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WKND BO: #StarTrek $70.6M/$84.1M, IronMan3 $35.2M/$337.1M, Gatsby $23.4M/$90.2M

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RE: the ending and scene


In WoK, Spock’s definitive declaration of friendship, and his death, are the culmination of a decades’ long relationship between him and Kirk. They both know already that Spock has always been his friend, that their friendship has defined them, but for whatever reason it’s never been said out loud. Now, in his final moments, Spock wants to say it. He wants it on the record, so to speak. But he’s only stating the obvious.This time, in the altered timeline, these two guys haven’t got that history. What they’ve got is frustration and misunderstanding and cross purposes and, for Kirk, a heads up from Spock Prime that they’re supposed to be life long friends. So he doesn’t quite get that it’s just not happening, and Spock – who’s never had a friend, doesn’t know what to do with a friend, doesn’t know how to be a friend – he’s just doing what he knows how to do, what he’s been taught is the right thing to do, and is genuinely shocked when it keeps backfiring on him. There’s a part of him that wants the friendship, knows he needs the friendship, even feels the friendship, but he’s not capable of articulating that in any way.So Kirk’s death is a catalyst, it’s the light bulb going on, it’s the you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone moment, where finally he understands. It doesn’t matter that we, the audience, know that the death won’t stick. Spock and Kirk have no reason to think it won’t. So that is a real moment for them, and it’s hugely powerful, I think. Spock’s death in WoK is the coda to their shared lives … but Kirk’s death in ID is the defining moment that propels them into that legendary friendship.


For Spock’s sake, Kirk wants him to understand that he put his career on the line to save him because he matters, because some things are more important than the rules. But for his own sake too he needs Spock to understand that, or what was the point? And the fact that Spock does get it, and says so, that’s his reward. That’s him knowing he didn’t do what he did for nothing. That Spock Prime was right.So it’s not about being unoriginal, it’s not about disrespecting the source material, it’s about reinterpreting, reimagining, taking a pivotal moment in history and bending it around the fact that nothing in this timeline will be precisely as it was in the original.Which would be the whole point.

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Considering Trek has twice as many showings as either Gatsby or IM3, I don't think one or two sell outs mean very much.


I mean, what are the capacities in each room?  I could be wrong, but I would think newer releases occupied bigger rooms.

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The West Coast are so weird these days.


My only guess is that people are saving their money for Fast 6. Illegal street racing is big out here, especially where I live. If we don't see many sell outs for that one something is wrong here, lol.

Edited by ECSTASY
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Here comes IRON MAN lll again doing well on a Saturday. I wonder if this could make more than EPIC next weekend. lol


I saw the Epic trailer in front of Gatsby Thursday. I have no clue what the story is about but the 3D looked damned good.

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Alfred would love that.

I wonder where he is? My guess is he's probably recharging, ready to hitch onto the FF6 ride to beat IM3  :lol:

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You totally didn't get the first movie did you. They became friends during the end of that movie.



lol, try harder,

if you think Spock would let emotion show for one millisecond for this Kirk you're crazy.


The old Kirk and Spock truly knew each other and were true friends for DECADES.


To try to pretend that the new Kirk and Spock are even 1/10th as close would be ludicrous.


That's lazy, lazy, lazy moviemaking. 

Edited by kitik
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My only guess is that people are saving their money for Fast 6. Illegal street racing is big out here, especially where I live. If we don't see many sell outs for that one something is wrong here, lol.

Here in my town, we have a "gang" of people who lean on their suped up cars in the Taco Bell parking lot and look cool hahah. Theyre the burnouts and TB is on a hill so they just stand in the parking lot by the avenue and I always think of FF haha. Thats one thing every burnout here has - a suped up car. How they paid for it, IDK. Edited by jandrew
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But just imagine what Kirk did for the crew. He was the only one willing to do what he did.


Or maybe it's bromance. lol


and that's really great what Kirk did, some nice character development for him, but Spock would NOT HAVE CARED, or at least not showed it outwardly. As you'll recall, earlier in the movie Kirk and McCoy both agreed that Spock would have let Kirk die in the volcano!!!!!! Just think about this folks. His reaction at the end does not fit! It simply does not. There's no defending it.

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