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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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I don't know what a "Grinding Nemo" is and I'm pretty sure I don't even want to know. Thank you very much.

Creepy fish killer kid from Finding Nemo catches Nemo and puts him in a blender to make a smoothie. The End.


Somethings are best left unknown

You're just waiting up for Grinding Nemo. You can admit it

It's glorious. Need to get a copy for y'all


At least you're staying realistic

It's called dreams, you should have some


I wanted to be a singer and an artist before I to become a comedian and got heavily involved in film, with scriptwriting acting and directing.

Yay for dream fame!

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Y'all need to open your minds more

Finding Nemo 3: Darla's Revenge


Sure... let's go with that.

You have way too much free time on your hands. Get a job.

See, this is what I meant by everyone on these forums being assholes yesterday. Blocking filmlover now btw


So basically it's the best combination of box office forums games.


I'm in.

Posted it already. :)


Blank, bb.


You should write a Pokemon movie.


With me as your lead, duh.

Sorry, Numbers has the rights to Pokemon


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Lucy has decent marketing though, which his films don't typically get


And The Family looked generic


It only looked? Wasn't it generic? 

It's a legit question. I didn't watch it.

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It’s one dark and stormy night, Wendell Fiska local lawyer was at home, sitting on his bed reading his newspaper.Fiska: Huh, what’s this (looking over)? The convict known as Larry the Burglar has escaped from prison.Suddenly WF hears a large knock on his door, which startles him.Fiska: Woah! What was that? Is my Aunt Martha paying me a visit?Wendell Fiska gets up out of his chair and goes to the door, opening it. A man dressed in a sports jacket enters. The same man is Larry the Burglar.LTB: Man am I glad to have gotten out of that cold. I was dying out there of zero degree temperature.Fiska: What were you doing out in the cold?The sound of a siren passes by.Larry The Burglar: Let me in, I need to hide!Fiska: Alright! Why don’t you go sit down on my couch? I’m sure you’ll be fine. (Larry the Burglar walks over to his couch). Cozy!LTB: Thanks pal!Fiska: Pal? I hardy know who this guy is.Fiska hears a large thump on his door.Fiska: Now who could that be? I have enough problems to deal with, as it is.Fiska goes over to the door and opens it. Two police officers appear before him.Fiska: What can I do for you two officers?Rockwell: We were informed that an escape convict was seen around these parts.Vokal: Have you perhaps seen this convict?Rockwell shows him a picture of a man dressed in a black suit. Fiska doesn’t notice it, but there’s a part of a sports jacket under the picture.Fiska: Convict? No way! I would have spotted him by now.Both officers: Thank you! Good night! The two shut the door and walk out.Wendell Fiska walks near the kitchen.Fiska: Now what was that about? (Yelling) Hey fella you all right over there?LTB: Yeah! Could you cook me up some sausage while you’re at it? I’m guessing you have sausages.Wendell Fiska goes over to the kitchen and starts the oven. 30 minutes pass and Wendell Fiska is a carrying a plate of sausages.Wendell Fiska: Here are the sausages, all set and ready to go. I hope you enjoy them.LTB: Alright hand the plate over.Fiska is about to place the sausages on the table, when the sausages fall off the plate and end up LTB’s head.LTB (screaming): Ahh! It burns! Get it off, get it off (he tries to push the sausages off his head, but accidentally hits the wall and falls).Wendell Fiska walks out with a glass of coffee.Fiska: Maybe some coffee will help to keep you up?Fiska accidentally spills the coffee allover LTB.LTB: No! No! NOOO! Ahhh! It hurts!Wendell Fiska: Let me help you with that!LTB (putting his hand out): No absolutely not! That’s it, I’m getting out of this madhouse. (He runs out the door screaming).Wendell Fiska: I’m disappointed. If he stayed long enough, he could have had ice cream (end).


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What exactly don't you like about the quota? What's so limited about it? Is my skit too short? Or do you not like me posting it as a spoiler? Or perhaps you'd prefer it to be double spaced? I mean I don't want people to use it, so to say.


Just wondering.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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wow, you're actually watching movies!


Good job!






Terminator for sure. From Russia With Love and Goldfinger too. Of course if you're in the mood for a comedy, Spaceballs has it's moments.


What's Nb?


Nb is a typo lol


Watched Terminator and Goldfinger today. Once I'm done mowing the lawn, Spaceballs, Gattaca, Rubber and From Russia With Love await

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Nb is a typo lol


Watched Terminator and Goldfinger today. Once I'm done mowing the lawn, Spaceballs, Gattaca, Rubber and From Russia With Love await

Did you like Terminator & Goldfinger? 


Oh, and did you watch & like Close Encounters?

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Finished Goldfinger. It was alright but I prefer From Russia With Love or at least the bits I've seen of it.


World Cup's on so a 90 minute break from my movie marathon. Guess I'll catch up here


Goldfinger is classic and good, but From Russia With Love has a very different feel to it. It's lots of Bond fans' favorite.


Personally, I've always enjoyed the heck out of Thunderball. I love it because it's always just felt like the classic Bond movie in my head. It hits all the right Bond cliches.


Also, OHMSS is incredible!

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