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Weekend #s April 4-6 (Cap2: 96.2, Noah 17, Divergent 13)

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The Bucky one is sort of the centerpiece of his story so that one's fine. Although Bucky definitely could've been handled better in general in TFA. Nick Fury does it all the time and is a huge douchebag so that one's fine, and I thought the Loki twist was cool. And as far as I'm concerned Coulson is still dead



Actually it's really common in these movies in general, if you think about it. A friend of mine pointed out that it happens in each Nolan Bat movie - Ra's in Begins, Gordon in TDK, Batman himself in TDKR :rofl:


Soon X-Men will join these ranks. We all think Cyclops is dead, but James Marsden is actually a bamf in DOFP.


I can dream. :mellow:

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The Bucky one is sort of the centerpiece of his story so that one's fine. Although Bucky definitely could've been handled better in general in TFA. Nick Fury does it all the time and is a huge douchebag so that one's fine, and I thought the Loki twist was cool. And as far as I'm concerned Coulson is still dead



Actually it's really common in these movies in general, if you think about it. A friend of mine pointed out that it happens in each Nolan Bat movie -


EDIT: Stupid spoiler tags won't work for me so read at your own risk:


Lol, I never thought of that. Although really the only one of those I would truly count is Gordon since Ra's was an imposter in Begins, and anytime they attempt death with the main character in a superhero movie you automatically know it's a fake out. Until someone has the balls to kill Bats/Supes/Spidey off for real. :P

Edited by MovieMan89
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One of the main reasons it was very hard for me to become invested in Captain America 1 and Man of Steel is because their characters are invincible. While I get that mentality for people growing up in the 1950s (after a World War), they just ring hollow in today's society. 


I hope CA2 is good. But I agree with Tele...when you make a character invincible with unlimited physical power, it becomes hard to feel for them.

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Maybe if they get Nolan to direct another superhero.


Personally I'd like to see Nolan's take on The Question. Its gritty and realistic enough, as it is.

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Rank the Marvel movies


1. The one where all those ridiculous heroes join forces to fight some CGI aliens, and Scarlett Johanson's boobs.


2. The one with the flying robot thing.


3. The one with that patriotic soldier fighting that red guy.


4. The one with that guy who turns into green spinach.


5. The one with that silly looking dude who thinks he's a god and wears a funny helmet.


6. The one where that flying robot guy returns to battle a badly accented Mickey Rourke and some clones of himself.


7. The sequel with that helmet dude guy, with a long overdone scene of a naked professor running around.


8. The third film with that flying robot guy who battles more clones and Guy Pearce.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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So aside from me and MovieMan and FilmNerdJamie, who else didn't care for it? Or are we the Three Musketeers allied against the forces of evil?

Actually I do like it (enough to rank it 3rd in MCU), but I can't quite get on board the love boat. :P Anyways I'm still exhausted from my Frozen tirades, I don't have the strength for anymore. :lol:

Edited by MovieMan89
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So aside from me and MovieMan and FilmNerdJamie, who else didn't care for it? Or are we the Three Musketeers allied against the forces of evil?


Jack Nevada and Jay Hollywood. But I thought MovieMan and Jamie liked it. :unsure:

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So aside from me and MovieMan and FilmNerdJamie, who else didn't care for it? Or are we the Three Musketeers allied against the forces of evil?


Jack Nevada didn't like it. Jay Hollywood thought it was mediocre.

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