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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Our breaking news pre-empt is done. We now return to 24: Pet Another Cat



*We enter the weekend thread. Everyone notices a lack of Blank*


Spaghetti: Hey, where's Blank? He's usually liking our posts right now.


MrPink: Pacific Rim 2 is coming out!


Chewy: Snow White and the Huntsman 2 is coming out!


Jack Nevada: Who cares about Blank? I have him on ignore?


Telemachos: Mod note - We recently got a disturbing video of Blank sent directly to me. Take a look.



MrPink: Oh my lord... that's... that's-


Numbers: Charles Logan, biggest traitor in dog history. And he has Blank captured. We need to find a way to rescue him from him.


Jandrew: There's one thing you all don't know. ENHANCE!


*the video zooms into behind Charles Logan, we see this:Posted Image


*Everyone gasps.*


Jandrew: JACK BAUER! He went off the grid a few months ago. Biggest CATU agent ever in existence. And he's back and he has Blank.


*Suddenly a post is liked, everyone turns to see... EMPIRE online*


Empire: We need to come up with a tac team to save Blank. Who's with me?


*Chewy, MrPink, and Jandrew raise their hands*


Jack Nevada: I volunteer to stay here and run tech support.


Empire: *eye arches* You'd do that for Blank?


Jack Nevada: Eh... it'd be exciting.


Empire: Then we'll save him by the end of the hour!




Jack Bauer: *into earpiece* Chloe, what's the status?


Chloe O'Brien: *runs around in hamster wheel, stressed* I got into the mainframe but I don't know how to remove the quota. If I pull the wrong code, the entire like system could potentially collapse!


Jack Bauer: FIGURE IT OUT! I gotta find Blank. He got himself knocked out by Logan.


Chloe O'Brien: Really? How-


Jack Bauer: DAMNIT CHLOE THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN. *hangs up earpiece; grabs bazooka and a saucer of milk.*




*Charles Logan is a few miles from Blank's house, dragging Blank. He too speaks into an earpiece*


???: A team has been sent, Charles. I'll divert them from you, and send them after Jack.


Charles Logan: Good. I'll hoard the likes for you, and then you can get me instated as Head Admin, right?


???: Uh... sure?


Charles Logan: That sounded very... SQUIRREL! *Charles leaves Blank to chase a squirrel. We see Blank's notifications go up on his mobile app... disturbingly fast.*


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Back at computer, currently contiuing work on 11. Bare with me, I was so ambitious with the last few parts that I've lost track of where everyone is and I'm having to go back and sort things out. I currently have 5 tabs and Wordpad open. I'll post as soon as I can. Sixteen16 now I see why you think you died, my bad.

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Since I'm a completionist, and I can tell people are getting annoyed, I'll wrap it up with this one



*Jack Bauer is running to Chicago; where Blank and Charles Logan are. Chloe rings him on his earpiece*


Jack Bauer: DAMNITCHLOE! What is it?


Chloe O'Brien: It's a bad news good news thing, Jack.


Jack Bauer: DAMNIT I HATE THOSE! Give me the bad news first.


Chloe O'Brien: The bad news is that my Internet just went out and I can't access the forums' liking matrix anymore.


Jack Bauer: GAHHHH!!!


Chloe O'Brien: But Jack! According to this, his likes should be back by now. He'll be able to like those posts as soon as you get him away from Charles.


Jack Bauer: Got it. Damnit Chloe, why'd you get me stressed like that?


Chloe O'Brien: *sighs*




*Empire, MrPink, Chewy, and Jandrew land in Chicago. They look for Blank.*


Empire: Alright, everyone look around. *they hear a gun cock*


Charles Logan: You imbeciles. You think I'd didn't see you coming, eh? WELL YOU'RE WRONG! *shoots Empire in the head.*


Jandrew: You know, in retrospect, I think we should've brought firearms.


Charles Logan: *aims gun at Jandrew when suddenly Blank tackles Charles to the ground.*




Charles Logan: *Wimpers and slinks away.*


Jack Bauer: *jumps on the scene.* Blank! You're safe! You need to like those posts right now!


MrPink+Chewy: We really don't know why we're here.


Jack Bauer: *shoots them both in the thigh, and then does mouth-to-mouth on Empire, inexplicably making him live*


MrPink+Chewy: *faint*


Blank: Uh... alright!


*Chloe rings Jack.*


Jack Bauer: DAMNIT CHLOE, what is it?


Chloe O'Brien: I have some really bad news.




Charles Logan: He got away. Sorry boss.


???: Oh, well. Time to go to plan B.

Charles Logan: *gulps.*




A man shrouded in shadow grabs a detonator. The camera pans up to reveal... JACK NEVADA


Jack Nevada: Time to nuke Chicago, and then, the entire Box Office Forums.






Jack Bauer: *slaps Blank* Snap out of it.




Jack Bauer: I once met a cockatoo who knew how to truly live


Audrey Heller: I'm not that gal anymore.




Blankments: *likes multiple posts while using a flameflower*




Chloe O'Brien: I redirected the nukes to somewhere not nearly as populated as Chicago.


Jandrew: That's good.


*We cut to a cabin in the mountains. A bearded man walks out.*


ShawnMR: :ohmygod:


*Cut back to the group*







Edited by Blankments
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Holy shit, Blank, you've become one of them. 

I don't understand what this implies


24 is my favorite show. You sir have one. Okay thats it, game over. No more Forum Games, yall. Everybody dies, Blankments wins.

SWEET! I should've made 24 a show a long time ago


I had to fix it :D Also, what the fuck was this? :unsure:

You uncultured swine ;)

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What is going on here? Blank is really confusing me.  :mellow:

Just watch some 24 some time


Blank took acid while watching NCIS or something.

Fuck NCIS. Hate that show


Just sit back and enjoy it, im still not computer accessible.

And 24 is the best thing ever. Keep going, Blank.

Thank you :D


Posted Image

WTF is this shit?


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