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Theater bans Gone With The Wind for being "Insensitive"

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Tear down all the statues. Get rid of all the flags. LOL at people crying about monuments to white supremacy being removes. Memphis is like a 60% black city I don't know a single black person that gives a fuck about Gone with wind. Sorry not everyone cares about your white classics.  It was also not banned they just removed it from their schedule and rightfully so. 

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11 minutes ago, DAR said:

White classics?

The people acting like Gone with the wind is some huge cultural milestone and how dare a private theatre decide not to show it due to people not being interested in it. LOL if the theatre doesn't want to show it they don't want to show it. Acting like its's being banned world wide lol. Again Memphis is a predominantly black city and I've never heard of a black person that gave a fuck about Gone with The wind or considered it some huge cultural classic that must be watch to truly understand cinema. If people don't want to watch it they don't want to watch it lol. 


I guess people get angry when people do stuff like this because it's hard for them to admit that America was partly built on racism, slavery and genocide lol. 

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I haven't seen GWTW, but I'm pretty sure it is in fact considered one of the best, most important Hollywood films ever made. 


I feel like saying otherwise is a pretty ignorant thing to say.

Edited by Goffe
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Also I saw someone in this thread complaining about people campaigning for the Columbus statue to be removed .Did Columbus even step a foot into what is modern day America? LOL people have been campaigning against Columbus for FOREVAH. And people have a right to campaign for anything they want. 


AND I'm dieing at the random user from the south insisting the confederacy and civil war wasn't all about slavery. Great education statues are providing Americans! 

Edited by ban1o
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4 minutes ago, Goffe said:

I haven't seen GWTW, but I'm pretty sure it is in fact considered one of the best, most important Hollywood films ever made. 


I feel like saying otherwise is a pretty ignorant thing to say.

And most black people don't give a fuck about it lol. I don't understand why that's so hard to understand. The only time I've ever seen black people mention it is in regards to Hattie McDaniel being the first black person to win an Oscar. The movie was made for white people and is considered "the best most important Hollywood film" by white people and it IS a racist film. 


If a private theatre cancelled a showing of it because black people complained then good riddance. Boo hoo to all the film bros on this site lol. 

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1 minute ago, Goffe said:

I'm sorry, but you were elected to speak for them? 

mmm right okay. I've never met a black person who cared about the film. The film is liked and considered a classic among white people. This is a fact. Please don't argue with me about Black Americans when your are neither. lol I don't know why you are so pressed about a film you've never seen your not even American lol.  Just goes to show you nothing unites non black people more than the right to defend a nearly 100 year old racist film being shown in every single theatre possible. 

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21 minutes ago, ban1o said:

The people acting like Gone with the wind is some huge cultural milestone and how dare a private theatre decide not to show it due to people not being interested in it. LOL if the theatre doesn't want to show it they don't want to show it. Acting like its's being banned world wide lol. Again Memphis is a predominantly black city and I've never heard of a black person that gave a fuck about Gone with The wind or considered it some huge cultural classic that must be watch to truly understand cinema. If people don't want to watch it they don't want to watch it lol. 


I guess people get angry when people do stuff like this because it's hard for them to admit that America was partly built on racism, slavery and genocide lol. 

That is a complete strawman (and I'm sure you know it), the story is not that theater stopped to show it because of ticket decline of the previous year (we would have never heard about it) at least according to their letter it was not a lack of interest (on the contrary, the movie seem to have generated a lot of talk, people not interest to see a movie don't talk about it):


The recent screening of Gone With the Wind at the Orpheum on Friday, August 11, 2017, generated numerous comments. The Orpheum carefully reviewed all of them … As an organization whose stated mission is to ‘entertain, educate and enlighten the communities it serves,’ the Orpheum cannot show a film that is insensitive to a large segment of its local population.


Obviously if no one would have bought a ticket (and that would have ended the tradition of showing it every year) it would be a different thing (and we would have never heard about it, like for the other 10,000+ movies that just stopped to be shown)

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Like literally when the film was released black people protested against it and complained about it being racist and a weapon against the black community. This was in 1939. Black people have always hated that damn film lol. The only black people who somewhat liked it back then only liked if for Hattie McDaniel. It's a white classic AND is racist. FACTS. Good riddance. The theatre can cancel it if it wants to. Cry more. 

Edited by ban1o
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47 minutes ago, Barnack said:

The bolded sentence is something Americans tend to mix up, free speech does not mean the government can't stop free expression, you are talking about the American first amendement not the universal concept/united nation concept of free speech.


Freedom of speech:

Freedom of speech is the right to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship, or societal sanction. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium usedFreedom of speech is the right to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship, or societal sanction. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.


Societal sanction, societal censorship can obviously impair on free speech not just government, the first amendement protect you well for the later not the former but the constitution is not a dictionary defining what free speech is or is not.


You say free to choose, free from governmental consequence, but not free from fear of societal consequence, pressure was put (any form of pressure reduce freedom, by very definition that is how humans work)

Where did you get that definition?


