the Talia reveal was indeed awful, there were numerous problems, and I can't help but get this feeling that Nolan directs from a formula. On my phone, so I will say more later. Enjoyable, but I wouldn't say the trilogy went out with a bang.
  16. I'm not sure what in the hell they were trying to do with this one, but at least my buddy and I had fun making fun of its own incompetence. I mean, I understand going for the B-movie vibe, but if that's the case, the forced drama scenes were both hilarious and ludicrous. It's like they really wanted you to care about some of the more poorly written characters I've ever come across. This wasn't a B-movie, it was in fact a film so fucking bad that it's hilarious because I feel like it's TRYING be a B-movie, but can't even attain those lofty standards. Speaking of which, what does that say about a director when he can't even make a B-movie? I mean, Jesus Christ, this dude couldn't even make a bad film the way it's supposed to be. You know it's bad when the two hot chicks take off their tops, do some dumbass dance in front of the window with their tops off, and then put them back on before they turn around. At this point it was time to start chugging beers, because we knew we'd have to be intoxicated to get any enjoyment out of this. D In all honesty it's an F film, but I'll give it a D because I was entertained and making fun of it while getting a buzz was enjoyable.
  17. I'll get the negatives out of the way first.............perhaps a bit uninvolving, lacking depth, and suffers a little bit from redundancy in the second half. Good cast, and it was interesting watching the interplay between the characters as everything started to unfold. It works best as a study on capitalism and I think Spacey character summed it up best with the line, "I'll keep working not because that was a good speech, but because I need the money." Interesting that even those with somewhat higher morals and ideals in the film (Spacey) still didn't care enough to get out in the end. Pretty scary cycle. B
  18. I respect the fact that it seems they really wanted to make this a great film, but in general, it fails in that aspect. It's not a bad, but outside of the romance sub-plot not much really works that well. I did think the romance was handled well (some scenes were still a bit melodramatic), and Garfield and Stone were clear improvements from the previous SM movies (Stone was the highlight of the movie for me). The first 40 minutes are extremely slow and tedious, and it really is just too much "been there, done that" in feel. There's isn't a lot of action, which is fine, but the problem is so many scenes seem to have little to no purpose other than to pad running time. The handling of the Lizard was simply awful, it's hard to really get into a comic book movie when they give you no reason to give a rat's ass one way or another about the villian. Above all, I just can't get over the innate melodrama and cheesiness that seems to be prevalent in all the SM films. Maybe that's the style, but not for me. Strangely enough, the romance angle and Garfield and Stone's chemistry were enough in that it wasn't a bad viewing, but without them this would have been pretty fucking bad, IMO. B-/C+
  19. The fact that you were the first response, and picked up on my angle is impressive.
  20. how is that drop good for Spider-Man? I thought this was getting such good WOM yet it won't pass the other Spider-Man movies, and will struggle to make into the black, what else can be expected though from loonies who thinks ASM is the greatest thing known to man and will go crazy when people use facts, IMO.
  21. Inception's ending was solid, but I wasn't blown away with it as it seems most are. I started thinking midway through the movie that the whole "was it all just a dream?" angle could be used.It's a good ending, but I didn't really see it as mindblowing. I even thought Inception's ending was a cop-out in some aspects, but I didn't like the film as much as most, so take my comments for what they're worth.
  22. I enjoyed it to an extent, but there really isn't that much depth to the ambiguity. More "you know this, but don't you WISH you knew this?" As Gopher said earlier, the ambiguity is frustrating because it's not really lending itself to deep philosophical discussions. This ambiguity is more.......you're either frustrated with knowing nothing, or you like the open-ended aspect. In all honesty, in order for there to be deep discussion about ambiguity in regards to Prometheus they simply would have had to tell you more of the story.You can only find depth in the movie by filling in a ton of blanks and going in your own direction. Compare it to one of those teenage novels where you can pick different plot points and endings based on what decisions you WANT the characters to do. In many ways, it really does feel like an incomplete film.
  23. Yeah, I wish more actors would follow his path, and this is coming from someone who used to rip and ridicule the guy onscreen.He's not the most talented actor, but he makes some pretty smart decisions, and has picked roles that have really improved his reputation. Fishnet's comparison to Wahlberg is spot-on, they're both pretty similar in what they bring to the table.Wahlberg's Boogie Nights can be compared to Tatum's Magic Mike as the film that really turned the corner for both of them (although 21JS was huge for Tatum as well), we'll see if Tatum can keep his momentum going.
  24. My theater lost it when Del Toro greeted the bicycle cops in the park, that was classic.
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