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Jack Nevada

Festival de Cannes 2014

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THR is also super enthusiastic!





From the beginning, you can’t take your eyes off of Carell; as if by some secret alchemy, the actor makes you believe that his character is an entirely uncharismatic man while delivering a completely charismatic performance. The combination of his thin, reedy voice with frequent heavy silences and odd vocal pacing is thoroughly unnerving. He is so socially maladroit that no one would tolerate him but for his wealth and status, although his speech habits command attention by virtue of their simple weirdness.  



I really hope Carrell can win here!!!

Edited by Tauriel
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The Dardennes are predictably getting raves. They would be have the palms in the bag if this wouldn't be their third. No one has ever won one. (And frankly, I thought Haneke would get his third before the Dardennea would)

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The Search is getting a bad reception, it looks like. I expect Godard to be divisive today as well. 


Not sure that there's really much most everyone likes this year beyond Two Days, One Night and Winter Sleep so far. 

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Dolan's getting raves :wub:As for the search, I heard that Haz rushed the cut to get it ready for Cannes and I've heard that it has a good film underneath it. A new cut will probably be better.

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Dolan's getting raves :wub:As for the search, I heard that Haz rushed the cut to get it ready for Cannes and I've heard that it has a good film underneath it. A new cut will probably be better.


Dolan winning the Palme will be something else. I don't think it will happen even though the reviews are good.

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Literally nothing about The Search sounds appealing or good to me, there are few kinds of films that make me want to throw up more than overwrought Important Dramas. So I don't know how much it could possibly be improved. It appears that Hazanavicius took entirely the wrong message from The Artist's success, which is unfortunate. 

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Dolan winning the Palme will be something else. I don't think it will happen even though the reviews are good.

It certainly puts him into contention with the Dardennes and Ceylan. He'll definitely win something and I hazard that it'll be a bigger prize like Prix de Jury or the Palme as corollary seems more likely for the actress prize. He'll have his stans on the committee. In the end I think the jury will be pretty evenly split and whoever Campion wants will be who gets it in the end IMO. Just let me hope until Saturday. But if he wins this will be unprecedented. :D
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Literally nothing about The Search sounds appealing or good to me, there are few kinds of films that make me want to throw up more than overwrought Important Dramas. So I don't know how much it could possibly be improved. It appears that Hazanavicius took entirely the wrong message from The Artist's success, which is unfortunate. 


Artist is not a great movie. He makes comedies and this one comedy hit a nerve with old farts at the AMPAS who gave him an Oscar. He is a victim of undeserved success.

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Palme is definitely a hard call this year. This definitely hasn't been like previous years where films like Blue or Amour were obviously gonna hit it big. 


And we still have Sil Maria by Assayas to add to the mess tomorrow. 

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c'mon homie! I have faith in u Andrey! (& part of it was filmed in a town near me so :P )


found some tweets :wub:  (lol what controversy this man is talking about tho. Everyone here faced corruption in some way or another :lol:  whats to fight about)


johnnyor ‏@johnnyor 

Zvyagintsev's film @leviathan is AMAZING! If it wins the Palme d'or it will kick off a storm of controversy in Russia.

Leviathan is a devastating symphony on the limitless abuse of power of local kingpins in current Russia backed by a superb ensemble cast.

Dans mon palmarès il y aurait dans le désordre : Timbuktu, Winter Sleep, YSL, Le Dardenne, Léviathan, #Mommy .



It was bought for the UK btw

Cannes: Curzon takes Competition title Leviathan for UK


& lol concidence is that's the word of the day on dictionary.com :)


Edited by Tauriel
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