Basically you're saying society can't discourage the worst in human behavior.


Someone advocates molesting children, murder, slavery, genocide, rape, bigotry, etc. and society in general can't pressure people into thinking these things are actually bad or taboo.


I'll stick to the Bill of Rights definition, thank you.


If I call a gay person a fa**ot, people are allowed to call me out for being an evil anal wart. The government stays out of it.

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15 minutes ago, Barnack said:

That is a complete strawman (and I'm sure you know it), the story is not that theater stopped to show it because of ticket decline of the previous year (we would have never heard about it) at least according to their letter it was not a lack of interest (on the contrary, the movie seem to have generated a lot of talk, people not interest to see a movie don't talk about it):


The recent screening of Gone With the Wind at the Orpheum on Friday, August 11, 2017, generated numerous comments. The Orpheum carefully reviewed all of them … As an organization whose stated mission is to ‘entertain, educate and enlighten the communities it serves,’ the Orpheum cannot show a film that is insensitive to a large segment of its local population.


Obviously if no one would have bought a ticket (and that would have ended the tradition of showing it every year) it would be a different thing (and we would have never heard about it, like for the other 10,000+ movies that just stopped to be shown)

Memphis is 65% black. If the private theatre decides they don't want to show it  anymore because it's racist to most of the community that lives in the city and  enough people complained then I don't see the problem. Y'all are really pressed for a private theatre to show this racist ass film in their theatre. This is so funny. 


Again black people have ALWAYS complained about Gone with the Wind. Literally when it was released there were protests and demonstrations against that whack film. Many compared it to a Birth of a Nation. 


its like y'all literally want to go to the person who own this theatre and physically force they to continue playing a film that they decided they didn't want to play anymore. Probably after being more educated about the racism in the film. Why do some white people people rally so hard behing racist films and monuments? If the government banned it that was one thing but imagine being pissed at some random theatre in Memphis not showing this film. 

Edited by ban1o
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18 minutes ago, ban1o said:

Memphis is 65% black. If the private theatre decides they don't want to show it  anymore because it's racist to most of the community that lives in the city and enough people complained then I don't see the problem. Y'all are really pressed for a private theatre to show this racist ass film in their theatre. This is so funny. 


Again black people have ALWAYS complained about Gone with the Wind. Literally when it was released there were protests and demonstrations against that whack film. Many compared it to a Birth of a Nation. 


its like y'all literally want to go to the person who own this theatre and physically force they to continue playing a film that they decided they didn't want to play anymore. Probably after being more educated about the racism in the film. Why do some white people people rally so hard behing racist films and monuments? If the government banned it that was one thing but imagine being pissed at some random theatre in Memphis not showing this film. 

My message was about to precisely describe the situation, you are talking about the most popular movie ever on television, home video and re-release to say that theater stopped to play it by lack of interest when they state a different reason in their message was misleading.


If theater stop showing movies (that sells tickets) because people complain enough and that you cannot see some possible problem with that, I will disagree with you, a see problem with that way of giving that much power to people disagreeing with an art piece to be show in closed door (with no one having to see it if they do not want too).


Studio received ton of complaint, manifestation on the studio lots were made, terrorist attacked theater that shown Scorsese The Last Temptation of Christ in some country, do you see no problem if theater chain would all have refused to show it, not because they didn't want too of their own aesthetic, cinematic sensibility, commercial prospect but because of those Christian manifestation ? Same for Kevin Smith Dogma, the reason we never got a good budget serious movie about the life of Mohammed (arguably the most influential human of all time).


The not showing stuff just because some people complain about them is a possible big problem, because it reduce what financier/studio/distributor will greenlight because they fear theater chain will refuse to show it or fear consequence, right now it is Mohammed/Vladimir Putin/North Korea movie being cancelled or modified or never even entertained by artist to try to do them for fear of backlash and with how powerful movie to how people see the world, it can have consequence.


27 minutes ago, ban1o said:

its like y'all literally want to go to the person who own this theatre and physically force they to continue playing a film that they decided they didn't want to play anymore.

They clearly wanted to continue to play it, it was scheduled otherwise they would not have put it there, it is directly in reaction to complain they will not play it anymore.

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30 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

Where did you get that definition?


Basically you're saying society can't discourage the worst in human behavior.


Someone advocates molesting children, murder, slavery, genocide, rape, bigotry, etc. and society in general can't pressure people into thinking these things are actually bad or taboo.


I'll stick to the Bill of Rights definition, thank you.


If I call a gay person a fa**ot, people are allowed to call me out for being an evil anal wart. The government stays out of it.




Basically you're saying society can't discourage the worst in human behavior.

Nope, people have right to assembly but I can't discourage it to do it on my lawn, you can certainly give a cost to certain speech, I'm not saying that people should respect other people free speech and right to opinions, I'm saying that giving a cost to someone speech (specially organizing a cost to someone speech) is limiting free speech (it is not free anymore).


