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CAYOM 3.0 - Behind the Camera

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8 minutes ago, ChD said:

So I'm seriously confused right now. You should know better since you've been around. Have I ever released the re-made version of 5cm per second in this version of CAYOM? O.o

You have not.

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1 hour ago, ChD said:

So I'm seriously confused right now. You should know better since you've been around. Have I ever released the re-made version of 5cm per second in this version of CAYOM? O.o


You should! I'd want to read that!

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Day 1


Olive defeats Joel in a fight, but spares his life. Wow Joel should be grateful his weak-ass wasn't pummeled to death by Meechee :hahaha:
Chester overhears Tyler and Hunter talking in the distance.

Pidge explores the arena.

Shiro discovers a river. I hope he runs into Joel.

Leon sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Emily scares Sarana off. 

Odysseus injures himself. 🤦‍♂️Way to represent Lager Pictures

Elizabeth is pricked by thorns while picking berries. 

Thomas collects fruit from a tree.

Kozar attacks Blue Beetle, but he manages to escape. Our wolf boi has gone primal instinct, damn.

Black Beetle sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Penelope thinks about home. Ah, channeling her inner Odysseus I see. 

Eder, Cassie, Tamara, Marion, and Martini hunt for other tributes. I hope Marion wins the game by swallowing everyone.


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2 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

I hope Marion wins the game by swallowing everyone.


Marion is electrocuted by the border.




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11 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

Shiro discovers a river. I hope he runs into Joel.

Would a Shiro/Joel meetup be more like this




or this?



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The arena's border begins to rapidly contract.

Leon survives.

Shiro survives.

Emily survives.

Kozar trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough. Guess the primal instinct wasn't there after all.

Chester survives. Good. We need him alive for Nostalgic Dinos.

Cassie pushes Black Beetle into the border while she is not paying attention. Dayum

Tamara restrains Martini to a tree and leaves him to die.  DAYUUUUUMMMMM

Penelope survives. Go girl!

Joel trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough. RIP Joel vs Shiro

Eder restrains Sarana to a tree and leaves her to die. @4815162342 

Thinking they could escape, Hunter and Tyler attempt to run through the border together. 

Elizabeth survives.

Olive survives.

Thomas survives. 

Pidge trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough. "Curse my stubby legs!"

Marion is electrocuted by the border. He could've just... swallowed the ground? :hahaha:

Odysseus survives. Alright, alright

Blue Beetle trips on a tree root and is unable to recover fast enough. RIP Lance


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Night 1


Odysseus sets up camp for the night. If my boi could survive being a human rubber ducky, he can survive anything.

Penelope is unable to convince Cassie to not kill her. 

Leon accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Eder looks at the night sky. Yeah, think on your fucking sins you asshole 😡

Olive begs for Emily to kill her. She refuses, keeping Olive alive.

Shiro and Elizabeth huddle for warmth. Weird ship but okay

Chester convinces Thomas to not kill him, only to kill him instead. A-A Ron doing the lord's work gatsby-thanks.png
Tamara goes to sleep.


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The Feast

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Olive decides not to go to The Feast. Smart dog

Emily shoots a poisonous blow dart into Tamara's neck, slowly killing her. Tamara cannot catch a break this year, can she?

Elizabeth decides not to go to The Feast.

Eder shoots an arrow into Chester's head. I guess Countdown to Extinction is canceled. :whosad:

Shiro decides not to go to The Feast.

Cassie stabs Odysseus while his back is turned. 6blt39m.png


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