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Baumer's ridiculous, uninformed, stupid list of MY BEST 105 FILMS EVER , FULL LIST PG 42

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I was joking lol, but its more kingsman than Bay

The social aspect of a movie affects my judgment of it. I know most people like to avoid that, but it matters to me. That's all. :)


Titanic is actually the best movie of the 90s.


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I try to refrain from saying these kinds of things but for Titanic, I will.


I don't understand how anyone can dislike the film.  I get it if you don't think it's the best of the best, but I don't see what there is to dislike about it.  

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9) The Matrix (1999)

The Wachowski siblings

Produced by Joel Silver


Perhaps the biggest shock I'd ever had at the theater.  I didn't expect this to be one of my all time favourite films.


 I had no interest in seeing The Matrix. I had convinced myself that this was going to be a convoluted mumble jumble film. I had pre-conceived notions going into the film and I tried hard to stick with them. It is a strange thing really, because I try to like a film more than dislike, but I had such ( at the time ) an anti computer film attitude. I have always thought that computer films were the same. But I am happy to say that I was so wrong. Man was I wrong.

Keanu Reeves plays Neo. In his other life, he is a computer hacker with a seemingly normal job. But he has inner demons. There is a part of him that believes something is wrong with the world. And then finally one day, he is given an ultimatum by a stranger. He can learn all the secrets that he believes are out there or he can stay in his drab life and never know the truth. 

He is taken into a world by a bunch of renegade freedom fighters led by Lawrence Fishburne, who plays Morpheus. And this is where I think the strength of the film lies. It is here that we learn what the Matrix is. It's also where Neo "pops" and I think I would have too.  If I found out that my entire world was nothing but a computer simulated place where I didn't really exist....yep, my brain would explode.  But as Morpheus so elegantly puts it, "What is real?"



The true strength of this film is not just Reeves, but Fishburne. I remember seeing Fishburne in a little known film called Deep Cover. I thought he was outstanding in that film and I was convinced that was his best work. That is until the Matrix came out. Here, he has a similar job as Michael Biehn had in the original Terminator. It was his job to explain to us, the audience, what was going on and how it was all possible. And a script like this is a delicate thing to handle. There is so much information that it would be easy for another writer and another director ( fortunately they are the same here ) to give us a condensed version of what is in the film. But they are brave enough and have confidence in their material to tell it the way it should be told. And for that I am so thankful because it is really an intelligent story.



So much has been made of the visuals in this film and I guess I would be remiss if I didn't at least comment on them here as well. They are outstanding. You will never see better stunts in any movie. The choreography is so perfect it really is like watching a perfectly executed martial arts routine. Keanu Reeves trained for 6 months in a variety of different martial arts so that he could look competent.  It paid off.  

The Matrix has a brilliant, classic script, mind blowing visuals, unmatched action and fight sequences and it makes you question a great many things.  There is also a lot more to the film than what it literally asks of you.  Me being a conspiracy guy, could see the parallels this drew to a lot of the stuff I question and delve into.  


The Matrix is simply brilliant.  


Trivia:  The Wachowskis approached Warner with the idea of the Matrix and Warner balked at the budget they had submitted, which was over $80 million. Warner instead agreed to give them $10 million. The Wachowskis took the money and filmed the first ten minutes of the movie (the opening scene with Carrie-Anne Moss) using the entire $10 million. They then showed the executives at Warner the opening scene. They were impressed, and green-lit the original asking budget.


Woo-ping Yuen initially refused to work on The Matrix and hoped that by asking for an exorbitant fee, it would turn off the Wachowskis. It didn't. He next formulated what he considered an impossible request. He said that he'd agree only if he had complete control of the fights and that he trained the actors for four months before they shoot. The Wachowskis complied with his request.

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8) Aliens (1986)

James Cameron

Story by Walter Hill


Get away from her you BITCH!


James Cameron is an extremely talented action director, not only does he know great action, but he always backs the action up with a great story and interesting characters. Aliens is his finest achievement, as far as I'm concerned. Of course, I should specify: Aliens Special Edition is even better than the theatrical version.



