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Weekend #s April 4-6 (Cap2: 96.2, Noah 17, Divergent 13)

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I hate being even a little disappointed at such a shiny number as a possible $90+ opening for Cap.

Still can't help but feel let down by a sub $40+mil. Friday. Even though that's big. 



It's like all of a sudden everybody's predictions got about 10-15M higher over the past 48 hours.

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I'm sorry, why are we NOT talking about either It's Always Sunny… or Louie?

Because both shows >>>> everything else (except for True Detective or Breaking Bad.) (Or Buffy or The Wire (RIP))


ETA: The Wire does NOT suck!


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Omar coming for that azz

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Let's say 37m Friday. That's a good increase over Thor 2 OD of 31.9m. Yep, its more frontloaded than Thor's midnights/OD, but its normal. The marketing has been better, the awareness higher and the movie looked a lot more exciting. So more frontloading is normal, nothing wrong here.


Also, the movie is coming from the lukewarm reception of both IM3 and THOR2, yet is gonna increase from the previous film more than that movies.


All in all, 95m OW woud be fantastic.


Iron Man 2 OW: 128.1m

Iron Man 3 OW: 174.1m (+36%)


Thor OW: 65.7m

Thor 2 OW: 85.7m (+30%)


CA OW: 65.0m

CA2 OW: 95m (+46%)



Where's the problem? Like always, people overreacting. 10m midnights? 120 OW locked and 300 domestic. C'mon.


A final total north of 250m is happening. Huge win.

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