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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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15 minutes ago, junkshop36 said:

There are exactly 4 "space battles" in the previous 7 SW movies.  


End of TPM

Begining of ROTS

End of ANH

End of ROTJ


The one at the end of RO is awesome and highly entertaining. Rivaled, in my opinion, only be the one at the end of ROTJ


I was more entertained by the last act of RO than pretty much every movie I've seen this year save for maybe Deadpool. Maybe

I always find it telling when people can only heap praise on one act of a film while conveniently ignoring the rest. It's a very noticeable trend with all the Pro-gue Ones. 

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14 minutes ago, junkshop36 said:

There are exactly 4 "space battles" in the previous 7 SW movies.  


End of TPM

Begining of ROTS

End of ANH

End of ROTJ


The one at the end of RO is awesome and highly entertaining. Rivaled, in my opinion, only be the one at the end of ROTJ


I was more entertained by the last act of RO than pretty much every movie I've seen this year save for maybe Deadpool. Maybe


Yes, the battle in RotJ was my favorite space battle of all time, any series.  It's taken THIRTY-THREE YEARS, but we might finally have its equal (or better :o).  Gonna have to see it a few times, but I think it might already be close. 


Can't really discuss why here, but there were just so so many good things in it.  

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BTW, here is my insane "MovieMan89" like prediction:  If it truly is a gritty "war movie" with a Star Wars skin, it's gonna get something close to an American Sniper like multiplier.  Not quite 4.0 since it does have a slightly lower Cinemascore, but more like 3.6.    That's a 540 million total gross on a 150 million OW.  And that's a minimum total.


Most people predicting 450-500 million are underestimating the appeal, as WOM spreads, to the non-Star Wars fanboy audience which will get pulled in.  

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6 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I always find it telling when people can only heap praise on one act of a film while conveniently ignoring the rest. It's a very noticeable trend with all the Pro-gue Ones. 




I love all three acts of the film.  In fact, I think the first two acts are fantastic at set up, execution, and building the stakes. In fact, the sole reason I haven't given R1 a 10/10 right now is the ending, for reasons I shan't go into here.


But it's hard to say what I loved about those first two acts without treading into spoiler territory.  For me, they were delightful and wonderful.  But then I love character pieces, and that's exactly what those first two acts were:  Establishing who the characters were, what drove them, and the consequences of their drives.


However, the third act is so fantastic that it's hard not to talk about it, even if you love the first two acts.


But that doesn't damn the first two acts in the slightest.  So, no, I don't find it particularly telling at all.

Edited by Porthos
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1 minute ago, DeeCee said:

Act 1 and Act 2 of Rogue One:A Star Wars Story were exceptional and a wonderful set up to the superlative Act 3 of Rogue One:A Star Wars Story. 



The first act is one of the choppiest things I've ever seen. I haven't gotten that kind of cinematic whiplash since Goblet of Fire. The second act is so boring I can't tell you one thing that happens. Maybe the third act is better than I'm giving it credit for, however by that point I was so uninvested it just wasn't salvageable. Maybe I will have to give the last act another chance someday without having to endure those wretched first 90 mins.But more than likely I will just re-watch a certain short scene near the end over and over. 

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3 minutes ago, ldb said:

BTW, here is my insane "MovieMan89" like prediction:  If it truly is a gritty "war movie" with a Star Wars skin, it's gonna get something close to an American Sniper like multiplier.  Not quite 4.0 since it does have a slightly lower Cinemascore, but more like 3.6.    That's a 540 million total gross on a 150 million OW.  And that's a minimum total.


Most people predicting 450-500 million are underestimating the appeal, as WOM spreads, to the non-Star Wars fanboy audience which will get pulled in.  






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4 hours ago, SoSaysI said:

I have to say I find it hilarious that the Avatar fans are the on a that criticize another movie the most for having an unoriginal plot when that movie's plot is the same of a ton of movies that have come before it and every character in the film is a cliche.  


Yup, and the first Star Wars, story wise, had absolutely no originality in its bones whatsoever, it just added spacehips & lightsabers to tropes and clichés that existed for thousands of years in every form of storytellng thus far : oral, songs, poems, books & films.


The lack of originality of Star Wars  was even the premise of the whole damn thing since that s what Lucas had been fascinated with his entire youth.

Edited by The Futurist
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3 minutes ago, The Futurist said:


Yup, and the first Star Wars, story wise, had absolutely no originality in its bones whatsoever, it just added spacehips & lightsabers to tropes and clichés that existed for thousands of years in every form of storytellng thus far : oral, songs, poems, books & films.


The lack of originality of Star Wars  was even the premise of the whole damn thing since that s what Lucas had been fascinated with his entire youth.