In 1986 several scenes were cut to keep the movie's run-time reasonable but there was one scene that was incredibly foolish to leave out. The scene I refer to is near the beginning where Ripley learns that her daughter has died while she was away in 'hypersleep' for 57 years. "I promised her I'd be home for her 11th birthday," cries Ripley. This is a very moving scene that adds a great deal the character's depth and makes more sense to why she cares for a little girl named Newt later in the film. She's seeking penance through Newt with her love and determination to keep her alive at all costs. The theatrical edition obviously doesn't elude to any of this, and even cheapens the relationship between Ripley and Newt- just a little bit. James Cameron has said that all of his movies are love stories, and Aliens is a story of parental love. He has also said that the special edition is his intended (if not definitive) version of the film. For about five years or so the Special Edition was the only version of Aliens you could get on DVD. It should have stayed that way.



Aliens is a unique film experience: it's genuinely thrilling and exciting, unlike a lot of movies where people shoot the evil monsters and there's disgusting blood and rapid gunfire, and it's really meaningless. In Aliens' case, the aliens are very threatening and more than just target practice. We don't see any aliens for over an hour, but once we do, it's a huge payoff. By that time, we get to know some interesting characters: Hicks (Michael Beihn), a take-charge marine who also turns out to be sweet and sincere, Hudson (Bill Paxton), a braggart who turns out to be a coward and complains most of the time, Vasquez (Jeanette Goldstein), the iron-willed woman soldier who proves to be one of the bravest characters in the film, Bishop (Lance Henrikson), a robot that is very helpful for everyone's survival, Burke (Paul Rieser), the slimy company man who the audience loves to hate, and of course, the adorable little Newt (Carrie Henn), a girl who has survived unspeakable horror. Holding the whole film together is Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver in her surprise-Oscar-nominated performance. I think the only reason why the audience cared for her in the first film is because she was the only person left and we wanted her to live. But for this film, James Cameron added so much to her. With all this investment in characters, we're really concerned for their well-being. We don't want those aliens to get them. Some die, and I'm always truly bummed out when it happens.


Bill Paxton is a gift to any and every movie that he is in and this is his finest work. He should have won a best supporting actor that year. He has the best lines of the movie and ones that are still quoted today, almost 30 years later.

Filled with amazing performances and an abundance of thrills, Aliens is one of the greatest of any genre it attempts: whether it's action, sci-fi, horror, or even drama. Cameron has made many classic films.  None are better than this one.


Trivia:  The knife trick scene was not in the original shooting script. According to Lance Henriksen, the adding of Hudson's hand to the knife trick was discussed with almost everyone, except Bill Paxton.


When filming the scene with Newt in the duct, Carrie Henn kept deliberately blowing her scene so she could slide down the vent, which she later called a slide three stories tall.James Cameron finally dissuaded her by saying that if she completed the shot, she could play on it as much as she wanted. She did, and he kept his promise.


Like most films, the movie wasn't shot in sequence. But for added realism, James Cameron filmed the scene where we first meet the Colonial Marines (one of the earliest scenes) last. This was so that the camaraderie of the Marines was realistic because the actors had spent months filming together.

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7)  American Beauty (1999)

Sam Mendes

Executive produced by Spielberg


When I first saw this film, I had a very difficult time putting my thoughts into words.  This is another film that changed my life.  A lot of good things happened to me after the summer of 1999.  I can't say definitively that American Beauty helped with that but it certainly caused me to change in some ways.




