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Lost City of Z (2017)

Lost City of Z (2017)  

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I'm in the "liked it but didn't love it" camp. Beautiful looking movie to be sure (it honestly feels like something that could've been made decades ago minus a few modern filmmaking techniques), but it took a bit too long to finally really get going and perhaps as a result, I was never as emotionally invested in Fawcett's journey as much as I feel like I should've been. Easily could've cut down the nearly 2.5 hour running time a bit. Performances are strong, though: Charlie Hunnam (who has been criticized in the past for wooden acting) is terrific, while an unrecognizable Robert Pattinson, Sienna Miller, and Tom Holland are also very good. Kinda too bad this only settles for being just "good" though because there is an "excellent" movie buried in here somewhere. B

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Feels better in retrospect than it was in the actual process of watching it, mostly because it relies on the passage of years and then decades for dramatic effect and you don't really start to feel that weight until the last third. Also can't disagree with people taking issue with making the lead characters so woke - I tried searching for complexity in blunt dialogue like "I'm an independent woman" and "We are so arrogant and contemptuous" (contrasted with laughably un-woke stuff like "You mean to say that those SAVAGES are the same as us?!?") but couldn't really find it. Disappointing because Gray has always been much more subtle than that, and The Immigrant in particular was a masterpiece of deeply nuanced characterization. Still, in terms of cinematography and overall production value it's currently the film to beat this year, the acting ranges from very good to great, and it gets genuinely poignant by the climax/ending. 

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I thought it was very moving. It moved me very slowly and sweetly, but I thoroughly enjoyed this story. As above, the way it looks is incredible. I didn't take issue like many have with the characters, though.

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The Lost City of Z is an enthralling adventure film. Feeling retro despite never actually trying to evoke nostalgia, it's a very distinct flavor of film that isn't presented that often nowadays. Gray's direction is very distinct and knows exactly how much style this story needs. Hunnam is phenomenal in the lead role, truly expressing all of Percival's fascinating aspects. Holland, Miller, Pattinson, and Macfadyen all play their roles admirably as well. The score and the editing really add to making it a memorable experience. The only issue I'd argue here is some dry spots here and there where the pacing suddenly turns glacial, but the film overall is still very good. The Lost City of Z is a fun, thought-provoking way to spend two hours, and is a remarkably enjoyable and smartly unique. B

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I loved the Immigrant, this movie was definitely a step down.  This is a movie that's better in retrospect, however, and more time to digest it could help.  However, the process of watch the movie could be a bit draining, and a tad boring.


Its visual style and storytelling are unique, and some of the camerawork is quite impressive.  It's ultimately a film I'm going to respect for its craft more than enjoy for its merits.  B

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I was deeply into this movie.  I really got into it once he returned home after his first trip and it went into politics and then he went back it.  That had me hooked.  For me, it lost steam when it went to the WW1 part, but I guess it was all part of that book.  I dunno.  Changed it from an A to an A- cuz of dat.

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It was as exciting as a James Gray movie would ever get. Which is mildly exciting. 


Of course it looks beautiful and they used their gorgeous locations to great effect making it look bigger (budget-wise) than it actually is. But it felt a little like a visualisation of a wikipedia entry. This happened and then this happened and then this happened, the end. Also Charlie Hunnam as the lead is still a NO.

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3 hours ago, Joel M said:

But it felt a little like a visualisation of a wikipedia entry. This happened and then this happened and then this happened, the end.


And it took it's sweet time getting there.


I'm not going to cry "False Advertising!" because I've not watched a trailer for it, ever, but....I came here for "Searching for a lost city" not "Searching for interpersonal relationships with my family for an hour and fifteen minutes.". I'm not familiar with the actual people, but I"d love to see what the director decided to keep out if he kept so much...honestly, monotony, in for the second half. I was quite impressed with Hunnam though, surprisingly not that much with Holland.


I don't dislike the film, but it would have to have twenty to thirty minutes cut for me to look forward to watching it again. 



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From the James Grey movies I've seen you really have to get into them when they start, or they don't work.  I think that was the biggest flaw with this one, it lacked anything to hook you into the characters versus say The Immigrant (which is tonally similar, but a much more effective film).

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