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grey ghost

Actors Hollywood tried to force on the public

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Carey Mulligan is in a lot of movies, but I wouldn't say she's being "forced on the public." How many of those movies are even marketed around her? She winds up in a decent amount of movies, but isn't exactly someone being groomed for superstardom. 

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That's a completely different discussion. Miscasting happens all the time in Hollywood and there is nothing nefarious about it most of the time. Like I said earlier, Drive was an independent production and movies like this need name actors. Maybe they couldn't find a Latina who fit the requirements imposed by the Investors. I agree about The Great Gatsby but Mulligan was hardly the most miscast actor in the movie with Tobey McGuire getting the role as the protagonist that he should never have. My point is that Mulligan isn't doing anything that other actresses aren't doing and she is doing it while mostly staying out of the studio system.


That's your problem. You don't really accept that in "Holy Indie movie land" in which we don't care about fame, money but only the purity of "AAAART" (*cough*), there are studios that are looking for "bankable" (or sensations, flavors of the week) actors/actresses just as much as majors and built hype around them for festivals circuits, Sundance, Cannes, Berlin, Venice and so on and glamour magazines. That's not a niche. There is a worldwide market for that and as a movie buff, I sense a Carey Mulligan hype in that circuit being built around her as Next Big Thing/Muse/IT Girl. She was miscast as Daisy because Luhrmann fell for the trend of casting Mulligan in "prestige" movies that make critics and cinephiles squirm. Scarlett Johannson used to be that gal until she decided to star in MCU.


Can you dig it?


"Maybe they couldn't find a latina..."



You gotta love the backpedalling ankward excuse. There are plenty of competent latin american actresses out there and it's a shame there is not more representation because the british flavor of the moment takes on a latin american role that is not written for her out of favouritism. No, she was forced cast into a role she was not supposed to play. Plain and simple. I see you're enamoured with Mulligan and all but stop getting around the fact that the role was changed to suit her especially afterwards.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Who is arguing otherwise ? The reason they sign these actors/actresses is because they are good investments. You have it backwards. You seem to think they are shoving them down your throat while the producers hire these stars because they think these stars will make their product more marketable and profitable.

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Who is arguing otherwise ? The reason they sign these actors/actresses is because they are good investments. You have it backwards. You seem to think they are shoving them down your throat while the producers hire these stars because they think these stars will make their product more marketable and profitable.


But that's what I've been arguing. Those producers keep on hiring Mulligan in a lot of movies (mostly awards baiting and festival darlings) as a marketing ploy and as a matter of fact, I feel a fatigue because that producers line of thinking can result in my feeling of someone being shoved down my throat . That's the direct product of that thinking I'm pointing at and criticizing about actors/actresses. In that case, Carey Mulligan.


Isn't that what we're discussing in this thread?


It doesn't matter to you because you obviously like Mulligan and the movies she starred into so that's all natural. She get roles after roles steadily because everyone swoons over her acting talent only. Okay, that's your POV.


But, on the other side, there are people like me that see the producers line of thinking more than anything because I/we think Mulligan is not all that, she get roles that are not suited for her and get tailored to her just because producers and directors think it could be good to cash on the Carey Mulligan's trend going on right now so we experience some kind of overfeeding hype machine.


It's like Michael Cera popping in every coming-of-age Indie flick with Pitchfork approved OST. There can be a trend of casting certain actors that can become annoying.

Edited by dashrendar44
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That's your problem. You don't really accept that in "Holy Indie movie land" in which we don't care about fame, money but only the purity of "AAAART" (*cough*), there are studios that are looking for "bankable" (or sensations, flavors of the week) actors/actresses just as much as majors and built hype around them for festivals circuits, Sundance, Cannes, Berlin, Venice and so on and glamour magazines. That's not a niche. There is a worldwide market for that and as a movie buff, I sense a Carey Mulligan hype in that circuit being built around her as Next Big Thing/Muse/IT Girl. She was miscast as Daisy because Luhrmann fell for the trend of casting Mulligan in "prestige" movies that make critics and cinephiles squirm. Scarlett Johannson used to be that gal until she decided to star in MCU.


Can you dig it?



You gotta love the backpedalling ankward excuse. There are plenty of competent latin american actresses out there and it's a shame there is not more representation because the british flavor of the moment takes on a latin american role that is not written for her out of favouritism. No, she was forced cast into a role she was not supposed to play. Plain and simple. I see you're enamoured with Mulligan and all but stop getting around the fact that the role was changed to suit her especially afterwards.

Eva Mandez or Rosario Dawson would have been leagues better in Drive than that twit Mulligan.

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But that's what I've been arguing. Those producers keep on hiring Mulligan in a lot of movies (mostly awards baiting and festival darlings) as a marketing ploy and as a matter of fact, I feel a fatigue because that producers line of thinking can result in my feeling of someone being shoved down my throat . That's the direct product of that thinking I'm pointing at and criticizing about actors/actresses. In that case, Carey Mulligan.


Isn't that what we're discussing in this thread?


It doesn't matter to you because you obviously like Mulligan and the movies she starred into so that's all natural. She get roles after roles steadily because everyone swoons over her acting talent only. Okay, that's your POV.


