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Worst Shows?

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I don't call sitcoms that a lot of people like, yet I don't, "bad." Just because they aren't my taste or humor doesn't automatically make them "bad" for me.For instance, I don't get the appeal of the Tyler Perry sitcoms on TBS one bit. AT. ALL. Everytime I've tried to watch them I've never once laughed. But they're just not relatable to me. Obviously there are a lot of people who do find them funny.Now, on the other hand if I don't find them funny/good and seemingly no one else does, then sure they're bad IMO. Dramas are another thing altogether.

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Big Bang Theory hasn't been good since like season 3, there's be no advancement in the plot. They basically threw the Howard marriage thing in this season so the characters would have something to do.

I agree with this, I still couldn't finish the 5th season and it's getting more and more boring. I only care about the 3 girls now (Penny, Amy and Bernadette) because at least they are "new" to the series, the guys keep doing always the same stuff and behaving and reacting always the same way. They don't have any fresh ideas and everything is always so predictable, Sheldon is becoming an annoying character, I mean, are you even trying, CBS?Is anyone here also fed up with all the generic mystery scifi series? Since Lost, they've been trying to create something similar, but they are failing hard. Flash Forward, The Event, Terra Nova... It's always the same thing, unexplainable things happening, mysterious guys walking around, lots of characters dying and a stupid cliffhanger every. single. episode. No wonder why all three got cancelled.I must agree with the people who mentioned Realty TV, but although most of the reality stuff is boring, I like some shows. Cooking competitions like Top Chef and Master Chef, retarded teenage boy stuff like Jackass, Viva la Bam and Kenny & Spenny, and I must admit I really liked The Simple Life, Paris Hilton and Nicole were ridiculously fake, but it was still funny.
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Can't you can the title of this so we get more talk about the current shows, rather than all these tired old shows that have been on the air for years.And considering you started 2 threads on new shows that you are anticipating, I don't understand why you or Baumer couldn't let us have one thread where we could talk about the new shows, that are horrible.Seems Worthy of having its own thread???? IMO

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Can't you can the title of this so we get more talk about the current shows, rather than all these tired old shows that have been on the air for years.And considering you started 2 threads on new shows that you are anticipating, I don't understand why you or Baumer couldn't let us have one thread where we could talk about the new shows, that are horrible.Seems Worthy of having its own thread???? IMO

Because you can talk about new shows that are terrible in this thread without a name change.For instance:The New Normal is a pretty terrible show. It's not funny, it's too political, and it simply depends too much on stereotype humor (but in a bad way).
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The New Normal is a pretty terrible show. It's not funny, it's too political, and it simply depends too much on stereotype humor (but in a bad way).

Took the words right out of my mouth. I came in here to trash the show, but you've done the work for me.Watched, what I believe was the second episode the other night, and it was almost excruciating to sit through. Not a single laugh.
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I completely agree with JohnnY on the whole generic sci-fi mystery series. LOST was a once in a lifetime TV event, and the reason why it was so successful was because of the characters, and how fleshed out they were throughout the entire series, and although you could argue that Jack, Kate, and Sawyer were the "main characters" of the show, a lot of the characters were also given a backstory and developed throughout the series. You cared about them. I watched Terra Nova, and I didn't latch on to it the way I did with LOST because the characters were just so bland and cardboard cut-outs. Sure it had dinosaurs, but all of that is secondary if you can't care about a single human being in the story. I ADORE LOST, I don't care if the ending was just WTF? and disappointing, I loved it from beginning to end.

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Man, there are so many crappy movies, how people actually keep up with the new releases baffles me.

Movies are different; for one nobody really goes to see EVERY SINGLE new movie, and a movie is a couple hours and done; with a season of television, you're looking at hours upon hours of broadcasting. I can't even keep up with all the good shows, I certainly am not going to give every new one that comes on the air more and more hours. I'm not saying there's anything at all wrong with it, but it's just something that is completely beyond me. Edited by Kevin Bacon
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Movies are different; for one nobody really goes to see EVERY SINGLE new movie, and a movie is a couple hours and done; with a season of television, you're looking at hours upon hours of broadcasting. I can't even keep up with all the good shows, I certainly am not going to give every new one that comes on the air more and more hours. I'm not saying there's anything at all wrong with it, but it's just something that is completely beyond me.

And guess what? People don't watch every single new tv show. I run a TV review blog so I'll catch the first episode of every new scripted broadcast show (new cable shows depends on how busy I am and how easily available it is), but I only dedicate myself to watching some shows throughout their entire season-usually these shows are picked before the season begins. People tend to check out shows that they are interested in (like Revolution) but they'll also quickly drop out and stop watching if they don't like it. Most shows (I don't think Revolution counts here) you can get a sense of whether they're good or bad by the fifth episode. That's five hours-only three more than a movie (2 more than Titanic/Avatar). Most American viewers don't even give a show five episodes: only two or three (at least first-run, they might check out future episodes on NEtflix/Hulu if there's enough hype).Unless you love TV like I do or are paid for it or do nothing but watch TV because you're retired, then yeah you're not going to be keeping up with all the new shows.
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