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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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The ultimate tool for a prolific poster with a thread record?


All you have to do is type in your name, your date of registration, and within a few minutes, it'll be like I never existed.


It sounds a bit too good to be true though

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If/when I die, I want this song to play: 




After Pink destroys the human/digital code hybrid machine amalgamated from the flesh and accounts of the deceased game contestants that is part of an epic cycle where the machine, at the behest of its programmer the Jandrew Child, destroys all life in the forums to prevent all life in the forums from being destroyed by bots, but at first seems to have been caught in the destruction as well, this music plays as he emerges from the Internet rubble to reunite with the BAMF crew to take the fight to all Internet trolls.



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In addition to the Kill List I'm working on something else that I'll debut after Part 6.


Between that and the Kill List, it'll let you know who the real stars of this series are.

We know I am the real star of this. Most kills baby

Even though they were my teammates.

.   :lol:

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Getting antsy for Part 6 now. Jandrew said Part 6 would be the half of Part 5 that got cut off in his posting, so the fact it is taking this long makes me think he's working on something super-big for it. Which means blood in the forums.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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Sorry Ive gotten super busy with travel and personal issues lately. Had to ride 4 hours to Raleigh-Durham, and then another 4 hours down to Charleston. Every time I get time to start, its midnight. About to do some housework and as soon as Im done Ill get on it, but