But, on the other side, there are people like me that see the producers line of thinking more than anything because I/we think Mulligan is not all that, she get roles that are not suited for her and get tailored to her just because producers and directors think it could be good to cash on the Carey Mulligan's trend going on right now so we experience some kind of overfeeding hype machine.


It's like Michael Cera popping in every coming-of-age Indie flick with Pitchfork approved OST. There can be a trend of casting certain actors that can become annoying.

This is true, especially when it comes to non white people. The producers can never seem to think outside the box when it comes to casting Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs etc. When a casting call goes to a certain race/age, you can pretty much guarantee that the producers are going to go with the hottest top 5 on their finger tips. Like right now, if the casting call is for a young black woman in an action role, it's going to be either Zoe Saldana, Paula Patton, Kerry Washington or Halle Barry that will be picked, no need for auditions here.

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You act like indie movies don't have ads budget, that they don't have stars they try to shove, Sundance hype and all. It's not because she didn't headline dumb blockbusters that she is not shove in people's throat and a non-factor. 7-8 movies in 4 years is a lot.


When I see her on countless fashion magazines covers like those, I can safely say she's been touted as a new Audrey Hepburn down our throats and that she set trends (according to those magazines).


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All I'm going to say, is thank God for Jennifer Lawrence. The movie going audience knows who to go for. Lets stick miss Mulligan in the lead of a major movie, lets see how bankable she is then. Say, the next Star Wars.

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Mulligan is completely different because she is not doing studio movies and secondly she proved herself with her Oscar nomination before she started getting roles. Indie producers and filmmakers are not in business of making stars as they can barely get movies made on their own. Lead acting roles usually go to actors who are either very good or who can help with securing financing/distribution. This is a completely different movie production model compared to the studio model. 

Oscars don't mean fucking shit! If they did, then Shakespeare in Love would have never, ever have been in any way considered a better movie than Saving Private Ryan. The oscars are nothing more than a political show now, that's it.

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Nope.  They cast her because they see something in her that would be good for the character that they are looking for.


I think you've crossed over into fishnets territory with your hate for her.  Your logic is negligible.  

Or, she black mailed them somehow, because when she's on screen, she SUCKS! She sucks the life out of whatever clip she is in. Drive would have been a good movie if it wasn't for her. She never should have been in that movie. Oh well, pretty soon, someone else will come up and be the new independent/critically acclaimed darling and leaver he mopey ass in the dust!


I'd like to see The Great Gatsby, but after suffering through Drive, Shame, and Wallstreet because of her, the movie would have to be directed by Michael Bay or Steven Spielberg for me to go see something with her in it again. Only movie that I can recollect her being in that I don't remember would be Public Enemies, but then, when you have Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in the same movie, it's not unusual for a uncharismatic actress like Mullgan to go by completely un-noticed. ;)

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Oh, I know someone else that is getting shoved down our throats, and he's not even an actor. Adam Levine. This motherfucker is everywhere, and he even got Sexiest Man Alive. Like, ewe! Sexier than Chris Hemsworth, Henry Cavill, Robert Downey Jr or Leonardo DiCaprio? Like, no!

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Oh, I know someone else that is getting shoved down our throats, and he's not even an actor. Adam Levine. This motherfucker is everywhere, and he even got Sexiest Man Alive. Like, ewe! Sexier than Chris Hemsworth, Henry Cavill, Robert Downey Jr or Leonardo DiCaprio? Like, no!

:unsure: Edited by Jessie
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If I had to think of the actors and actresses who are forced on the public, Carey Mulligan would be way, way down the list. She's a low key actress and celebrity who has struck lucky with a couple of big roles but doesn't promote herself in the hideous way some others with far less talent do. She'll never be a superstar and doesn't seem to hanker for that kind of fame. Nor have i ever felt that those behind her films have tried to shove her down the public's throat. She makes a film, does some promo for it and goes away. She doesn't register on most people's radar a lot of the time.By contrast Hollywood has tried to force Hathaway on an indifferent public as: a great beauty, sex symbol, amazing actress and multi talented entertainer. The public hasn't bought her as any of these things. She's more usually found on more 'most irritating person' lists than anything else.I'm not saying she isn't a decent actress or doesn't have talent but she's been forced on us as something more than she is and the public hasn't fallen for it.

Edited by All about Eve
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Colin Farrell..he was great in Horrible Bosses but he shouldn't be carrying films on his shoulders. Has had enough opportunities. Good or bad, he is not a bo draw. Seems to be getting too many shots at a lead role in an otherwise tough and competitive industry.

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Colin Farrell..he was great in Horrible Bosses but he shouldn't be carrying films on his shoulders. Has had enough opportunities. Good or bad, he is not a bo draw. Seems to be getting too many shots at a lead role in an otherwise tough and competitive industry.

It's because he's good looking and very talented but sometimes that's just not enough.
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Star Wars will make money regardless of who they cast in the movie so you can argue that an actor cast in that movie may be shoved down your throat but why single out Carey Mulligan in a movie like Drive ? The movie was distributed by FilmDistrict and if not for the Cannes hype they may not have even given it a wide release. There was nothing guaranteed with that movie. Refn was going for minimal, internal performances from his lead actors and flamboyant turns from the supporting cast which he got from everyone including Carey Mulligan. I think there is a misconception among people that only over the top acting performances can be considered good acting which is completely ridiculous. There are plenty of good actors, mulligan included, who deliver nuanced minimal performances.

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