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Casting- Can it KILL your interest in a movie?

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Making this thread after starting the Alex Cross thread and posting in Hotel Translyvania.Animated movies of late, save Pixar for the most part, whether because of Dreamworks or not, are quite guilty of this. They cast "hot" actors at any point of time to boost or create some interest in the movie, but I think it's ridiculous. Of course, I can't judge if an actor or actress will actually be good for the role in the end a la Steve Carell as Gru, but a lot of the time it's terrible ie Will Ferrell as MegaMind.I don't know, but hearing Adam Sandler's voice coming out of an animated character seems like a turn off. Already many movies cast rappers/singers who can't act as some sort of sidekick and it's awful so it doesn't inspire any confidence they've got Cee Lo Green in a role. If it's a sort of musical it should be fine but a straight up voice would probably be a no-go, at least for me.I don't know about others but doesn't anyone else think Dreamworks voice cast always seems overkill, mismatched and in general uninteresting and uninspired? Now there are genius picks like John Travolta's resurrection in Pulp Fiction or Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder, but still, I'm sure there are some actors/actresses who once you hear has been cast just dampens your interest in an otherwise interesting flick? For me, I guess if I heard Channing Tatum or Sam Worthington joined a project it would be quite a party popper. I'll also throw out Seth Rogen as Green Hornet or Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern turned a number of people off, so there's some backing to whatever I'm trying to say. I don't think anyone liked Shia LaBeouf's supposed replacement of Harrison Ford as "Indiana Jones" either.

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It sure can! If Taylor Swift had been cast in Les Misérables it would have been game over for me. And there's no musical I don't love so that's saying something. I mean if I hate a celebrity there's no way i'm going to see a movie they're in. If I just strongly dislike someone it will have to depend on other factors. Most people i'm indifferent to so it doesn't even matter. There are some people who really can't act (shout out to Blake Lively and Channing Tatum especially) and everyone seems to know it but Hollywood so they pop up in movies that you would otherwise think are ok and then you just have to grit your teeth and go see the movie anyway. Bad acting is often funny so that can actually add another layer of enjoyment to the movie in any case.When it comes to adaptations of books or remakes of movies I usually will give anyone a chance even if they seem miscast. Sometimes you never know. Unless it's someone I hate.

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First of all will farrell was a good choice in megamind, the movie did bad because of bad marketing, the trailers sucked.Seth Rogan in the Green hornet wasn't a bad choice either, I'd argue if it wasn't for him the film would have done a lot worse. It opened in the high 30's after bad critic reviews so it's safe to say people wasn't put off with Seth Rogan being the main character.I remember a lot of people bashing Indy 4 but I don't remember Shia being the problem there either.I agree with channum Tatum and Sam worthington but that's about it.I think people who kill interest for other movie goers will be your young actors from twilight. Water for elephants aside can anyone think of a film with 1 of them 3 kids in it that didn't bomb? Also Nicholas cage seems to put people off movies simply because of the bad route he has gone down in his career. If you see his name on a movie poster now people usually come to the conclusion that the film is shit and this shows in his boxoffice disasters.

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Really? Maybe it wasn't Ferrell, but I'm sure recently one of Dreamworks' or many of Dreamworks' casting has put me off. I disliked Jack Black in Kung Fu Panda 2 immensely but that was probably because the directors allowed him too much kiddie crap rather than it being scripted.I didn't mind Rogen but I remember distinctly a lot of dislike, similar with Shia.The thing about Twilight actors or whoever, they may be bad but sometimes it doesn't matter depending on the role they're in of course I'm referring to Pattinson or Stewart because I don't think Lautner can be good at all. I still like Nic Cage, I avoid all his crap but when something comes along that looks decent I'll still watch it.I guess it's something like casting Adam Sandler as an action hero is what I mean will kill interest. If they cast Sandler instead of Renner to take over MI or whatever, I'd not watch it. There's just something inherently wrong there.

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Sean Penn, there's just something extraordinarily annoying about him. I don't know if it's his large forehead, or just the way he talks. I don't know, he just rubs me the wrong way.I mean, I can't fucking take him seriously after this:

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Sean Penn, there's just something extraordinarily annoying about him. I don't know if it's his large forehead, or just the way he talks. I don't know, he just rubs me the wrong way.I mean, I can't fucking take him seriously after this:

He shouldn't have gone full retard
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Yes it can, but I'll usually still see the movie, what I hate the most is overused actors, (unless they're one of my favorites). I hate when they give some all ready super famous actor a role in a movie just because they're popular, espically child actor, they see one kid do a half-way decent job, and decide they're going to star in all the major youth roles for the next five years (Abigail Breslin, Dokota Fanning Freddie Highmore. ring a bell?)I love it when they actually get some gumption and look for unknowns. sometimes they are good sometimes not, but at least they tried. and I don't know what it is with everyone's obession with Jonny Deep. he's not even that great of an actor.

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What's wrong with Johansson? She is far, far, far, far, FAR better than Alex Peffyter. And yes, that guy is terribly annoying.

Johansson can't act, she ruined the prestige, being the only person in the film acting like she's reading straight from a script. She pissed me off in Iron man 2, the scene after she beat the shit out of like 10 people then walked looking really smug towards the camera. I know it's not her decision to act like hat but when you see her do it, it comes across to me as annoying, probably because she is a talentless bitch.She is a crap actress basically and not as attractive as people give her credit for.
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