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RoboCop (2014)  

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Abbie Cornish is BEAutiful! Best part of the movie and baumer here boobs  :rolleyes:


But on a serious note, this movie pretty much terrible. Its maybe the cheapest looking 100m movie I've ever seen. The lead actor is also the dullest person ever. I didn't like his character before the car bomb ether. The only good actor in this movie is Oldman, Keaton has his moments but the script and dialogue let him down. 


We also spend to much time on side stuff like the suicide bombers backstory right before the attack, itwas completely unnecessary. This movie also has no structure and no clear villain. With that said there were a couple moments I enjoyed like when Robocop is on his motorcycle its pretty bad ass half the time. 


C (73)

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Abbie Cornish is BEAutiful! Best part of the movie and baumer here boobs :rolleyes:. But on a serious note, this movie pretty much terrible. Its maybe the cheapest looking 100m movie I've ever seen. The lead actor is also the dullest person ever. I didn't like his character before the car bomb ether. The only good actor in this movie is Oldman, Keaton has his moments but the script and dialogue let him down. We also spend to much time on side stuff like the suicide bombers backstory right before the attack, itwas completely unnecessary. This movie also has no structure and no clear villain. With that said there were a couple moments I enjoyed like when Robocop is on his motorcycle its pretty bad ass half the time. C (73)

Come on SLJ was great hamming it up wish he was in more than 3 scenes
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I thought it was OK but most of this film felt like a desperate wannabe franchise with the end set-up, just developing Robocop and blah blah blah. Also the villains continuously changing led to a struggle in the plot though the action scenes were good. Oldman and SLJ stole the show. SLJ last scene was the best part of the movie

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I was shocked on how entertained I was during the entire thing. Seriously. The action was great, the suit was cool. The acting was terrific from Abbie Cornish (those damn tities), Gary Oldman and Michael Keaton (these 2 are pure awesomeness, even in shit they can shine, but this was no shit). The rest was also good, including Joel Kinnaman. SLJ was hilarious. I am not gonna lie, I think it was one of the best blockbusters of the last few months.



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Jackie Earle Haley, Michael Keaton and Jay Baruchel (Jay, in particular, unlikable as ever) were extremely awful, total caricatures of real people. There is only one decent action sequence, but unfortunately that sequence only lasts 5 minutes or so. Stupid script, mediocre score, and fucking SHAKY CAM all over the movie. I won't even bother with the third act, which was a train wreck. Long story short = A total bore.

D+ (35)

Note 1: "What does that machines feel?" debate was beyond stupid, really now, people can't be that retarded.Note 2: Samuel L. Jackson lines were cringeworthy, could they be any more unsubtle?

Note 3: I liked Total Recall remake

Edited by Goffe Rises
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Abbie Cornish is BEAutiful! Best part of the movie and baumer here boobs :rolleyes:. But on a serious note, this movie pretty much terrible. Its maybe the cheapest looking 100m movie I've ever seen. The lead actor is also the dullest person ever. I didn't like his character before the car bomb ether. The only good actor in this movie is Oldman, Keaton has his moments but the script and dialogue let him down. We also spend to much time on side stuff like the suicide bombers backstory right before the attack, itwas completely unnecessary. This movie also has no structure and no clear villain. With that said there were a couple moments I enjoyed like when Robocop is on his motorcycle its pretty bad ass half the time. C (73)

agree 110% :)
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Decent film that I think took itself too seriously, which it then being PG13 didn't help.  


It was entertaining enough and I used some Fandango bucks on it so it was free, but it doesn't need to be seen again.



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I was surprised after watching this. It was pretty decent. Could have been so much more though but the action scenes just weren't very good. I just found them pretty boring. With better action and some graphic display of violence this could have been one of those great remakes. 



Edited by Omario
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This movie is solid popcorn entertainment. It has its problems, mainly casting the blandest guy this side of Sam Worthington as a lead but the movie flows nicely, most performances are fine and the action looks sleek. I liked some of the homages to the original like "I wouldn't buy that for a dollar" and I feel that they more or less managed to capture the tone and message of the original.




Not a perfect movie by any means but still a pretty damn fun one. Oh, SLJ was motherfucking awesome :D

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Horrible. An unnecessary and pointless remake . The leading actor is nowhere near as good as Peter weller, though he was great in the killing. The rest is a ultra dumped down version of the original . Gone are the insane 3 bad guys that were amazing. Here we have generic and harmless villains. Gone is the evilness of Ronny cox' s character, here Michael Keaton comes off almost sympathetic. Gone are all the amazing moments in the first movie, just comparing how he first wakes up in the remake with the original. Gone is the evil, dreadful atmosphere of the first movie that made you believe why machines on the street are a bad thing. Gone is the personal drama. Of the character, Murphy returning to his now empty house and remembering all the good times with his family was 100000000 more powerful than anything in this pos reboot . Here he has his family and everything is fine .Of course gone is everything that has to do with edginess of the first movie , the gore , violence e.tc. Oh and let's not forget the fantastic character of Nancy Allen that is replaced by a generic buddy cop straight out of a mediocre tv show .Oh and let's not forget that the first one has a spectacular soundtrack by basil polydouris that we hear a bit only at the beginning of the remake. Hell compare the last scene , in the original "what's your name " , "Murphy" ......end credits with the fantastic main theme. Here...I don't even.....remember the ending...credits with a shitty rock song .

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The ultimate shoulder shrug movie where I can't say it was bad but it wasn't great either. The cast was good but nobody stood out, save for Jackson who was playing his usual loud persona. The production design was well done and I actually didn't mind the suit or the changes made, at least the writers didn't do a scene for scene remake and added their own little twist, particularly with his family. While Joel Kinneman was decent, he has nothing on Peter Weller who still is RoboCop.


In the end, it's a harmless and entertaining flick that, like Total Recall (which I kind of liked), won't be remembered in 5-10 years.


***¼/*****, (B-, 6.6/10, 2.5/4)

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