The cartel in south america is limiting freedom of press without being a state, the Klu Klux klan/Brown shirts were limiting people freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of forming political entity, etc... without being the state. Isis/Al-quaida did effectively reduce freedom of speech in Western Europe. Not being a state entity does not mean you cannot reduce other people ability to speech without a cost, without feeling a bigger restriction than a $200 fine would.




Someone advocates molesting children, murder, slavery, genocide, rape, bigotry, etc. and society in general can't pressure people into thinking these things are actually bad or taboo.


I'll stick to the Bill of Rights definition, thank you.


You certainly can and certainly should stick to the bill of rights (the right of free speech of one will not supersede the right of someone else to judge him or speech against him) but we do not have to lie about saying that receiving huge cost and consequence for a speech has nothing to do with free speech has long as it not state sponsored.

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9 minutes ago, Barnack said:

My message was about to precisely describe the situation, you are talking about the most popular movie ever on television, home video and re-release to say that theater stopped to play it by lack of interest when they state a different reason in their message was misleading.


If theater stop showing movies (that sells tickets) because people complain enough and that you cannot see some possible problem with that, I will disagree with you, a see problem with that way of giving that much power to people disagreeing with an art piece to be show in closed door (with no one having to see it if they do not want too).


Studio received ton of complaint, manifestation on the studio lots were made, terrorist attacked theater that shown Scorsese The Last Temptation of Christ in some country, do you see no problem if theater chain would all have refused to show it, not because they didn't want too of their own aesthetic, cinematic sensibility, commercial prospect but because of those Christian manifestation ? Same for Kevin Smith Dogma, the reason we never got a good budget serious movie about the life of Mohammed (arguably the most influential human of all time).


The not showing stuff just because some people complain about them is a possible big problem, because it reduce what financier/studio/distributor will greenlight because they fear theater chain will refuse to show it or fear consequence, right now it is Mohammed/Vladimir Putin/North Korea movie being cancelled or modified or never even entertained by artist to try to do them for fear of backlash and with how powerful movie to how people see the world, it can have consequence.


They clearly wanted to continue to play it, it was scheduled otherwise they would not have put it there, it is directly in reaction to complain they will not play it anymore.

The theatre can show whatever film they want. They said he didn't want to show a film that was racist to the majority of the city. It's a racist film. I don't care how many people love it. He obviously didn't want to show it or he wouldn't have canceled it. It's not like people came to protest. They read comments and decided, hey maybe we shouldn't give some racist film a special screening in a majority black city. And that is their right to. Get the hell over yourself. There was no infringement of freedom of speech. The theatre decided they didn't want to show the film. and how do you know how well that film was selling? 


8 minutes ago, DAR said:

Two years Do the Right Thing is having its 30th anniversary.  I'm sure there will be a small roll out for it.  If a theatre chain refuses to show it I'm sure some of you won't complain

lol right? I imagine A LOT of theatres will refuse to show that movie. lol people mad because over some 80 year old film. White people love to rally around racist films. Theatres can show whatever film they want for whatever reason. 

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5 minutes ago, ban1o said:

the theatre can show whatever film they  want. The guy said he didn't want to show a film that was racist to the majority of the city. It's a racist film. I don't care if you love it. Get the hell over yourself! He obviously didn't want to show it. It's not like people came to protest. He read the comments and decided he didn't want to show it lol. 


I have no feeling about the movie at all, it has nothing to do with me.



the theatre can show whatever film they  want

I'm really not sure you agree with that, if you would agree with that you would disagree with the people complaining about the theater showing the movie.



The guy said he didn't want to show a film that was racist to the majority of the city. 

He also pointed out that they received a massive amount of complain, do you think that it was not a major reason, the reason, it is speculation but I'm pretty sure they would have not scheduled the movie to play in the first place (and not received complain) if they didn't want to show the movie.


Why would you assume that a theater scheduling a movie to play in their theater didn't want to show the movie ? What could have forced them to show an old movie other than them wanting to do so ?

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10 minutes ago, ban1o said:



lol right? I imagine A LOT of theatres will refuse to show that movie. lol people mad because over some 80 year old film. White people love to rally around racist films. Theatres can show whatever film they want for whatever reason. 

No I'm asking if you would complain if a theatre refused to show DTRT.


And you might want to check your own racist assumption that white people "rally around racist films".   That's approaching davincicode level of trolling

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3 minutes ago, raegr said:

The same people who are outraged about this are the same ones who will not care about whitewashing and will brush it off as sensitive SJWs. Now that the shoe is on the other foot however...

Probably in both case it is the ability to let people make and play what they want in theater and let people buy ticket of what they want without making any big deal out of it kind of position. Not sure I get the shoe is on the other foot, how saying let a theater play Gone With the Wind and let people buy/not buy ticket different than saying the same for Aloha or Ghost in a shell, let alone a reverse of the situation ?

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