Not really. I think you missed quite a lot lol. Borrowing the classic story structure of a heroes journey used in mythology throughout the ages isn't unoriginal; it's just good storytelling. It's like calling movies unoriginal because they follow a three act structure where the protagonists undergo a setback at the end of Act II. Lol

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4 minutes ago, The Futurist said:


Yup, and the first Star Wars, story wise, had absolutely no originality in its bones whatsoever, it just added spacehips & lightsabers to tropes and clichés that existed for thousands of years in every form of storytellng thus far : oral, songs, poems, books & films.


The lack of originality of Star Wars  was even the premise of the whole damn thing since that s what Lucas had been fascinated with his entire youth.

Star Wars is the classic Hero's Journey, and there's a reason that is the most tried and true storytelling archetype: it works. 

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7 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:







Not obsessed.  Just a big fan!  lmao.  You were the source of countless LOL moments for me as i read your dire predictions for Frozen, and then laughed as you squirmed uncomfortably, moving the goalposts higher and higher as Frozen obliterated every "ceiling", and becoming increasingly defensive.   So yea, actually i am a little obsessed in the sense that i want you to KEEP POSTING YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT MOVIES so i don't waste my hard earned cash watching movies you recommend...it costs $20 per person to see a movie these days if you factor in the Instant Diabetes sized soft drinks and popcorn barrels.   Too much!


ETA: just now, you convinced me to see Rogue One tomorrow instead of Manchester so you've ALREADY saved me from wasting $20.  Moar opinions please.

Edited by ldb
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54 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Manchester felt so genuine. One of those very rare films that completely felt like a look into real people's lives. Nothing fake or Hollywood about it. So I guess if you like that Hollywood sheen, I can see how it maybe wouldn't be your thing. 


Sure, Jan.

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16 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I always find it telling when people can only heap praise on one act of a film while conveniently ignoring the rest. It's a very noticeable trend with all the Pro-gue Ones. 



Or how people conveniently assume that because I didn't mention the rest of the movie then that means I disliked it. Never mind the fact that I was responding to a post that was specifically about the climactic ending. If you must know, I enjoyed the first two acts. Were they great? No. But they were good enough that I was enjoying the ride. 

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Just now, junkshop36 said:



Or how people conveniently assume that because I didn't mention the rest of the movie then that means I disliked it. Never mind the fact that I was responding to a post that was specifically about the climactic ending. If you must know, I enjoyed the first two acts. Were they great? No. But they were good enough that I was enjoying the ride. 

It  wasn't about you specifically, rather everyone who has enjoyed it here. No one seems to have much to say about those first 90 minutes. Quite peculiar. 

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11 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Star Wars is the classic Hero's Journey, and there's a reason that is the most tried and true storytelling archetype: it works. 


Star Wars borrows more than the Classic Heroe s journey, sorry.


Kurosawa, Excalibur and the Knigts of the Round Table, hundreds of stories where a young hero saves a princess, the rebellion & the Empire down ot their look draws from from WWII etc.



Edited by The Futurist
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15 minutes ago, ldb said:


Not obsessed.  Just a big fan!  lmao.  You were the source of countless LOL moments for me as i read your dire predictions for Frozen, and then laughed as you squirmed uncomfortably, moving the goalposts higher and higher as Frozen obliterated every "ceiling", and becoming increasingly defensive.   So yea, actually i am a little obsessed in the sense that i want you to KEEP POSTING YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT MOVIES so i don't waste my hard earned cash watching movies you recommend...it costs $20 per person to see a movie these days if you factor in the Instant Diabetes sized soft drinks and popcorn barrels.   Too much!


ETA: just now, you convinced me to see Rogue One tomorrow instead of Manchester so you've ALREADY saved me from wasting $20.  Moar opinions please.

Sure, I'll hook you up to my paypal via PM and we can get this show on the road. Per film I charge $1 for nothing, $5 for a twitter opinion, $10 for a meme, and $100 for a rant/rave. 


And I'm worth it, remember I'm certified more reliable than RT. 

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For what it's worth I was so focused on what's going to happen the first time I saw Rogue One I wasn't taking in the full movie like I should. First showings are always like that for me. When I saw Rogue One again especially I love the first two acts! That's where there are tons and tons of new locations, which is a big thing for me as a Star Wars fan (I love seeing that and imagining what these worlds are like), and the setup is fantastic. I mean you can't just have wall to wall action. I truly feel like people can't figure out what they want. They'll accuse a SW movie of just being about action and effects but then when half the movie sets up the plot and characters suddenly it's boring. I love it all, the slower character moments and the action. Rogue One goes so fast from place to place I wasn't bored at all. I thoroughly enjoyed the journey. 


I would say Rogue One is back heavy on the action. AOTC has some at the start with the chase, ROTS a huge amazing space battle, ESB the Battle of Hoth, and Jedi a giant escape sequence. Rogue One is slower at the beginning but only in pure action not in pacing.

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