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Weekend Thread JW 54.2M, hits 500 | IO 52M | pg 99

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Whos' career is in the shitter right now?? Clooney?? Hell, he'll make OCEANS 15 and all will be right in the world...

Brad Bird.


Clooney is gonna be fine.

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yes ROTS is the worst of the prequels. It has the actual story of Anakin turning to the dark side and does it in an extremely laughable way

All three prequels make a mockery of Vader and Star Wars in general.

But ROTS is the only one that doesn't feel like it's made for 8 year olds.

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see also: Star Trek Into Darkness


But STID was not grimdark, far from it. The trailers made it seem that way the same way the Ultron trailers teased a major dark moment for the Avengers team. The actual movie didn't have that much danger or high stakes in it.

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JP1 has the line "I call it the rape of the natural world" imagine the thinkpieces if that was in JW


Imagine if True Lies came out today.  There would be so many thinkpieces calling it insanely sexist and racist.

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Bird well too. He'll just make a couple Pixar movies and everyone will remember how amazing he is :ph34r:

If Incredibles 2 is good they are gonna offer him one of those Star Wars Anthology movies.

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JP1 has the line "I call it the rape of the natural world" imagine the thinkpieces if that was in JW



Imagine if True Lies came out today.  There would be so many thinkpieces calling it insanely sexist and racist.

That is because people nowadays are stupid.

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Bird well too. He'll just make a couple Pixar movies and everyone will remember how amazing he is :ph34r:


Doesn't matter. Even if Finding Dory is a masterpiece and the best movie ever made in the history of movies, Andrew Stanton will still be the guy behind John Carter granted Tomorrowland isn't as big a bust as John Carter was.

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All three prequels make a mockery of Vader and Star Wars in general.

But ROTS is the only one that doesn't feel like it's made for 8 year olds.


Considering the original trilogy had that sense of being made for 8 year olds, that just makes RotS even worse.


But STID was not grimdark, far from it. The trailers made it seem that way the same way the Ultron trailers teased a major dark moment for the Avengers team. The actual movie didn't have that much danger or high stakes in it.


Well, except for a guy's head getting crushed.

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This Pirates of the Carribean talk... I don't remember enough of DMC and AWE to even comment :lol:

Not even the ending spectacle of AWE? Like this scene:

Knightley's "FI-RAH!!", slow-mo, exploding staircases, flames, wooden shards of death all around, swelling score. Fucking epic.

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Doesn't matter. Even if Finding Dory is a masterpiece and the best movie ever made in the history of movies, Andrew Stanton will still be the guy behind John Carter granted Tomorrowland isn't as big a bust as John Carter was.

Tomorrowland cost 190M and passed 200M WW this weekend, probably won't go much far. I would say it is a bomb in the same territory as John Carter. Bird is lucky he has Ghost Protocol otherwise he would be on the same boat. 


Also, John Carter >>>>>>> Tomorrowland. 

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Considering the original trilogy had that sense of being made for 8 year olds, that just makes RotS even worse.



Well, except for a guy's head getting crushed.


To be fair, all we see of that scene is this



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People who talk about how much they hate blockbusters being family-friendly are the worst, btw. Like kids shouldn't be able to enjoy big dumb movies with the rest of us

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I haven't seen DMC or AWE since theaters. I remember liking DMC, but then I realized it wasn't as good as I thought.

AWE I was disappointed with from the start, at the time I wanted to see Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Chow Yun Fat and Keith Richards team up with all the other pirates for a big Return of the King battle with the East India Company, Will and Elizabeth get married and all the ends get tied up. No crab lady, no curse on Will, none of that shit. AWE was too long, too bloated and unsatisfying (kind of a theme for May 2007).

Pearl is still untouchable in my mind. I still want the snappy, fun further-adventures sequels I envisioned in my mind in 2003, not the bloated epic saga prophecy back-to-back mega sequel bullshit we got.

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Not even the ending spectacle of AWE? Like this scene:

Knightley's "FI-RAH!!", slow-mo, exploding staircases, flames, wooden shards of death all around, swelling score. Fucking epic.


All I remember well is a voodoo lady turning into the size of a skyscraper and exploding into crabs.

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