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Here ye, here ye, Part 6 has arrived. Hope yall enjoy. PS I'm like 40 something likes away from 6,000. If ya wanna help a brother out, I mean that'd be nice. I don't ask for too much, ya know? I take the subtle approach in life. And please don't spoil, though yall have done a great job of not spoiling, thanks! Enjoy.
Evening arrives. The sun is starting to crest under the horizon. Team Ice and Catching Fire rides on their dragons to Westeros. They spot the castles in the distance, peaking through the light orange and red fog.
Blink23: Wait! I think I see it!
K1stpierre: It's Westeros! Finally, they've made it. And it only took 6 parts to get there. Hmm, they should've flown Delta Airlines. Anyway, as they approach, they hear a screeching noise in the distance. What is that? You guys here that?
Numbers: It's getting closer... The screeching noise gets closer and closer. Suddenly, they here swooshes as well. It's not the flapping wings of their dragons. Everybody brace. Something feels eerie. Beep. Beep. Beep. Still riding, the team looks up. Canisters come parachuting down. They each grab them and open them. They find a cube. Numbers presses on his cube and it transforms into a sword (with flaming capabilities). Holy shit! A sword!
The rest of the team - K1stpierre, Claire Holt, Water, Blink23, and Lady Evanstar - mimic Numbers. They press their cubes and to their surprise, they can transform into bows and arrows, swords, and crossbows.
Claire Holt: Dayum! This bitch is 3 things in one!
Water: But why was this just given to us. Sizzzlleeeeee, SWOOSH. A fireball comes falling through the clouds, nearly hitting K1stpierre.
Numbers: The Admin Capital was just giving us a party favor for our welcome party! It's time to train your dragons, guys and girls. We're about to have company! Another fireball comes falling, and another, and another. They dodge, stylized and acrobatic. Suddenly the fog clears and an army of Westeros soldiers riding on dragons head incoming to the team.
Tawasal regroups with No O2. 
Jack Nevada: Where's Marston?
Tawasal: He was being so pessimistic, I just had to leave him. A canister comes parachuting down and Firedeep catches it. He opens it up and there's a note. He reads out loud. "Dear Team No O2, you've spent too much time in your zone. You're supposed to be battling other BOF members, not getting zooted at Navi beach parties or sitting around eating interstellar KFC. You have 15 seconds to pick a new zone or Pandora will be Krypton'ed. And you will not survive. And you will not die instantly. It will be slow and painful. So choose. Yours truly, the Admin Capital." Firedeep pulls out a remote with six options. He juggles the remote nervously and they scramble.
Jack Nevada: Holy shit, what? Choose something!
Firedeep: Where?
Kal: Buddy, who cares? Just choose! Firedeep nervous, just smashes a button. A portal opens up and they get sucked in.
Team ICF, mounted on their dragons, have their weapons in hand. The Westeros Army comes flying in. ICF engages in an exhilarating mid air battle, thousands of feet above the sea on the fringe of Westeros.
Numbers: Everybody brace! Get your weapons ready! Go! BOOM. A Westeros soldier swings his sword at K1stpierre. She ducks and turns her body. She aims the crossbow and shoots 3 arrows right in the back of the soldier. He falls off his dragon. Kelli puts another couple bows in the back of the dragon and it goes crashing down. Team ICF ducks and dodges the army. They take turns swinging swords and bows, very acrobatic. A soldier shoots arrows at Numbers and the bow grazes him in the shoulder. Numbers grabs his shoulder and his dragon steers hard right. His dragon collides with another, knocking them both out. 
Numbers: No, ah! Numbers' dragon goes twirling towards the sea. Numbers hops off and onto another. A soldier suddenly appears and swings his sword. Numbers jumps and dodges the weapon, but misses the dragon. He goes tumbling towards the sea. SNATCH. Claire Holt catches him and they ride a dragon back up to the mid-air battle. They dodge fireballs from the ground force and other dragons.
Claire Holt: Do you think these bitches can spew fire? Let's try. Claire taps the dragon on the head. The dragon understands Claire and spews a fireball. The fireball knocks into multiple soldiers: instant 3rd degree burns. They and their dragons go falling, on fire. The falling dragons nearly knock into Water, but he steers left, steers right, making it through. Kelli continues to take her crossbow and shoots soldiers in her way. A soldier above her jumps off his dragon onto hers. He punches her and she nearly falls. She hangs onto the dragons wing. The soldier's sword ignites and he holds it at Kelli. 
Soldier #1: Now you will be "girl on fire!" And "girl in half" as well! The soldier swings and THWACK, Claire's dragon kicks him in the head. He goes falling.
Claire: Bitch.
