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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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Yes, and TOTAL RECALL, although I remember SOLDIER OF ORANGE having some nasty stuff too (admittedly that's not a Hollywood movie).


I don't remember seeing an actual dismemberment in Robocop but yeah all Verhoeven movies have gruesome violence that very few filmmakers dare to show in 2015.

That is also why Saving Private Ryan had such an impact because it avenged us of 50 years of WWII movies that had vanilla violence and Spielberg made a very counscious decision to show the war for what it is : a gory, horrifying blood bath where bodies explode etc

Fun trivia about Saving PRivate Ryan : the bullet impact you hear when a human body is hit is a recording of a real bullet impact on animals' carcasses.

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I think that Shakespeare in Love is really overhated, mainly because it beat Saving Private Ryan. It's honestly a very nice and charming film.


It's charming no doubt. But even I don't think it should have won best picture. And though I have nothing against Gwyneth in the film, I don't think she deserved to win over Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth. Now that was a great performance.

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It's charming no doubt. But even I don't think it should have won best picture. And though I have nothing against Gwyneth in the film, I don't think she deserved to win over Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth. Now that was a great performance.


If you like hammering acting I guess which was always the problem I had with Blanchett, she has no naturalism to her acting whatsoever, all is thought out, calculated and carefully prepared, to the flicker of her eyelashes.

Edited by The Futurist
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I don't remember seeing an actual dismemberment in Robocop but yeah all Verhoeven movies have gruesome violence that very few filmmakers dare to show in 2015.

That is also why Saving Private Ryan had such an impact because it avenged us of 50 years of WWII movies that had vanilla violence and Spielberg made a very counscious decision to show the war for what it is : a gory, horrifying blood bath where bodies explode etc

Fun trivia about Saving PRivate Ryan : the bullet impact you hear when a human body is hit is a recording of a real bullet impact on animals' carcasses.


With all due respect, all you're doing (IMO) is showing why SPR is on baumer's list. ;)

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If you like hammering acting I guess which was always the problem I had with Blanchett, she has no naturalism to her acting whatsoever, all is thought out, calculated and carefully prepared, to the flicker of her eyelashes.


Well yeah. I like her acting. I don't analyze it so it didn't come across that way to me in the movie.

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Shakespeare in Love is fine, harmless fun. People only hate it cos of the awards it won which is pretty fucking stupid, the fact that almost all of the hate directed to it also has to mention saving private ryan is pretty telling. it's never about this film it's about that film. Neither that or Ryan are close to being the best movie of their year, but if you asked me to pick one I'd say Shakespeare because it strikes a more consistent tone.

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Shakespeare in Love is fine, harmless fun. People only hate it cos of the awards it won which is pretty fucking stupid, the fact that almost all of the hate directed to it also has to mention saving private ryan is pretty telling. it's never about this film it's about that film. Neither that or Ryan are close to being the best movie of their year, but if you asked me to pick one I'd say Shakespeare because it strikes a more consistent tone.


Wow.  A constant tone of what?  There's nothing to that movie.  It's as vanilla as they come.

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Fore the record, I'm liking everyone's posts in this thread.  Only because I appreciate you guys reading it and commenting, not necessarily because I agree with what you are saying.  But your participation has made the thread viable and very active.


Thank you.

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10) JJ's Star Trek's:  I'm not a trekky.  But I know that these two films are nothing like what Roddenberry started with.  In the Nimoy/Shatner shows, Star Trek explored a lot more complex human issues and it delved into our psyche and explored sociological and philosophical commentary.  It was character driven, not effects driven.  Like the Hobbitses films, Star Trek ignores Ian Malcolm's observation that says that just because you can doesn't mean you should.  There's only one movie left on this list where that thought applies to more than this.  Basically these films are just CGI fests more reminiscent of a pinball game where you can go tilt.  People can do anything in these films because the computers allow them to.  In the 60's, maybe it was comical to see James T Kirk fighting a man in a monster suit or to see him have sex with a green woman only to have to dodge a giant prop boulder than looked like it was made out of paper-mache, but we accepted it and liked it because we were invested in the story and the characters.  That investment is non existent in these films.  They are cold, bleak, wonderful to look at and completely void of any character development.  The story is told through the CGI masters.  Zachary Quinto tries his best to channel Spock and he does a decent job but the rest of it is just white noise...static that used to come from your TV in the 70's when that station signed off for the night.  Abrams signed off on these films, collected a paycheck and then got in line for the Star Wars job.  He's lucky Spielberg likes him, he at least has another 7-10 years to make people forget about how truly awful the Star Trek films are.   







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