Here's my original review:


I guess I am like many of the viewers in here when I say that I am having trouble putting into words how I feel about this film, because to be quite honest, no amount of praise can really make anyone understand what this movie did to me. You can read all the glowing reviews and believe all the hype about this small, wonderfully moving movie that is making people fall in love with film all over again, but there is truly nothing that you can say or hear that will justify what this movie is all about. I really believe that this is one film that has more to say than almost any film that I can think of and it has more to give than you can possibly imagine. When I walked out of the theater I was smiling for hours and when I went to work I told all of my cronies that this is a film that will change your life. Not only is this the best film of the year, but this could really be the best movie ever made. And to consider a film to be on that level is tough for me because I believe the two best films ever made (leaving this blank). But I will seriously have to reconsider that order now that I have seen American Beauty. And now here lies the problem, how do I put into words the feelings that I feel after seeing this film? 



Look closer..... those are interesting words. To be quite honest I'm not sure exactly what they mean here, but I have my own theories. But if you think about life and the people that are in yours and the situations that you are in every day, and if you had to look a little closer at those, then you may realize that nothing is as it seems. And perhaps that is one of the central issues here. Are the strong and confident really as robust as they appear? Are the successful and popular really as happy as they look? Is anyone really as they seem, not just in this movie but in real life. Because I think Kevin Spacey's portrayal of Lester Burnham is really what life should be all about. I think that of everyone in the film, he goes on the greatest journey into self awareness. He is the one that not only does the most growing but also loses and gains the most by the end of the film. But the one thing that he is at the end, is undeniably happy, there is no taking that away from him. But what made him wake up and learn to be happy? Perhaps for many people the answer will vary, but to me, I think he let go. That's all. He let go of all the crap that everyone worries about. And he let go because he realized how futile it is to worry. Think about it, if you worry about losing your job or if your spouse is cheating on you, does it help? Does it do any good for you? No, of course not. The situation will play itself out no matter how much you worry. So why do it? Spacey learns how to relax and not sweat the little things. He goes a little too far with it and ultimately it costs him, but along the way he learned how to live. He learns that life is a gift and one that should be taken advantage of while you're here. 



Perhaps this review sounds like mumbo-jumbo to those that haven't seen the film, American Beauty has to be seen to be appreciated.

As little faith as I have in the academy when it comes to Oscar time, you can't ignore this film. I am going to have to concur with an earlier reviewer that said that this should be nominated for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Best Script, Editing and Cinematography. This film is so rich with amazing performances and it is not just from Spacey. But it has to be said here and now; if Kevin Spacey does not win Best Actor this year then the academy is delirious. Spacey's interpretation of Lester Burnham is so astute, so captivating, so humorous and so hauntingly real that no matter what age, sex or colour you are, you will see a bit of him in you. Lester Burnham is a microcosm of what we feel and eventually want to be. 



American Beauty is the best film to come out this year and without a doubt in the top ten films for all time. See this film, please see it. No matter what you read about this film, nothing can ruin it for you because there is so much in the film that someone could not tell you enough. It is a rare film that will get inside you and not leave for quite some time. It has been three days since I've seen this film and it still makes me smile. There is nothing more I can say about this movie except, go see it, you'll be glad you did. 


Trivia:  When Lester throws the asparagus, he was supposed to throw it on the floor. The reactions of Annette Bening and Thora Birch are genuine.


The title of the film refers to a breed of roses that while pretty and appealing in appearance, is often prone to rot underneath at the roots and branches of the plant. Thus, the tagline "...look closer" tells the viewer that when they look beyond the "perfect suburban life" they will find something rancid at the root.


Executive producer Steven Spielberg personally recommended Sam Mendes to direct this film.

Kirsten DunstSarah Michelle GellarBrittany Murphy and Katie Holmes were all offered the role of Angela, but turned it down. Tiffani Thiessen tested for the same role but failed the audition.


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Fellowship of the Ring, Matrix, Aliens American Beauty...  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  Titanic and Pulp Fiction are also great. haven't seen Stand by me in ages, but's on netflix and think I may watch it tonight. really really loving your top 10 so far.

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Another very cool but oft-forgotten, similar in concept to Matrix, sci-fi flick that came out around the same time is eXistenZ. Might be a bit too slow for some, but y'all should check it out. And while you're at it, also check out Strange Days.