Numbers: (to Claire) This is my exit!
Numbers jumps off of Claire's dragon onto his own. He pulls back hard and a fireball barely misses them. Numbers takes his dragon and heads towards the castle. A soldier is standing in a fortified post. He shoots a fireball cannon at Numbers. Numbers' dragon uses its water breathe to extinguish the flames and dodges the cannon. Numbers transforms his sword into a bow and arrow. He pulls back and shoots it at the soldier. TWACK, it lands. The force is so hard that the soldier goes flying back, crashing through the wood. The soldier tumbles over a cliff and falls. He lands and is impaled by the bow. Water's dragon flies up behind a soldiers and bites his head off. The dragon turns around and squares off with Water's dragon. They fight and Water gets caught up. He is knocked out by dragon's wing and goes falling. Lady Evanstar notices. She turns to go help Water and a fireball grazes her dragon's wing. The wing catches on fire. Lady Evanstar jumps off the dragon onto another.
Lady Evanstar: Water! Lady Evanstar goes after him. Swoosh, swoosh, Evanstar dodges the fireballs. She gets near Water and snatches him just in time. I got you, Water! She flies back towards the ending battle. Blink23 crossbows a couple soldiers, transforms it into a sword, jumps off his dragon, slices another soldier's chest in mid air, and lands onto another dragon. The last soldier is clawed by Claire's dragon and they head towards the castle.
Blink23: That's all of 'em! Let's get to this castle. Water, now conscious, jumps off Evanstar's dragon onto another one. The dragon is actually an enemy dragon. The dragon thrusts and knocks Water forward. It grabs Water by the arm and chomps it off. Water goes falling and the dragon follows and bites Water in half, in mid air. K1stpierre transforms her bow and puts 10 hard shots into that dragon. The dragon falls and crashes into the sea, along with Water(s).They land onto a cliff on the edge of Westeros. The army has retreated. 
K1stpierre: Water! First Iceroll, now Water! Fucking dragons!
Numbers: It was an enemy dragon. We can't blame all of 'em. They get off their dragons and look over the cliff at the sea. The sun almost completely beyond the horizon. They turn around and walk towards the castle. Westeros.
Inside Hufflepuff, a portal opens up and Team No O2 comes spilling out. They gather themselves and look around.
Jack Nevada: What is this place? Looks like Medieval Times. Wait, is this the Medieval Times, Vegas location?
Firedeep: It's Hufflepuff.
Tawasal: How'd we end up in here?
Kal: Buddy, that must've been the zone that Firedeep chose. Jack Nevada notices the wands on the wall.
Jack Nevada: Hey guys, get over here. They gather. Look, wands. Maybe we can use these as weapons?
Team Gryffindor is sitting outside of Hufflepuff, thinking up a defensive and offensive strategy
Spaghetti: So does this sound good to everyone?
Everyone: Sounds good.
Spaghetti: Let's go back inside then and practice some spells. Team Gryffindor goes back inside. They here noises and stop. Spaghetti peaks around the counter and sees No O2 in the common area.
Spaghetti: (whispering) There's another team in there!
Heretic: What do we do?
Spaghetti: Let's surprise 'em. Get your spells ready, boys. Darkelf, will you do the first honors? Darkelf peaks around the corner. He aims his wand at Kal. 
Darkelf: Confringo! Swoosh! Kal bursts into flames. Team No O2 is stunned. 
Kal: (running around the room) AHHHH!!! AHHHH!! I'm on fire! I'm on fire! Help me, Eywa! Help me, Jesus! Help me, Jewish God! Help me, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me! Kal ignites furniture on fire, secondhand-edly.
Firedeep: What do we do!? Jack Nevada aims his wand.
Jack Nevada: Finite incantatem! Poof, the fire disappears. Kal's 8th degree burns heal, but he drops unconscious. Kal! (to Tawasal and Firedeep) What the hell was that!?
Noctis: (off screen) It was us, sluts! Team Gryffindor comes flying in. They aim their wands and shoot spells at Team No O2. No O2 jumps and ducks behind furniture and beams. Gryffindor does the same. They shoot spells back and forth, making objects in the room disappear, catch on fire, freeze, grow, shrink, etc. Jack Nevada aims his wand at CoolEric258.
Jack Nevada: Entrailus! RIP! Cool Eric's entrails: his intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, bladder-bladder, appendix, stomach, kindeys, liver, and anus come ripping out of his body. His blood splatters across the room and a hollowed out Cool Eric falls, into his pile of organs. Shit, that was graphic...
A2K aims his wand at the couch that Jack is ducking behind. 
A2K: Engorgio! The couch swells in size and knocks Jack Nevada out of the stained-glass window behind him. Jack goes falling and aims at the ground with his wand, only seconds from splattering.
