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You're Next (2013)


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In a film filled with self-referential humor, I particularly enjoyed Joe "Mumblecore" Swanberg declaring that commercials are the pinnacle of art. I was the only one who laughed out loud there. 


But yeah, this is a terrific slasher movie, and when the twists begin to unravel it becomes the most fun horror flick I've seen since Cabin in the Woods. 

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I'll also say that this is easily the scariest movie to get the horror-comedy lable, too. Most are just comedies in a horror setting, or at the very least sacrifice any scares in favor of general entertainment and laughs. This legitimately had both scares and laughs without either undercutting the other.

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I've had about 45 minutes to think about this film and the more it settles in the more I think this might be one of the best horror films I've ever seen.  This is what The Purge, Strangers and every other home invasion type film should have been like.  The thing about horror is that it's pretty much all be done now.  There are only so many boogie men stories to tell, only so many paranormal stories to tell and only so many slasher stories to tell. It's how you tell them and how you direct them that matters now.  And this film was told and directed brilliantly.  


Directed by Adam Wingard, who's most well known films are the V/H/S films, he knocks it out of the park here.  He kind of borrow some tricks from other horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street and Home Alone (kidding) but he has a style, that stands out.  He uses a lot of tight shots so that you can't see what's behind the person and then he uses a lot of Halloween style techniques where the killer is seen in the background or is blurred but obviously there.  This is incredibly effective in this film and it keeps the tension at a high level all throughout.  


And now we come to my favourite part of the film and that is that writer Simon Barrett has probably watched just as many horror movies as I have because he has made sure that his heroine, Erin, has also watched a lot of horror films.  When she kills someone, they don't get back up.  There will not be a Fatal Attraction kind of scene where Glenn Close pops up with a knife after she should be dead.  No no no.  When Erin kills, you are dead. She is vicious.  She makes sure that her victims are smashed and stabbed and bludgeoned about 856 times each.  They will not be getting back up.  This is one of the most brilliant parts of the film.  


I won't ruin much more but just know that if this wasn't perhaps 5 minutes too long, it would have gotten a 10/10.



Edited by baumer
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It's a shame this didn't do better at the box office this weekend. Like I said after I saw it at a screening a few weeks ago, it was some of the most fun I've had at the movies all year. Like baumer noticed, the film makers love horror and there are so many call backs here.


I don't think general audiences got it or that a lot of it was supposed to be funny because I saw a lot of tweets calling the film stupid and a waste of time.


Edit: Case in point, this persons review on IMDB - "I went to this movie expecting a decent scary movie due to the IMDb 7.1 rating it had. Words cannot describe how bad this movie was. For starters the actors failed in the attempt to actually make you feel scared for them or for upcoming events (You weren't supposed to. They were just supposed to be an average rich bickering family which is what they came across as.). One female actors failed so hard at acting scared that I busted out laughing during the movie in the theater that my girlfriend tried to tell me to stop (Yeah..this part you were kind of supposed to laugh at. That was the whole point.). I must say I gave it a 3 because of the motive behind the killings and because it did jump scare me twice. Overall the "twist" in the movie really wasn't a twist for me because I called it in the first 15 minutes of the movie starting.Conclusion: Poorly written (Really?), failed to my expectations, bad actors (sigh..). If that isn't enough to get my point across to you on how bad this movie really is, I'll tell you that I made this account in order to review and try to stop people from making the same mistake I did of spending my money on it."



Then again a lot of people had similar reactions to Cabin In The Woods, which I completely disagree with. That was one of my favorite movies of 2012. Oh well, I fucking loved You're Next and hope to see Sharni Vinson more. She definitely proved herself here, and I can't wait to watch this again.



Edited by somebody85
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If you're not laughing your butt off when the family gives Amy Seimetz (who was excellent in this year's Upstream Color) a "running start" out the door because the killers won't be expecting any of them to escape full speed, and then you watch what happens, you're not on board with what the movie's trying to do: squeeze every drop of wit out of brutal horror. For some reason people can't accept humor in their slasher movies (writing it off as bad scripts and bad acting) and as a result we get tons of dry, unoriginal found footage garbage every year. 

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If you're not laughing your butt off when the family gives Amy Seimetz (who was excellent in this year's Upstream Color) a "running start" out the door because the killers won't be expecting any of them to escape full speed, and then you watch what happens, you're not on board with what the movie's trying to do: squeeze every drop of wit out of brutal horror. For some reason people can't accept humor in their slasher movies (writing it off as bad scripts and bad acting) and as a result we get tons of dry, unoriginal found footage garbage every year.

me and my friend laughed our butts off at that scene and most of the deaths
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If you're not laughing your butt off when the family gives Amy Seimetz (who was excellent in this year's Upstream Color) a "running start" out the door because the killers won't be expecting any of them to escape full speed, and then you watch what happens, you're not on board with what the movie's trying to do: squeeze every drop of wit out of brutal horror. For some reason people can't accept humor in their slasher movies (writing it off as bad scripts and bad acting) and as a result we get tons of dry, unoriginal found footage garbage every year. 


That's the amazing thing people don't get that, that scene was supposed to be funny. The slo mo and music should have sold that to your average person. Not to mention Drake is still arguing with his brother over who can run faster while he has an arrow lodged in his back. I guess general audiences found it stupid when it obviously shouldn't have been taken seriously.


The only deaths that really weren't supposed to be funny were the opening couple, the fathers and the sister who went over to the neighbors. And even then, there were plenty of nods at other horror movies and cliches during them.

Edited by somebody85
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