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SUICIDE SQUAD WEEKEND THREAD | New REVISED SUNDAY NUMBER 134m FROM GURU ON PG 212 | 267.1M WW OW | Nine Lives 6.5 OW |No Spoilers Allowed!!! | ACCOUNT SALES THIS WEEKEND - see first post for details !!

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32 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

It's kind of disturbing when you think about it though. I mean, does WB flat out know these DCEU films suck but are perfectly OK with that because they feel they can market them to big enough OWs not to matter? Have we entered an age where quality really will start meaning nothing to studios with big budget films as they just look for the fastest way to churn out garbage that can be effectively marketed? Yuck, this sucks. 


You know, I think there's more than one story to tell here. Clearly that studio has tried to add quality parts. It has a mainline to the comic creators. They've given huge budgets. They've hired some of the best talent in casting, directing, and writing. If they really didn't care, why get an Academy Award Wining writer? Why go for expensive actors when they could just fill the roles with pretty faces alone. Why put together these amazing soundtracks and scores? So much goes into these films, but they just haven't hit the perfect mass appeal point.


The problem could be fast-tracking projects without thinking everything through. IOW, maybe the DCEU is being Hobbited.

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2 minutes ago, MrPink said:


Are we even sure Joel Kinnaman is a real human?


Has anybody administered the Voight-Kampff test on him?

I didn't think he was terrible but he was bland as hell

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2 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Maybe he's not spilling the beans cause it's a number you might not like hearing?? :sadben:

So it's a number that's way over the estimates?


ps how were the parking lots on your way home? 

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1 minute ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


Bare it all. :lol: 


Bear it all is what happened to Leo last year.

I am waiting for your full frontal pic for Rth. I already have mine ready. 

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Just now, UrosepsisFace said:

Well, I've already paid George Miller to direct Man of Tomorrow just to piss off all the Mad Max fans. I've also already paid off 300 critics for that one too, so expect a 60% on RT. You are welcome, Superman fans.

@Tele the Jet Baller will be thrilled to read this I am sure.

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9 minutes ago, filmlover said:

He just wants everyone this forum to drop their pants and have a measuring contest (since 90% of this forum are dudes anyway). We see your diabolical scheme, @Rth!


Kinda already happened.... :ph34r:



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9 minutes ago, MrPink said:


Are we even sure Joel Kinnaman is a real human?


Has anybody administered the Voight-Kampff test on him?


I heard he was playing himself in that Robocop remake.

Edited by Daniel Dylan Davis
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26 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

So many comic book experts in this forum


I am the true Comic Book expert. I have the equivalent DC knowledge of a Grant Morrison and Marvel knowledge of a Kurt Busiek...and the Valiant knowledge of Jim Shooter too. Have you read John Ostrander's review of Suicide Squad? He brings up a good point that some characters you can't absolutely get correct because there's more than one version of them that fans consider cannon. His Deadshot wasn't the Deadshot from Batman comics, and Gail Simoe's Deadshot is radically different too, but Will Smith did exhibit the traits that make him identifiable in the movie.

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4 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


Sunday night and pretty dead for the most part... I'm not seeing much hope for this movie on it's daily run coming up.. I think moviegoers are simply ready for this Summer to come to an end at the movies.. Very lackluster Summer indeed...

Looking for RTH to either confirm or disconfirm BKB's parking lot report 

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10 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


Supposedly? It is the sequel. :lol: I know people claim SS is an "original" movie and not a sequel but I mean, it's part of the DCEU, it's technically a sequel. Like Doctor Strange is technically a sequel.


Since Avengers in 2012, there have been two "original" movies added to the MCU: Ant-Man and GOTG. Both of them had over 3x multipliers, and have the best legs of any MCU movies since then. (GOTG has #1 MCU legs overall, with Ant-Man #3 of all of them.)


They may be added on to the existing MCU, but they are not behaving like MCU sequels, they are behaving like original properties. (Or at least original MCU properties.)


Now of course if Dr Strange turns out to be a bad movie, maybe it'll finally buck that trend.

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