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The Hunger Games Midnights Over 20 Million Club! Slight Failure: 19.75 ERC

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Am I in time? Put me down for 21 million. In! :)I am really late to the whole craze. Read the books over the weekend, but since then, have reread the first book twice already. Its really good, and imo the best of the 3. If the movie can stay faithful and capture the essence of the first book, then we will be looking at something as big, if not bigger than the twillight series.Its different from twilight. This series has the potential to capture all 4 quadrants, yet it will still appeal a lot to teenage females. I have huge expectations for this series.

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Ok if you want to get your prediction in, do in the next few hours, this is the most up-to-date listed (and it's all sorted now :D)



SchumacherFTW 20.2m

fmpro 20.5m

acsc1312 21m

Eldenfirefly 21m

Iceroll 21m

Avatarfan 21m

Ball Lightning 22m

RichWS 22m

XenoZodiac 22m


letsuseournoggin 22m

Heretic 23m

Magic 23m

Movieman89 24m

B J 24m

spizzer 24m

firedeep 25m

pasaway098 25m

rockNrollaDIM 25m

Incarnadine 25.2m

Biggestgeekever 25.5m

Warrior21 26m

glassfairy 26.4m

MJL 27m

bloodandhoney 27m

Mattrek 30m

CloneWars 31m

kayumanggi 32m

Currently out:

FTF 19.5m

CJohn 19m

junkshop36 18.5m

Andrew the Alien 18m

Santana Lopez 17.5m

SuperBatman 17.3m

Sixteen16 17.2m

Ron Swanson 17m

lab276 17m

Robertron 16.5m

75live 16.3m

Dexter of Suburbia 15.5m

BoxOfficeZ 15.4m

baumer 15m

The Hand of Illumination 14m

Fake 15m

Neo 15m

LucasM 7.5m

Edited by iceroll
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I don't know anything about anything when it comes to guessing midnights. All I know is how the Twilight movies performed and this is entirely different.Hmmm, I have gone in on all these crazy HG clubs from day one, so why not. In with 22m <--- I pulled this number out of my ass.

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Any idea when we'll get our numbers? I really should go to sleep but I want to know the numbers even more!

Go to sleep.... Nikki seems to have done so already.... so we won't be getting anything for a few hours at least.
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