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Kalo's 54 films of 2014 countdown. (Countdown complete #1 on page 9)

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Okay, so I got tired of waiting, I know I haven't seen as many films as some people on here, but still quite a bit for me in such a short time. also I've been kind of bored and depressed lately so maybe this will help. :P


this a year in review as opposed to a top list. but I liked most of the movies I saw. and only hated 2. I may watch a couple 2014 films while making this list and squeeze them in. but I feel I have seen most of the films I really wanted to already. also in my Opinion 2014. was maybe the best year ever for films. it was just amazing.



Films I really want to see I haven't got a chance to yet. (also I consider Cake and Still Alice 2015 films.)


Whiplash (probably will have seen by the time this list is done)

Big Hero 6 (also will probably have seen)


Only Lovers Left Alive


Inherent vice 

Two Days one Night

Big Eyes


A Most Violent Year.


the films I list according to US release dates. 


so without further ado



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The Worst of the Worst


54# Dumb and Dumber To - Worst of 2014.



Let me start out by saying Dumb and Dumber the original is one of my favorite comedies of all time, and has been since I was like 5 or 6 years old, that movie is just classic and one of the funniest films I've ever seen, Dumb and Dumber To, however was a different story Now going in I was pretty sure It wasn't going to be very good, In fact I wanted to see "Big Hero 6" at the time, but my Nephew and Littler sister begged me to take them to this. what a mistake, this movies was not funny at all, it was written really poorly, and honestly I found some of it downright offensive. I wanted to leave the theater I hated this movie so much, it just made me angry it was awful and heartbreaking, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels, kind of seemed like they were backed into a corner here, so I can't really blame them, cause I usually love them in most things. but yeah this is my worst film of the year. 


My Grade: F 

Favorite Character: No one 

Favorite performance: No one

Favorite part: can't think of one. (okay the mental home scene did give me a chuckle)




53# Planes: Fire and Rescue 




Okay, I never would have seen this film of my own choice, I could see it was a "Cars" rip off a mile away (which wasn't even very good to begin with). and was literally paid to see this movie, I was babysitting for a friend of mine, and she said I should take the boys to see it, I thought it couldn't be much worse then some of the stuff they watch, so whatever, well it was just as bad. This was the first time in my adult life where I actually tried to fall asleep in the theater (I can't sleep when I watch movies just something I have) it was that boring, it was just olg, super boring, super, cheesy, and corny and i did not like it one bit. I will admit the animation was halfway decent though. 



My Grade: F
Favorite Character: No one
Favorite performance: No one
Favorite part: there was a part where it showed a Howard the Truck video, that was kind of funny.



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52# I, Frankenstein




Okay so this movie was interesting, so a friend of mine said they loved this movie, and and love fantasy and I really liked Hellboy. I'm also a big Aaron Eckhart Fan ( I even liked The Core :P). and I've been in love with Yvonne Strahovski, since "Chuck" well this movie wasn't very good, definitely not the worst film I've ever seen, and I even enjoyed some of it, but it was insanely cheesy. that voice over narrative was pretty laughably at times. but a little bit after the beginning when Miranda Otto showed up and explained things, I was like okay Gargoyles fight demons, redemption for Frankenstein, this might actually be kind of cool, well it didn’t really stick with it’s own roles, it kind of side tracked it’s own storyline and felt unfinished in the end, on top of that some of it was just not good. I must admit I was actually not completely disappointed with Jai Courtney in this though.. Or maybe his insanely good looks clouded my judgment a bit.. So overall I can’t say I hated this film, but I didn’t particularly like it either.


My Grade: C-
Favorite Character: Terra
Favorite performance: Miranda Otto
Favorite part: the exposition scene with Miranda probably.




51# Bad Johnson 




This was a crazy movie, Cam Gigandet plays Rich Johnson, a perpetual womanizer, who can't seem to stop cheating on his girlfriends, so he blames his dick. and the next morning he wakes up to find that his Penis is gone, and not only that it has taken human form (and believe me he is 100% a dick). so what did I think of this, i believe straight to dvd, badly acted, extremely cheesy movie? I actually found that some of it was actually kind of funny to me, and there was something kind of enduring about Cam's cheesy performance. was this a good film? no, but I did not hate it. also lots of dick jokes, some work, lots don't


My Grade: C-

Favorite Character: Rich 
Favorite performance: 
Cam Gigandet
Favorite part: when he shows his friend he has no dick. 