Jack Nevada: Impervious! Boom! Jack smacks the ground. He's still intact though, the spell worked. He gets up, but then falls back down unconscious. Back in Hufflepuff, the battle continues. Many of the books and furniture in the common area are now on fire. The thickening smoke makes it hard to see and breathe.
Heretic: (to Spaghetti, wiping his forehead) We need to get out of here! We can't breathe! The rest of the team notices and they all run out. No O2, literally, stays. 
Tawasal: (to Firedeep) Where'd they go!?
Firedeep: Who cares!? Let's get out of here? Firedeep grabs Kal, but Tawasal grabs his arm.
Tawasal: Leave him.
Firedeep: What?
Tawasal: If we leave him, that's one less person we have to worry about.
Firedeep: No. He's our teammate!
Tawasal: What team? There's 3 of us left! Jack's dead, MovieMan's dead, Marstons dead...
Firedeep: (interrupting) Marston!? (realizing) You killed him! You did! Firedeep smacks Tawasal with his wand. Tawasal breaks the wand and punches Firedeep in the stomach and he falls to the ground. Tawasal kicks him a couple times in the head, GTA style, and walks away.
Tawasal: You work together, you die together. Tawasal runs out. Hufflepuff fills with flames, heat, and smoke. Kal and Firedeep lay unconscious.
Slushy Queen, what's left of them, dashes through the snow.
AndyLL: So what do we do now?
Sixteen16: Should we go to Arendelle or go the opposite way?
AndyLL: Arendelle is gonna be a bloodbath. We need to go the other way.
Films: Let's go. Keep your eyes and ears open. Watch the yellow snow. Slushy Queen treks on to Snow Mountain.
Jay Hollywood is still back in the woods, going through something...
Team Bay, okay? arrives at Arendelle on their snowmobile. They all get off and stare.
Jesus of Surburbia: This castle is huge. It's like Disney World. They head on through the open gates. Back at the entrance, Walt Disney pulls up on his snowmobile. He gets off, checks his surroundings, and heads on towards the open gates. Minutes pass and Damien Roc pulls up. He tests out the Elsa gloves. He shoots sharp ice sickles and takes a can of Coca Cola (product placement) and holds it. The Coca Cola (gotta say it twice) instantly cools. Damien Roc takes a sip and throws it too the ground. He gets off the snowmobile, tugs the gloves, and heads on to the gates.
Teams Black/VDG and Shawrama are no longer in the garage. They've made it to Gotham. They sit at Wayne Mansion, lounging around and cleaning their wounds. Reddevil is back conscious. Dragon stitches up his abdomen. Ecstacy is standing in a dark room alone, looking out of a window at Wayne Estate. Ed comes walking in, slowly. Ecstacy turns around, startled.
Ecstacy: What are you doing here?
Ed: Just came to see how you were doing.
Ecstacy: I'm doing fine. You can leave. Ed chuckles.
Ed: What's wrong? Do you not trust me?
Ecstacy: I don't trust you, or Pink, or Fancyarcher, or anyone on Team Black. Marvel and DC are enemies. Empire shouldn't have brought us here. Super team? What the hell? That will never work. Ed walks closer to Ecstacy. He looks out of the same window. Ecstacy is uneasy. 
Ed: Maybe we have other plans beside killing each other. Think about it, if I wanted you dead, I would've killed you back in the garage. Why keep you around, just for you to potentially put a knife in my back? Ed looks at Ecstacy. He stares her down hard.
Ecstacy: What are you looking at?
Ed: Beauty. (Try to pretend like Ecstacy doesn't have that Xavier avatar. Oh and don't think of Ed as a Corona bottle. This'll be weirdddd). Ed stares Ecstacy down. Do you sense tension? Ecstacy doesn't reply. Ed puts his hands through her hair. I had quiet time and asked Nolan what I should do in this situation.
Ecstacy: (soft) Oh, you had this all planned out?
Ed: It was a contingency.
Ecstacy: (soft) Well what did Nolan say?
Ed: That I should do this...Ed quietly moves closer. He locks lips with Ecstacy. They embrace. She puts her arms around him and he holds her face. They stand in front of the moonlit window, kissing passionately. Smooch, smooch, slurp, smooch. It gets more and more intense. Pink comes walking by and notices. He sees Ecstacy embracing someone, but can't tell who it is. They soon turn and Pink sees...it's Ed. Pink grows shocked. He stumbles back out of the threshold and carries on down the hallway, open mouthed. 
In the Admin Capital, ShawnMR stands at the threshold. Illustrious Jandrew greets him in.
Jandrew: Shawn. I thought you were at a matinee? Something wrong, you look concerned?
ShawnMR: I am concerned, Jandrew. I think we've made a mistake. Jandrew is puzzled. I want the Games cancelled. Cut to black.
Edited by 22 Jandrew
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Here ye, here ye, Part 6 has arrived. Hope yall enjoy. PS I'm like 40 something likes away from 6,000. If ya wanna help a brother out, I mean that'd be nice. I don't ask for too much, ya know? I take the subtle approach in life. And please don't spoil, though yall have done a great job of not spoiling, thanks! Enjoy.
