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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. Would you recommend to just wait for Netflix? Stoker fell through last weekend so I'm hoping to see Stoker and Spring Breakers this weekend. Nothing like a dark Easter, IMO.
  2. Going to see this over weekend....pumped!
  3. Hills Have Eyes after.....pretty good Thursday line-up, IMO.
  4. Um what? That's just a silly argument. Maybe he just wanted to make a good film and didn't want to cater it to appeal to the audience.
  5. Loving this film more over time. I simply love the scene when the guy has had enough, leans back, and just takes in the beauty of his surroundings. Powerful stuff.
  6. This was awful, but at least my fiancee and I were able to get some enjoyment out of ridiculing the ridiculousness of the story and its premise. Nothing feels real, the script is simply awful and feels like it was written during a "Hollywood Writing for Dumbasses" workshop, it's boring, and the characters are generally unlikable. What we have here is comparable to the pseudo-intellectual of romantic comedies. It not only tries to be different and unique, but even worse, it actually thinks it's edgy. I'd never thought I would say this, but it's almost what you would call a pretentious romantic comedy. The romantic comedy genre isn't generally known for quality, but at least the majority of films know what they are, and don't try to be something they aren't. This film thinks and tries to be something different and fails miserably, but I'll be damned if we didn't have fun mocking it regardless. D+
  7. The film itself is funny (although you almost have to be high to be bear it), but the gasoline fight is downright classic.
  8. Probably my favorite film of all-time. The first 10 minutes are merely a sign and introduction of the madness and impending surreal experience. It's one of those movies that's so unique and powerful that you never forget the first time you saw it......just about as perfect as cinema can be. A
  9. Loved it. Part character study, part coming of age story, part romantic love story, but above all a meditation on life and how the small things can sometimes make the biggest impacts. Audrey Tautou is simply insanely cute in the lead role, and to say this is her film would be an understatement. It's the kind of movie any fan will love. This is what all films should strive for.......takes you to a magical place and makes you forget about the real world for a couple of hours. Basically, it's impossible to not love this. One of my favorites. A
  10. Ed Harken: A lot of you have been hearing the affiliates complaining about a lack of diversity on the news team. Champ Kind: What in the hell's diversity? Ron Burgundy: Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era. Ed Harken: Ron, I would be surprised if the affiliates were concerned about the lack of an old, old wooden ship, but nice try. Ed Harken: [on the phone] I have no idea where he would have gotten ahold of German pornography. But you and I are mature adults; we've both seen our share of pornographic materials. Oh, you never have? Of course you haven't, how stupid of me. Neither have I. I was just speaking in generalities. Right. I'll stop by the school a little later, Sister Margaret. Bye. Ed Harken: Apparently, my son was on something called "Acid," and was shooting a bow and arrow into a crowd. Ed Harken: [on the phone with his son] Put down the gun, and let the marching band go. We'll play it off as a prank. Just a few of my favorite quotes, taken from IMDB. This is easily the most quotable and consistently funny film since Dumb and Dumber, IMO. A
  11. Figured there would have to be some fans on here! It's absolutely a one of a kind show, the tonal shifts from scene to scene are something to behold.
  12. Anyone a fan? I'm about 7 epiosdes from the end, and shit is getting crazy. It's likely not my favorite show ever, but very little doubt that it's the most innovative different, and creative show I've seen. It's funny, sad, dramatic, silly, and at times, terrifying. Can't wait for the ending.
  13. I thought this was noteworthy, because what you have here is a character study with no character development. If that sounds like an oxymoron and the recipe for a bad film, you'd be correct. All you have here is basically a stranger who flies planes, drinks a lot, does coke occasionally, and has been through a divorce with a son. If anyone got anything else from this film or character, feel free to clue me in. Best I can say is it's a decent to passable by performance by Denzel (LOL @ BA nom), and the "enlightenment" at the end is more comical than dramatic. C+/C
  14. Perks of Being a Wallflower- B+/B Silver Linings Playbook- B+ Silver Linings by just a hair. The lame ending notwithstanding, I thought the issues in SLP were just a tad bit more engrained in reality and not as contrived. Still, both are good films.
  15. It's a mediocore film that is nearly saved by two stand-out performances.I'll get the negatives out of the way first.........I do agree that Mila Kunis was miscast. She is likely the type of actress that will never be effective in a villian type role, so I'm not really holding this against her. I'm somewhat surprised that nobody (besides Gopher) has mentioned just how bad James Franco was. This is the biggest problem with the film, as the whole story centers around you getting behind his character. Only thing is, I didn't really ever see a character to relate to or get behind. Terrible performance, IMO. There was way too much build-up prior to the climax. It simply meandered around for 30-45 minutes, and it felt like the product of an unfocused script.As for the good.....the climax was pretty good, and at least let you leave the theater on a high note. Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz were simply awesome, and easily the best part of the film. Without their acting, I likely would have hated this. Rachel Weisz in particular has some scene-stealing scenes, and hams it up in marvelous fashion.All in all.........it's not another Alice in Wonderland, but I'd say it's a distant cousin. B-/C+
  16. Yep, this is likely my favorite comedy in recent years. Simply hilarious.A
  17. I thought this started out somewhat decent, but was probably better suited as an SNL skit. I still liked it, but it kind of wears out its welcome halfway through the film. Prob a B-.