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50# Neighbors 




Neighbors, well I think everyone knows what it's about on this boards. Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne are a young couple moving to a new neighbourhood,  a nice quiet one for them to raise young daughter in. only to find that a fraternity moved next door. mayhem ensues, I didn't like this movie very much, mostly because I found Seth Rogen obnoticus and beyond annoying and I found both parents to be really immature irresponsible, in other words, they were suppose to play the straight people, and I barely saw the contrast between them and the fraternity, and they weren't very funny. but Zac Efron and especially Dave Franco were the saving grace of this film. they had excellent chemistry , and were very funny and gave genuinely good performances, but like I said I only found some of this film funny. 


My Grade: C
Favorite Character: Pete
Favorite performance: Dave France
Favorite part: pretty much every scene with Zac and Dave.




49# Maleficent 




​I actually thought this movie looked decent from the trailers, nice and dark and a edgy turn to the classic story, well I couldn't be more wrong, and it actually could have worked that way.

so the Classic tale as old as time Maleficent falls for a guy, he betrays her and she wants revenge. don't want to give too much away though, so what I liked about this movie was Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning both gave really good performances and had good chemistry together. and some of the visuals were quite the eye candy, even though they weren't really utilized to their fullest. Sharlto Copley was terrible in this movie, just awful, I kind of think he's an overrated actor in general, but this was just bad. but that wasn't the worst thing, the story they choose to go with could have worked, if they wrote it better, it felt so rushed and unfinished, it just seemed really lazy, and what really makes me angry is they throw $200m dollars in to films with as lazy of scripts as this every year! and those fairies were just freaking annoying. the action sequences were also really poorly executed.  but I must say that make-up and everything looks wise about Maleficent was perfect, couldn't have gotten more spot on with the casting of Jolie. 


My Grade: C (maybe C+)
Favorite Character: Aurora
Favorite performance: Angelina Jolie
Favorite part: waking sleeping beauty.



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48# Hide Your Smiling Faces 




This was a little Indie film I watched quite recently. after a neighborhood tragedy, two brothers, Eric and Tommy contemplate their own mortality, and the mysterious world of nature around them.  

almost the entire film is shot from the viewpoints of the male adolescents of the neighborhood, which I found quite interesting, and the two leads, 

Ryan Jones, and Nathan Varnson, both gave very solid performances, and the scenery was quite gorgeous at times, wish I knew where it was filmed. For a full length directorial debut Daniel Patrick Carbone, was not bad. but this movie however, did not have much of a story to it, and it felt like it was missing a beginning and an ending it kind of just fades in and out, and at times, felt as though it was being artsy just for the sake of being artsy. still it was interesting. 


My Grade: C (maybe C+)
Favorite Character: Eric
Favorite performance: Nathan Varnson
Favorite part: bike riding scene.




47# The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 




This movie kind of broke my heart, I loved Catching Fire liked really loved it, it's one of my favorite movies of all time, also the book it's based on is one of my favorite books ever. and I guess I should have known this would have broke my heart, just like the book, still I didn't hate Mockingjay the novel, it was disappointing and something that author Suzanne Collins did really made me angry, but I liked the book overall. not so much the first half of the film adaptation. part of the reason I didn't like this movie isn't really fair to the overall quality of the film, and if I watched it again, my views my change slightly. from what I remember the character of Finnick was had the second or third biggest role in the first half of mockingjay, who so happens to be my favorite character. and was in most of my favorite scenes. In the first half of the novel, Katniss and Finnick shared a kind of frantic bound, that is barely touched on in the movie, and most of his scenes are completely cut out. I also found a lot of the propaganda strategy to be pretty boring, I also felt Lawrence was not at her best in this film, to me I felt she was overacting a lot of her scenes, and the tone and pace of the whole movie was pretty lethargic. okay so now it sounds like I absolutely hated this movie. I didn't I really liked the hanging tree sequence, and thought Josh Hutcherson was fantastic in what limited screen time he had, and was probably the best thing about this movie, also what scenes they did keep with Finnick were quite good, and am have been impressed with Willow Shields since the beginning, even though I said Jennifer was off her game, she was still in most of her scene good. also this film began and ended perfectly. 


My Grade: C+

Favorite Character: Finnick Odair 
Favorite performance: Josh Hutcherson 
Favorite part: the Beginning and the End.



