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Blank's 28 Movies of 2014 That Will Be Way Better Than The Oscars Choices Because The Oscars Suck This Year (TOP 5!)

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My countdown begins with a movie directed by a guy I typically hate. Yes, Big Eyes has a few flaws with it. The film would’ve been a lot better with a different actor playing Keane as Waltz gives absolutely no effort to differentiate himself from other recent performances of his, and a voice over in the movie has absolutely no purpose being there. Besides that though, this is a very enjoyable film, bringing to light a story that would otherwise probably be unknown. Adams is, as usual, great in the lead role as Margaret, giving a much more subtle performance than usually seen in today’s filmmaking. The script is pretty good, with a special shout-out to the fun finale. It’s just a movie that’s really fascinating to watch, even though not much happens in it. Adams’ acting sells the slow way Margaret learns to stand up for herself, and honestly, Burton hasn’t directed this well in a while. Just an enjoyable little feature I can’t help but recommend.

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Philip Seymour Hoffman. One of the greatest actors who has ever lived in my opinion, and I haven’t even seen much of his work. As I presume you are aware, Hoffman unfortunately passed away far too soon in early 2014 and A Most Wanted Man ended up being his final work (well, besides the Hunger Games movies, which SPOILER ALERT this year’s installment did not make either my worst or best list). Thankfully, A Most Wanted Man is a good film, being the slow burn spy thriller I actually like. Besides Hoffman, DeFoe is especially good in this even though his role is kinda underwritten (not as bad as Daniel Bruhl’s though… lololol). Hoffman’s performance is the real reason to go check this out though, because he owns just as well you’d expect him to, because, well, he’s Philip Seymour Hoffman. He’s subtle but engaging in his performance before letting it all go at the end in probably the best potential Oscar clip ever, a simple “FUCK!” that’s pretty damn great. A Most Wanted Man is definitely worth seeing once.

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Alright, here’s a movie that would probably be higher if I had a rewatch in, but I haven’t seen since March so I’m going off memory. Yes, this is living proof that the “early” film bias is real, deal with it. That said, this is a charming quirky little movie. Ralph Fiennes is the worth the hype, his performance is super fun and charming, and he owns it. I will say though, kinda like my previous entry on this list, there’s a certain Spider-Man actor who stole the show here. Willem DeFoe plays an enforcer guy who’s over-the-top badass. It’s a funny role for him, as he’s comically serious and pretty awesome. Actually, I’m gonna take this time to acknowledge DeFoe’s year, which, in addition to A Most Wanted Man and The Grand Budapest Hotel, appears in one more movie on this list, along with being in a movie that barely missed the cut for Honorable Mentions. DeFoe had a great year. But, back to Budapest. The cinematography is gorgeous, the script is funny, and the ensemble is great (insert Goldblum shoutout for Jay here). It’s just one of those movies where I felt like something was missing. I feel like I should be placing it higher, but it just doesn’t seem right to me. Oh well, #26 will have to do for The Grand Budapest Hotel.

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Look guys, it’s the first of two movies that managed to get a Best Animated Feature nominee at the Oscars on my list! Why is it so low??? I digress; it’s not yet time to talk about the animated film Oscar snubs, so let me talk about Big Hero 6. I admit, I’m not just counting Big Hero 6; the short attached to it, Feast, is why this managed to place on my list instead of the honorable mentions. Feast is a fantastic short, probably the best Disney has done in recent years, jampacked with emotion in its miniscule runtime. On Big Hero 6 itself though... it’s cute. Definitely a bit overtalked about around here. Major points deducted from the Fall Out Boy song. I didn’t even think the action was that cool. Baymax is funny at points but he does get dangerously close to be a Minion-style comedy relief where he fails to exist as his own character really. I also really appreciated how this, along with another November 7 release, ended with trippy setpieces set in the fifth dimension. It got me hungry for cotton candy. As you can probably tell, I’m searching for things to talk about with this movie. Big Hero 6 is an animated movie that’s really just there, without anything astounding about it. That said, THAT FEAST SHORT IS AMAZING OMG. Check it out just for the short! :P

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