Evening arrives. The sun is starting to crest under the horizon. Team Ice and Catching Fire rides on their dragons to Westeros. They spot the castles in the distance, peaking through the light orange and red fog.
Blink23: Wait! I think I see it!
K1stpierre: It's Westeros! Finally, they've made it. And it only took 6 parts to get there. Hmm, they should've flown Delta Airlines. Anyway, as they approach, they hear a screeching noise in the distance. What is that? You guys here that?
Numbers: It's getting closer... The screeching noise gets closer and closer. Suddenly, they here swooshes as well. It's not the flapping wings of their dragons. Everybody brace. Something feels eerie. Beep. Beep. Beep. Still riding, the team looks up. Canisters come parachuting down. They each grab them and open them. They find a cube. Numbers presses on his cube and it transforms into a sword (with flaming capabilities). Holy shit! A sword!
The rest of the team - K1stpierre, Claire Holt, Water, Blink23, and Lady Evanstar - mimic Numbers. They press their cubes and to their surprise, they can transform into bows and arrows, swords, and crossbows.
Claire Holt: Dayum! This bitch is 3 things in one!
Water: But why was this just given to us. Sizzzlleeeeee, SWOOSH. A fireball comes falling through the clouds, nearly hitting K1stpierre.
Numbers: The Admin Capital was just giving us a party favor for our welcome party! It's time to train your dragons, guys and girls. We're about to have company! Another fireball comes falling, and another, and another. They dodge, stylized and acrobatic. Suddenly the fog clears and an army of Westeros soldiers riding on dragons head incoming to the team.
Tawasal regroups with No O2. 
Jack Nevada: Where's Marston?
Tawasal: He was being so pessimistic, I just had to leave him. A canister comes parachuting down and Firedeep catches it. He opens it up and there's a note. He reads out loud. "Dear Team No O2, you've spent too much time in your zone. You're supposed to be battling other BOF members, not getting zooted at Navi beach parties or sitting around eating interstellar KFC. You have 15 seconds to pick a new zone or Pandora will be Krypton'ed. And you will not survive. And you will not die instantly. It will be slow and painful. So choose. Yours truly, the Admin Capital." Firedeep pulls out a remote with six options. He juggles the remote nervously and they scramble.
Jack Nevada: Holy shit, what? Choose something!
Firedeep: Where?
Kal: Buddy, who cares? Just choose! Firedeep nervous, just smashes a button. A portal opens up and they get sucked in.
Team ICF, mounted on their dragons, have their weapons in hand. The Westeros Army comes flying in. ICF engages in an exhilarating mid air battle, thousands of feet above the sea on the fringe of Westeros.
Numbers: Everybody brace! Get your weapons ready! Go! BOOM. A Westeros soldier swings his sword at K1stpierre. She ducks and turns her body. She aims the crossbow and shoots 3 arrows right in the back of the soldier. He falls off his dragon. Kelli puts another couple bows in the back of the dragon and it goes crashing down. Team ICF ducks and dodges the army. They take turns swinging swords and bows, very acrobatic. A soldier shoots arrows at Numbers and the bow grazes him in the shoulder. Numbers grabs his shoulder and his dragon steers hard right. His dragon collides with another, knocking them both out. 
Numbers: No, ah! Numbers' dragon goes twirling towards the sea. Numbers hops off and onto another. A soldier suddenly appears and swings his sword. Numbers jumps and dodges the weapon, but misses the dragon. He goes tumbling towards the sea. SNATCH. Claire Holt catches him and they ride a dragon back up to the mid-air battle. They dodge fireballs from the ground force and other dragons.
Claire Holt: Do you think these bitches can spew fire? Let's try. Claire taps the dragon on the head. The dragon understands Claire and spews a fireball. The fireball knocks into multiple soldiers: instant 3rd degree burns. They and their dragons go falling, on fire. The falling dragons nearly knock into Water, but he steers left, steers right, making it through. Kelli continues to take her crossbow and shoots soldiers in her way. A soldier above her jumps off his dragon onto hers. He punches her and she nearly falls. She hangs onto the dragons wing. The soldier's sword ignites and he holds it at Kelli. 
Soldier #1: Now you will be "girl on fire!" And "girl in half" as well! The soldier swings and THWACK, Claire's dragon kicks him in the head. He goes falling.
Claire: Bitch.
Numbers: (to Claire) This is my exit!