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46# God's Not Dead




Yeah I know this movie is probably hated by most people on here, and I can understand why. but I didn't hate it, didn't love it either though. College philosophy professor Mr. Radissons has all his studenta write God is dead. for their assignments. and Josh a believer, says no, so his professor challenges him that if he can prove that God does in fact exist that he won't flunk him. as absurd as it sounds, stuff like this has actually happened in schools before, and the films is based (or least very heavily inspired by these cases). obviously forcing your beliefs or opinions on someone even if just for a class is awful. so I give it merit for that, also points for being very bold. maybe a bit too bold in some cases. I must confess I only saw it once in theaters, and my views have changed slightly since then. yes I believe there is a God. but who am I to Judge someone who doesn't? this film pretty much does, and it makes all atheists to look like angry ex-christians, which is true, in some cases. but not always and certainly not a generalization. the acting from the lead Shane Harper, was actually quite decent, especially considering this was a christian film (I've seen my share, and the acting these kind of movies is not usually pretty). and is girlfriend was really awful, awful actress, awful everything. also Duck Dynasty. no just no. you didn't need them. so overall yeah I enjoyed this movie, but it was majorly flawed. (also growing up newsboys was actually one of my favorite bands, I've seen them live, only after they changed their lead singer though, still like them actually ) 


My Grade: B-
Favorite Character: Josh Wheaton
Favorite performance: Shane Harper
Favorite part: not sure.




45# This is Where I Leave You




This is where I leave, after the passing of their father, four siblings are forced to stay under the same roof for a week.
this movie was fun. liked the family dynamic, I grow up in a big family so I could relate to extent, though this family is a lot different than mine. I really liked the chemistry between well pretty much all the leads, but especially Jason Bateman and Adam Driver. (who now seeing him in something I can rest easy in him being in Star Wars 7). as well as Tina Fey and Jason Bateman. Overall this was funny and even a bit touching. but It didn't quite click with me on the right level in some areas.


My Grade: B-
Favorite Character: Judd Altman
Favorite performance: Adam Driver
Favorite part: the pot scene XD.



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I didn't think it was poor, just by-the-numbers. It didn't interest me (aside from the visuals) but I wasn't the target audience either.


Still kids entertainment should be much better then "just by-the-numbers" in my honest opinion. 

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I didn't think it was poor, just by-the-numbers. It didn't interest me (aside from the visuals) but I wasn't the target audience either.

Yeah, I though it was harmless and not horrible like Nut Job as an example of a truly horrible animated film. I gave it a C/C-

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44# Godzilla




Uneven comes to find when I think of this film, I thought the beginning buildup with Bryan Cranston, in the lead was brilliant, there was perfect tension, sadness and suspense, and Cranston was of course great in the role; the best thing about this movie in my opinion. But then when the role lead role shifts to Aaron Taylor-Johnson. who I really liked in Kick-Ass. it kind of falls apart. and It's not all Johnson's fault, in fact, while he wasn't great, he was decent enough for what he had to work with, some of the script was pretty dull and the dialogue, especially from David Strathairn, who is usually wonderful, is just down right awful and cheesy. as well as Ken Watanabe, who only manages to be slightly better. Warner Bros, seemed to have got into their head that dark action(or everything Dark Knight like) films means dull and cheesy, which lets face it's this is Godzilla he need to be a bit cheesy. but in a different way. it took itself so painstakingly serious, when it really could have used some humor. also Elizabeth Olsen is completely wasted here, she is excellent in her small, role that doesn't allow much. in fact had she been the human lead. it may have made the film a lot better. but OMG Godzilla was so stinking adorable. seriously I don't know if that's what they were going for, but I found myself saying Aww. like I usually do everytime I see a dog or a cute cat in a movie. 


My Grade: B-
Favorite Character: Godzilla
Favorite performance: Bryan Cranston
Favorite part:

Godzilla taking a nap after fighting the big bad monsters. it was super cute





43# If I Stay




Mia Hall is a teenager who's dream is to get into Juilliard, and become a cellist. as well as balance her relationship with her Boyfriend Adam. but a fatal accident changes everything.


this movie was interesting. I really liked some of it, but I felt some was a bit too sappy and not handled the greatest, and I was only partially pleased with Chloë Grace Moretz performance. it also bugs me in movies with the kids parents are they abstract people who act more like your siblings then your parents. but story was compelling. and there was some really good music in there too. in the end though, I feel like the premise was maybe stronger than the actual playoff. 


My Grade: B- (maybe B  )
Favorite Character: Mia Hall
Favorite performance: Chloë Grace Moretz
Favorite part:

the hospital scene at the end



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Yeah, I though it was harmless and not horrible like Nut Job as an example of a truly horrible animated film. I gave it a C/C-

I avoided the Nut Job altogether :P interesting how the most talked about film so far, is Planes Fire and Rescue XD

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