  18. 1. Beasts of the Southern Wild- A- 2. Django Unchained- A- 3. Skyfall- A- 4. Seven Psychopaths- A-5. The Grey- B+ 6. Silver Linings Playbook- B+ 7. Bernie- B+ 8. Argo- B+9. Looper- B+ 10. Zero Dark Thirty- B+ 11. Life of Pi- B+ 12. 21 Jump Street- B+13. Dredd- B+/B14. Wreck-It-Ralph- B+/B 15. Perks of Being a Wallflower- B+/B 16. Safety Not Guaranteed- B+/B17. Brave- B+/B18. Prometheus- B+/B19. The Cabin in the Woods- B+/B20. The Dark Knight Rises- B21. The Avengers- B22. Moonrise Kingdom- B23. The Master- B24. Killer Joe- B25. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- B26. The Deep Blue Sea- B27. Lincoln- B 28. Amour- B 29. Savages- B 30. End of Watch- B 31. Jeff, Who Lives at Home- B/B-32. The Raid: Redemption- B/B- 33. The Secret World of Arrietty- B/B- 34. Rampart- B/B-35. Ruby Sparks- B/B- 36. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World- B/B-37. God Bless America- B/B-38. Bourne Legacy- B/B-39. Ted- B-40. Chronicle- B- 41. Goon- B- 42. Pitch Perfect- B- 43. Haywire- B- 44. Wanderlust- B-/C+45. American Reunion- B-/C+ 46. V/H/S- B-/C+ 43. The Campaign- B-/C+47. The Amazing Spider-Man- B-/C+48. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel- B-/C+49. Hit and Run- C+50. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning- C+51. The Hunger Games- C+52. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen- C+53. John Carter- C+54. Men In Black 3- C+55. Lawless- C+/C56. The Five-Year Engagement- C+/C57. Excision- C+/C58. The Pact- C+/C59. Snow White and the Huntsman- C+/C60. Safe House- C+/C61. Contraband- C+/C62. Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted- C63. Premium Rush- C64. Sinister- C 65. Damsels in Distress- C 66. Casa de mi Padre- C 67. Pirates! Band of Misfits- C 68. The Dictator- C 69. Man on a Ledge- C 70. Red Tails- C 71. Mirror Mirror- C/C- 72. Trouble with the Curve- C/C- 73. The Woman in Black- C- 74. Cosmopolis- C- 75. The Raven- C-76. Silent House- C-77. Battleship- C-/D+ 78. This Means War- C-/D+ 79. Project X- D+80. The Lorax- D+81. Underworld: Awakening- D82. Act of Valor- D83. Lockout- D- 84. The Devil Inside- D-
  19. It's really pretty good, and it's refreshing to see a film about high school life treat its characters seriously. Ezra Miller, for all intents and purposes, steals the show.........thought he served as the foundation that pulled the movie together. My only complaint is that at times the drama comes off as a big heavy-handed and too serious for its own good. Still, one of the better recent teen films, for sure. B+/B
  20. It's a good film with a couple of great performances (LOL @ Lawrence winning BA) that is cemented with some powerful, epic scenes. It's refreshing that in dealing with subject matter such as this, the scenes flow smoothly and the emotions are realistic. Audience manipulation would have only hindered this, and taken away the power of some scenes. That being said........there was something missing in it for me. I watch a lot of foreign films, and there's so much good stuff out there. This is good, but I wouldn't say it's among the best or a masterpiece. JMO. B
  21. The Academy definitely has its questionable decisions, but statements like these remind me that while not always great........it could always be much, much worse. You either didn't watch one or both of those performances, or you need to stop analyzing film, IMO.
  22. LMAO @ anyone who thinks this measures up in any way to Battle Royale. The idea behind this happened a decade before The Hunger Games. Nothing like turning dark and unflinching material into another emo-teen hipster flick, IMO. It's an average film, but easily among the most overrated of 2012.
  23. It succeeds largely as a result of the chemistry of its leads, and its aurora of authenticity. I didn't have a problem with the last scene as I thought it reinforced their tight bond and relationship, but the previous 15 minutes were pretty bad......would have been more powerful and a better film had both died. The last scene would have flowed better in that instance as well. B
  24. Well, if you're going to have an early retirement, you may as well go out with a beast of a film. I've always found Soderbergh somewhat underwhelming, but this is simply a spectacular film. The camera angles and lighting are ideal for the Hitchcockian-style thriller at hand here, and Jude Law gives his best performance in years. I wouldn't be surprised if this remains my top film of 2013 at the end of the year. Masterful stuff. A
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