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BO.com 100 Greatest Directors PRESENTATION

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I like 'em both! But I wouldn't call either "great".


I really related to Unbreakable.  I really thought the slow burn of the film helped establish the feel of the film and the tone of what he was going for.  I know not everyone sees it that way, as the diminished box office indicates.  But that film really blew me away.



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Hey tele, 


Do you want to do a couple write ups tonight for the top 100 lines?  There are some lines coming up that I think would benefit from your knowledge of the era and film.  It's getting hard for me to write up nice things for lines I'm not familiar with.  :)

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Hey tele, 


Do you want to do a couple write ups tonight for the top 100 lines?  There are some lines coming up that I think would benefit from your knowledge of the era and film.  It's getting hard for me to write up nice things for lines I'm not familiar with.   :)


Uh.... sure. What #s do you want me to do?

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You don't have to.  It's time consuming and if you have better things to do, no big deal.


But if you can, start at number 59, and then make your way to number 50.  Whatever of those you feel like doing, I'm sure you can do a much better job than I can.  The only one I might be better than you at is number 58 (as per our conversation here right now.  :rofl: )

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The discussion about M. Night dovetails into something I've been wondering about. Does a bad film count against a director? Is greatness a question of how good they got at a peak (when a movie worked) or is some of that canceled out with a misstep?


I voted for peak. If there were some truly great films in there, then I put the director on the list. Even with directors who I felt made a truly horrendous film (like Oliver Stone), I still voted for them if they had a great peak.

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Based on what it's looking like, some of the higher-profile snubs IMO:Luis Buñuel, Henri-Georges Clouzot, Vittorio De Sica, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Wong Kar Wai, Buster Keaton, Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, Satyajit Ray, Jean Renoir, Preston Sturges, Isao Takahata and Luchino Visconti (just missed).


Most surprised by Kar Wai and De Sica not making it among that list.


I did vote for Clouzot and Takahata, but didn't expect them to make the list.

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You do realize the demographic of people voting here probably have never heard of most of those directors.  I haven't hear of half of them and I'm 42.


Doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of GREAT films from each of the listed directors.  Google, Wikipedia and Netflix are your friends.  :)


On a more serious note, whether someone agrees with those choices or not as being "snubs", wouldn't hurt to at least be familiar with the careers of each of the directors I listed.  Maybe at least some of them will strike some interest with some members, and if so, then it made making the post worth it to me.


That is all.

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The discussion about M. Night dovetails into something I've been wondering about. Does a bad film count against a director? Is greatness a question of how good they got at a peak (when a movie worked) or is some of that canceled out with a misstep?


One misstep doesn't mean much, but take P. Jackson for example... The LoTR trilogy was amazing, then you have King Kong.......... then you have The Lovely Bones........ then you have The Hobbit.

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