Numbers jumps off of Claire's dragon onto his own. He pulls back hard and a fireball barely misses them. Numbers takes his dragon and heads towards the castle. A soldier is standing in a fortified post. He shoots a fireball cannon at Numbers. Numbers' dragon uses its water breathe to extinguish the flames and dodges the cannon. Numbers transforms his sword into a bow and arrow. He pulls back and shoots it at the soldier. TWACK, it lands. The force is so hard that the soldier goes flying back, crashing through the wood. The soldier tumbles over a cliff and falls. He lands and is impaled by the bow. Water's dragon flies up behind a soldiers and bites his head off. The dragon turns around and squares off with Water's dragon. They fight and Water gets caught up. He is knocked out by dragon's wing and goes falling. Lady Evanstar notices. She turns to go help Water and a fireball grazes her dragon's wing. The wing catches on fire. Lady Evanstar jumps off the dragon onto another.
Lady Evanstar: Water! Lady Evanstar goes after him. Swoosh, swoosh, Evanstar dodges the fireballs. She gets near Water and snatches him just in time. I got you, Water! She flies back towards the ending battle. Blink23 crossbows a couple soldiers, transforms it into a sword, jumps off his dragon, slices another soldier's chest in mid air, and lands onto another dragon. The last soldier is clawed by Claire's dragon and they head towards the castle.
Blink23: That's all of 'em! Let's get to this castle. Water, now conscious, jumps off Evanstar's dragon onto another one. The dragon is actually an enemy dragon. The dragon thrusts and knocks Water forward. It grabs Water by the arm and chomps it off. Water goes falling and the dragon follows and bites Water in half, in mid air. K1stpierre transforms her bow and puts 10 hard shots into that dragon. The dragon falls and crashes into the sea, along with Water(s).They land onto a cliff on the edge of Westeros. The army has retreated. 
K1stpierre: Water! First Iceroll, now Water! Fucking dragons!
Numbers: It was an enemy dragon. We can't blame all of 'em. They get off their dragons and look over the cliff at the sea. The sun almost completely beyond the horizon. They turn around and walk towards the castle. Westeros.
Inside Hufflepuff, a portal opens up and Team No O2 comes spilling out. They gather themselves and look around.
Jack Nevada: What is this place? Looks like Medieval Times. Wait, is this the Medieval Times, Vegas location?
Firedeep: It's Hufflepuff.
Tawasal: How'd we end up in here?
Kal: Buddy, that must've been the zone that Firedeep chose. Jack Nevada notices the wands on the wall.
Jack Nevada: Hey guys, get over here. They gather. Look, wands. Maybe we can use these as weapons?
Team Gryffindor is sitting outside of Hufflepuff, thinking up a defensive and offensive strategy
Spaghetti: So does this sound good to everyone?
Everyone: Sounds good.
Spaghetti: Let's go back inside then and practice some spells. Team Gryffindor goes back inside. They here noises and stop. Spaghetti peaks around the counter and sees No O2 in the common area.
Spaghetti: (whispering) There's another team in there!
Heretic: What do we do?
Spaghetti: Let's surprise 'em. Get your spells ready, boys. Darkelf, will you do the first honors? Darkelf peaks around the corner. He aims his wand at Kal. 
Darkelf: Confringo! Swoosh! Kal bursts into flames. Team No O2 is stunned. 
Kal: (running around the room) AHHHH!!! AHHHH!! I'm on fire! I'm on fire! Help me, Eywa! Help me, Jesus! Help me, Jewish God! Help me, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me! Kal ignites furniture on fire, secondhand-edly.
Firedeep: What do we do!? Jack Nevada aims his wand.
Jack Nevada: Finite incantatem! Poof, the fire disappears. Kal's 8th degree burns heal, but he drops unconscious. Kal! (to Tawasal and Firedeep) What the hell was that!?
Noctis: (off screen) It was us, sluts! Team Gryffindor comes flying in. They aim their wands and shoot spells at Team No O2. No O2 jumps and ducks behind furniture and beams. Gryffindor does the same. They shoot spells back and forth, making objects in the room disappear, catch on fire, freeze, grow, shrink, etc. Jack Nevada aims his wand at CoolEric258.
Jack Nevada: Entrailus! RIP! Cool Eric's entrails: his intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, bladder-bladder, appendix, stomach, kindeys, liver, and anus come ripping out of his body. His blood splatters across the room and a hollowed out Cool Eric falls, into his pile of organs. Shit, that was graphic...
A2K aims his wand at the couch that Jack is ducking behind. 
A2K: Engorgio! The couch swells in size and knocks Jack Nevada out of the stained-glass window behind him. Jack goes falling and aims at the ground with his wand, only seconds from splattering.
Jack Nevada: Impervious! Boom! Jack smacks the ground. He's still intact though, the spell worked. He gets up, but then falls back down unconscious. Back in Hufflepuff, the battle continues. Many of the books and furniture in the common area are now on fire. The thickening smoke makes it hard to see and breathe.
Heretic: (to Spaghetti, wiping his forehead) We need to get out of here! We can't breathe! The rest of the team notices and they all run out. No O2, literally, stays. 
