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Baumer's ridiculous, uninformed, stupid list of MY BEST 105 FILMS EVER , FULL LIST PG 42

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These guys all think Jaws is my number one film.  But I never said it was.  Don't let them fool you.  


I'll give you a hint about the number one


Having my Baby.  What a lovely way to say how much I love you.


That's a real hint.  No BS.

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5) The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Irvin Kershner






After the success of Star Wars I think I might have expected a slip if they took it to a sequel but apparently George Lucas' love for this world trumped film making curses for bad sequels. The Empire Strikes Back brings back the incredible original heroes, gives them even more depth and story and still finds time to bring in new timeless characters that become legends in their own right. Even with a new director at the helm, Irvin Kershner, the story and the world that made the first Star Wars so incredible is in tact and even better. The only problem really with the first Star Wars is it felt like only the beginning. Like there were layers of detail that we didn't get and The Empire Strikes Back burst into those layers and put us deep into the world and the story never to turn back. On top of that the film delivers the first and most infamous twist in film history...family connections so to speak. I won't give it away if you have existed under a rock for the last three decades. The fights are epic, the new characters are amazing, and even Hamill as Skywalker starts to really shine and get some real depth to his character.




 Mark Hamill's performance matures and really comes full circle just like his character in the film. His naivety and boyish charm changes for the better as he trains to become a Jedi and an adult. Harrison Ford's Han Solo is probably the character that changes the least and probably just a case of "don't mess with a good thing." Solo is still a kick butt hero and his story is a focal point of the sequel. Carrie Fisher slips back into her role as the feisty Princess flawlessly. This time the banter and romantic tension between Fisher and Ford heats up and really gives the story a timeless romance. Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, and Peter Mayhew return in full form as C3P0, R2D2 and Chewbacca and they are better than ever. David Prowse with James Earl Jones providing the voice continues to make Darth Vader the most evil, intensely bad villain in the history of films. Vader's character really turns up the heat and gives a terrifying turn as the leader of the Empire. Billy Dee Williams is a newcomer to the cast and a welcome addition. He plays gambler, scoundrel Lando Calrissian. He doesn't get a lot of background or depth to his character and yet he is a great addition to the cast. And saving the best for last...the master of the Star Wars Universe. Frank Oz brings Master Yoda to life. The entire sequence with Luke and Yoda meeting for the first time and training is brilliant. Yoda is a timeless character, a pop culture phenomenon and yet his part in this is touching, funny, and brilliant. Pretty good for a puppet.  And of course this has one of the most quotable scripts.  Do or do not, there is no try.....that is why you fail......we would be honoured if you would join us....and on and on.




The Empire Strikes Back is just simply non stop. The film picks up where the first left off and takes the viewer on a thrill ride that just never stops. This is ultimately all about the evil Empire and Vader getting his revenge and essentially succeeding. Starting from the opening moment of the film on the brilliantly crafted ice world of Hoth, and continuing on to a show down between Skywalker and Vader himself and the revealing of the infamous secret this film is just brilliant. The direction, the creation, the writing, the characters and the special effects are jaw droppingly amazing.  Empire is simply without a doubt the best sequel ever made.  


Trivia:  In the asteroid scene, one of the asteroids is actually a shoe. The rumor is that George Lucas asked the SFX people to redo the scene so many times that they got annoyed and one of them threw in their shoe.


In the DVD commentary, Carrie Fisher relates that during some of the London filming, she stayed a house rented from Eric Idle. Idle and the Pythons were filming Life of Brian(1979) at the time. One evening, Idle had a small party, including Harrison Ford and The Rolling Stones, and served a potent liquor (which the Pythons had been distributing to extras on their film, to help boost morale) that he referred to as "Tunisian Table Cleaner". They stayed up most of the night drinking and having fun. The first scenes shot the next day were the arrival at Cloud City, which she says helps explain why she and Ford were so happy in those scenes. Idle is said to be pleased that he had a small hand in how the finished film turned out.


eorge Lucas was so impressed by Frank Oz's performance as Yoda that he spent thousands of dollars on an advertising campaign to try and get him an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Lucas's campaign ultimately failed because it was felt that a puppeteer wasn't an actor.

Edited by baumer
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4) JFK (1991)

Oliver Stone


Let's Examine this for what it is...A Movie, a Film, Entertainment, Pop Culture.

There have been Over 2,000 Books and Hundreds of Documentaries about the Assassination of President Kennedy and the Subject shows no Signs of Disinterest as Witnessed by the 2013, 50 Year Anniversary and its Remembrance.

Given the FACT that there are all those Conspiracy Theories, this is what the Movie is, a Conspiracy Theory Played Out as Drama. It cannot be Faulted that the Film contains these Things. The Conspiracy Theories Exist so they are FACT, so how can it be Derided for Presenting and Reflecting them, for this is part of our Culture. 

Also, for those that insist that there was NO CONSPIRACY, and Attack this for being Ridiculous, the Congressional Committee on Assassinations in the Late Seventies Concluded that there was Most Likely a Conspiracy in the Kennedy Murder and the Warren Report was Most Likely in Error on its Conclusion.



This is Fabulous Filmmaking. Oliver Stone is an Artist and a Whiz with the Medium. He Actually Changed the Way Movies are Made. Often Maligned because some of His Films are Overtly Political, that is Beside the Point. He is one Talented Man. The Movie JFK is Brilliant Filmmaking and is a Mesmerizing Experience. An Eye-Popping Extravaganza Filled with Bizarre Touches and Inspirational Intrigue.



Movies are an Expression and this is one Expressionistic Example of the Artform at its Best and is one of the Great Movies. It is an Undeniable and Urgent Understanding that the Blank Screen is there and it is Waiting to be Filled with Visions of the Imagination and Images of the Human Experience. So here We have it.


I have another review on imdb that gets much more into my thoughts on the conspiracy but I don't think you all care about that right now.  Take JFK for what it is, a remarkably well made film, and leave it at that.  It's a dazzling spectacle.



Oliver Stone showed this film in December of 1991 to all of Congress on Capitol Hill. It led to the 1992 Assassinations Disclosure Act


After reading Jim Garrison's book, Oliver Stone immediately bought the rights with his own money.


"X", Donald Sutherland's character, is based on L. Fletcher Prouty, Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff (and, thus, principal liaison officer between the Pentagon and the CIA) during the JFK presidency. He was a technical advisor for the film.

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No Return of the Jedi?  :(


Glad that mediocre piece of shit isn't anywhere to be found on this list. Oh, I'm Vader, and after being a completely insane murderer, I have now come to love and care for my son! Also, the Ewoks are so cute and fun, right?


No. They're just as horrible as Jar Jar Bitch. 


Why don't you enjoy films with actual meaning? Or at least ones that pull it off. RoTJ is a joke of a film, with about as much emotional resonance as a cucumber. It's a hollow film meant to be enjoyed by kids solely, and adults who have never understood what it means to go through complex stuff.


Sorry, not sorry. 

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