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Phil in the Blank

Star Trek Tv Appreciation thread

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Anyone else a trek fan here? I must admit to having watched every single live episode....I have yet to dress up as a Trek character yet so I still have some possible chance of 'coolness'My shows from fav to least fav1.Deep Space 92. Next Generation3. Original Series4. Voyager5. EnterpriseAll series are very watchable although Voyager was a huge disapointment and Enterprise was just....weakish.

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Riker is like a tree -- he gets thicker every season. :lol:

I always have to put the Original Series first on my list, despite the fact it's pretty cheesy overall: it's what made me get into Trek in the first place (of course, back then there was only the OS and the short animated series). Next is TNG (but those first 2 seasons were horrible), and then I guess DS9, although I drifted away from it after a couple of seasons and got interested in Babylon 5 instead.

I've only seen some Voyager episodes, and a couple Enterprise ones, and they were all terrible.

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Riker is like a tree -- he gets thicker every season. :lol:

I always have to put the Original Series first on my list, despite the fact it's pretty cheesy overall: it's what made me get into Trek in the first place (of course, back then there was only the OS and the short animated series). Next is TNG (but those first 2 seasons were horrible), and then I guess DS9, although I drifted away from it after a couple of seasons and got interested in Babylon 5 instead.

I've only seen some Voyager episodes, and a couple Enterprise ones, and they were all terrible.

DS9 really hits its straps from about season 4 onwards, but Babaloyn 5 is a fine series in its own right.
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Fuck, I love Klingons and Kardashians. Bloody hate Major Kira and her gigantic ass and B`Elana Tores the whiniest bitch ever. What kind of half-Klingon is that piece of snively shit? Anyway, Seven of Nine FTW.

Hmm, fishnets in a room with Kira, B'Elana, and Miranda Otto. What happens? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Anyone else a trek fan here? I must admit to having watched every single live episode....I have yet to dress up as a Trek character yet so I still have some possible chance of 'coolness'

My shows from fav to least fav

1.Deep Space 9

2. Next Generation

3. Original Series

4. Voyager

5. Enterprise

All series are very watchable although Voyager was a huge disapointment and Enterprise was just....weakish.

TREK FAN HERE! i spent years perfecting my vulcan hand salute "live long and prosper" B)

my favs in same order

1 next generation 2 enterprise 3 original 4 voyager 5 deep space nine

some explanation needed here, TNG and ENTERPRISE are the only two series i have completely seen from start to finish and actually have on dvd and like watching reruns if i happen on one while flipping channels!

i like star trek what little i've seen because of how kinky the 60's set up look and the way they filmed ,it looks fun if i ever get around to it this is the next one i'd watch entirely(the actors were all babes esp william shatner :wub: )

I am not a big fan of VOYAGER but i have watched a few episodes here or there stretched together and even though i dislike captain jane i liked that she was a woman in a position of authority!

Now as much as i have tried and tried i do not care at all for DS9 the couple episodes i don't think i've seen one episode in its entirety! -_-

i also have the boxset of all the films 1-10 & 11 in its double disc case!!!!!! my fav with original cast is voyage home ST4 and with TNG first contact i guess i like seeing the link between where star fleet started and how far they've reached as a society and idea!

and yeah a dream of mine is to go to a convention and maybe even dress up knowing i wouldnt feel weirded out by it but as a one time experience i'd never go all trekki either, i'm relatively sane of mind!

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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I've seen almost every hour of Star Trek.I was not a consistent viewer of Voyager in the latter years so for season 5-7 I still have roughly a combined 20 or so episodes from those seasons to watch. I'm guessing but I know I missed stretches due to getting out of college, first major job and I had lost some excitement for the show. I just don't know for sure which episodes they are. One day I'm going to buy the whole series and re-watch it from Start to End.I own TOS, TNG and DS9 as well as ST:TAS

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I finally got around watching the final season of Enterprise, and now I have a much more complete vision of the show.


I have very mixed feelings, to be honest. I guess I would describe it as a pile of wasted potential. In my opinion, the two biggest mistakes of the creators were not making an actual prequel of the franchise, and instead go for new, bland, uninteresting stories, and not renewing the narrative style of the direction. Enterprise doesn't look like it's a show from the 2000s. It still had the pace and the long, wide shots of the 90s shows. Voyager got away with it, but that style was too old fashioned when they got to make the fourth consecutive ST show. It's so painful to watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica and then one of Enterprise.


So, when we finally get to a pack of episodes that do work as a prequel, we still have the issue that the show is just plain boring. They have good stories, but the narrative makes it all look too rigid and artificial. Add to that the terrible work they made with the characters, barely developing anyone outside of Archer, T'Pol or Shran. Phlox is saved because he was interesting from the very beginning, but the rest...are beyond vanilla. Even though Trip had a lot of screentime, I could barely tell if I like him.


Which takes me to the biggest surprise of the fourth season and perhaps, the whole show: In a Mirror, Darkly! I waited to watch it after the finale, because I thought that if I was barely interested in the regular episodes, 80 minutes of characters that I didn't know would be even worse. But how wrong I was! The pace is faster and the characters finally show some emotions. That treacherous Hoshi! That T'Pol working towards the rights of her people! And my god, that Archer haunted by the achievements of his own version in the other universe! Amazing character work there.


Not only was very engaging narratively, it also worked really well with the references to TOS, using them in a way that they made all sense as a standalone piece of work, not just as a "tribute" episode.


Back to the normal episodes, I guess I enjoyed the Klingon and Terra Prime arcs the most. Demons-Terra Prime had the right storyline to close up the show. Just add a more emotional final scene and you would have got a decent finale.


As for the real finale, 'These Are The Voyages...' I enjoyed it, but it doesn't mean it's not a big mess. I understand now why everyone said it felt more like a TNG episode, because it's right. If you take the Riker storyline out it would look like the dumbest choice of a story to finish the show.

And everybody was right,

Trip's death

just doesn't make any sense. Was it any other episode, they would have resolved the situation without any personal harm. The stakes weren't high enough.


And it's nice that they end with a big homage to a crew that was very influential to the origin of the mythology of the show...but we just didn't get to see many of those events. They wasted three seasons with irrelevant stories and now they want to make us feel emotional about their "career".



Still, would I have wanted a fifth season? After watching S4 I doubt it. They still could have had good stories, but they couldn't have eluded the fact that the characters were very weak, and the narrative was simply outdated. And it's a shame, because a prequel show sounds like an AMAZING idea. This is not something that you could fix with an additional TV movie, like fans wanted. The base of the whole show is just too weak.

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