Tawasal: (to Firedeep) Where'd they go!?
Firedeep: Who cares!? Let's get out of here? Firedeep grabs Kal, but Tawasal grabs his arm.
Tawasal: Leave him.
Firedeep: What?
Tawasal: If we leave him, that's one less person we have to worry about.
Firedeep: No. He's our teammate!
Tawasal: What team? There's 3 of us left! Jack's dead, MovieMan's dead, Marstons dead...
Firedeep: (interrupting) Marston!? (realizing) You killed him! You did! Firedeep smacks Tawasal with his wand. Tawasal breaks the wand and punches Firedeep in the stomach and he falls to the ground. Tawasal kicks him a couple times in the head, GTA style, and walks away.
Tawasal: You work together, you die together. Tawasal runs out. Hufflepuff fills with flames, heat, and smoke. Kal and Firedeep lay unconscious.
Slushy Queen, what's left of them, dashes through the snow.
AndyLL: So what do we do now?
Sixteen16: Should we go to Arendelle or go the opposite way?
AndyLL: Arendelle is gonna be a bloodbath. We need to go the other way.
Films: Let's go. Keep your eyes and ears open. Watch the yellow snow. Slushy Queen treks on to Snow Mountain.
Jay Hollywood is still back in the woods, going through something...
Team Bay, okay? arrives at Arendelle on their snowmobile. They all get off and stare.
Jesus of Surburbia: This castle is huge. It's like Disney World. They head on through the open gates. Back at the entrance, Walt Disney pulls up on his snowmobile. He gets off, checks his surroundings, and heads on towards the open gates. Minutes pass and Damien Roc pulls up. He tests out the Elsa gloves. He shoots sharp ice sickles and takes a can of Coca Cola (product placement) and holds it. The Coca Cola (gotta say it twice) instantly cools. Damien Roc takes a sip and throws it too the ground. He gets off the snowmobile, tugs the gloves, and heads on to the gates.
Teams Black/VDG and Shawrama are no longer in the garage. They've made it to Gotham. They sit at Wayne Mansion, lounging around and cleaning their wounds. Reddevil is back conscious. Dragon stitches up his abdomen. Ecstacy is standing in a dark room alone, looking out of a window at Wayne Estate. Ed comes walking in, slowly. Ecstacy turns around, startled.
Ecstacy: What are you doing here?
Ed: Just came to see how you were doing.
Ecstacy: I'm doing fine. You can leave. Ed chuckles.
Ed: What's wrong? Do you not trust me?
Ecstacy: I don't trust you, or Pink, or Fancyarcher, or anyone on Team Black. Marvel and DC are enemies. Empire shouldn't have brought us here. Super team? What the hell? That will never work. Ed walks closer to Ecstacy. He looks out of the same window. Ecstacy is uneasy. 
Ed: Maybe we have other plans beside killing each other. Think about it, if I wanted you dead, I would've killed you back in the garage. Why keep you around, just for you to potentially put a knife in my back? Ed looks at Ecstacy. He stares her down hard.
Ecstacy: What are you looking at?
Ed: Beauty. (Try to pretend like Ecstacy doesn't have that Xavier avatar. Oh and don't think of Ed as a Corona bottle. This'll be weirdddd). Ed stares Ecstacy down. Do you sense tension? Ecstacy doesn't reply. Ed puts his hands through her hair. I had quiet time and asked Nolan what I should do in this situation.
Ecstacy: (soft) Oh, you had this all planned out?
Ed: It was a contingency.
Ecstacy: (soft) Well what did Nolan say?
Ed: That I should do this...Ed quietly moves closer. He locks lips with Ecstacy. They embrace. She puts her arms around him and he holds her face. They stand in front of the moonlit window, kissing passionately. Smooch, smooch, slurp, smooch. It gets more and more intense. Pink comes walking by and notices. He sees Ecstacy embracing someone, but can't tell who it is. They soon turn and Pink sees...it's Ed. Pink grows shocked. He stumbles back out of the threshold and carries on down the hallway, open mouthed. 
In the Admin Capital, ShawnMR stands at the threshold. Illustrious Jandrew greets him in.
Jandrew: Shawn. I thought you were at a matinee? Something wrong, you look concerned?
ShawnMR: I am concerned, Jandrew. I think we've made a mistake. Jandrew is puzzled. I want the Games cancelled. Cut to black.



What the hell? Jandrew what the fuck is this? You got me and Ed in your freaky fantasy, lol. LOL @ Mr. Pink. Not sure why you took this direction with the story. 

Edited by ECSTASY
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Ed quietly moves closer. He locks lips with Ecstacy. They embrace. She puts her arms around him and he holds her face. They stand in front of the moonlit window, kissing passionately. Smooch, smooch, slurp, smooch. It gets more and more intense. Pink comes walking by and notices. He sees Ecstacy embracing someone, but can't tell who it is. They soon turn and Pink sees...it's Ed. Pink grows shocked. He stumbles back out of the threshold and carries on down the hallway, open mouthed.




I'm dying here.

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