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Another very cool but oft-forgotten, similar in concept to Matrix, sci-fi flick that came out around the same time is eXistenZ. Might be a bit too slow for some, but y'all should check it out. And while you're at it, also check out Strange Days.


13th Floor and Dark City were also excellent.

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6) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Steven Spielberg

Produced by George Lucas



It is a hot sunny day in South America. We see a bunch of men, shot mostly from the back. They are walking deep into the forest. We see a tall dark figure. He is wearing an old leather jacket, he has the 5 o'clock shadow looking like it's closer to midnight, he wears a fedora and he carries a bull-whip ( yes a bull-whip ). Finally, two of the men enter a cave and we hear about some guy named Forstall, who was good, very, very good, but he never came out of the place alive. But they enter anyway. They are confronted with tarantulas, spears that are triggered by blocking out the light, a pit that they must swing over and then more tiny poisonous darts that come out of the wall. All this to protect an ancient gold statue. They recover it. One guy dies and the other barely makes it out of the room before it all falls on him. Then he has to get out of the cave and a giant boulder chases him. Finally he makes it out of the cave only to be surrounded by Hovitos and his arch enemy named Belloq. He takes the gold statue that this guy worked so hard for and then the guy runs and makes it to the plane where he is in the passenger seat and there is big snake in the plane. He hates snakes. This mans name? Indiana Jones!



Whhhoooooo!! I'm left breathless just describing that opening. But is there a better beginning of a movie ever? Absolutely not. Does the beginning have anything to do with the rest of the film. No. It is all decoration for what the movie is going to put you through in the 90 minutes to come.

Indiana Jones is the best character to ever hit the screens. And he better be. He is created by George, Steven and played by Harrison Ford. That may seem normal now that we have lived with him for 30 years, but can you imagine what that must have been like back in 1981. That would be like Tom Hanks or Will Smith joining forces with James Cameron and Steven Spielberg for a completely original idea in today's terms.



Raiders took a simple idea and maybe an idea that the guys had from watching Saturday afternoon movies and made it larger than life. This film never stops for you to catch your breath. It is filled with rich characters from Indy himself to Marion to Belloq and even to Marcus Brody. Each has their own personality that shines through in certain scenes. Some of my faves were when we first meet Marion having a shot contest in her bar in Nepal. Then there is her scene with Belloq and they get drunk together and she tries to leave using only a butter knife. And of course who can forget Indy's battle with the swordsman and his unrivaled determination to get the ark. " Indy, there is not time. If you still want the truck it is being loaded on a truck for Cairo. " ( a battered and bloody Indy ) " Truck? What truck?" ( and then later ) "Get some transport back to England, boat, plane, anything. Meet me at Omar's. I'm going after that truck. "

(Sola ) " How? " ( Indy ) I don't know I'm making this up as I go."

Raiders has more energy than three action films. And that is what makes it the classic that it is. If you like movies, then Raiders is a movie that will not let you down. It is pure entertainment. It finds the youngster in all of us and bombards us with this silly, whip-cracking, average, incredibly determined archaeologist and only asks us to have fun. 

Raiders of the Lost Ark is the epitome of entertainment. What more can be said about it. If you haven't seen this movie in a while or if you haven't seen it at all ( gasp ) then do yourself a favour and do so tonight. It is awesome.



Trivia:  The famous scene in which Indy shoots a marauding and flamboyant swordsman was not in the original script. Harrison Ford was supposed to use his whip to get the swords out of his attacker's hands, but the food poisoning he and the rest of the crew had gotten made him too sick to perform the stunt. After several unsuccessful tries, Ford suggested "shooting the sucker." Steven Spielberg immediately took up the idea and the scene was successfully filmed.


Harrison Ford actually outran the boulder in the opening sequence. Because the scene was shot twice from five different angles, he had to outrun it ten times. Ford's stumble in the scene was deemed to look authentic and was left in.


Renowned British wrestler Pat Roach gets killed twice in this film - once as a giant Sherpa left in the burning Nepalese bar and once as the German mechanic chewed up by the plane's propeller.

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