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8 minutes ago, filmlover said:

He's not the only one he's bothering.

It bothered me too, but TOG shouldn't leave because of it. Empire isn't worth that. Guy's just being a bully. 


Edit: Welp, there was at least a happy ending here.



EmpireCity -(6/4/18)-Banned for One Month for abusive behavior towards the staff and users, breeding hostility, and attacking members


Edited by MrGamer
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21 minutes ago, MrGamer said:

C'mon dude, you can't let that guy get to you. 

I understand where he's coming from. As someone who's been a part of this site since 2011, and Mojo before that, I've considered this place like a virtual family. Some posters I talk to in real life and some I've already met in person. @baumer's in another country and yet he even sent me an awesome gift in the mail. Fun times here.


Yet this site isn't what it used to be. Growing really tired of the nonsense you see daily now. I don't log on to get attacked over an opinion, endlessly bash or praise this and that, or to scroll walls of emoji heads with no effort to add to the discussion. I've been here long enough where yall know my MO, I don't roll like that, but I don't tolerate it either. This site imo has lost that "family" dynamic, many of you just don't know how to act or know how to give simple respect. Even something as simple as "please don't post a million emoji heads." Of course I get replies of nothing but emoji heads. I don't log on for that shit.


This site needs to grow up. If you can't act mature with discussions or just in general, step back, log off, take a break. I got enough BS in the real world right now, don't need this virtual nonsense.


Edited by Jandrew
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Just now, Jandrew said:

I understand where he's coming from. As someone who's been a part of this site since 2011, and Mojo before that, I've considered this place like a virtual family. Some posters I talk to off of this site and some I've already met in person. @baumer's in another country and yet he even sent me an awesome gift in the mail. Fun times here.


Ye this site isn't what it used to be. Growing really tired of the nonsense you see daily now. I don't log on to get attacked over an opinion, endlessly bash or praise this and that, or to scroll walls of emoji heads with no effort to add to the discussion. I've been here long enough where yall know my MO, I don't roll like it, but I don't tolerate it either. This site imo has lost that "family" dynamic, many of you just don't know how to act or know how to give simple respect. Even something as simple as "please don't post a million emoji heads." Of course I get replies of nothing but emoji heads. I don't log on for that shit.


This site needs to grow up. If you can't act mature with discussions or just in general, step back, log off, take a break. I got enough BS in the real world right now, don't need this virtual nonsense.

A lot of these people only show up either whenever there's a comic book movie or Star Wars flick being released or stay exclusive to threads dedicated to them. The kind of people who will be complaining "why wasn't Infinity War nominated for Best Picture?! Why do movies like it NEVER get nominated?!" whenever Oscar season comes around. I tend to just keep my distance. The site's most dedicated members are still pleasant to be around (for the most part, at least).

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1 minute ago, WrathOfHan said:

Days like this make me wish I could spend my time doing other things instead of reading nonsensical arguments on here.

The fuck you talking about?

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

A lot of these people only show up either whenever there's a comic book movie or Star Wars flick being released or stay exclusive to threads dedicated to them. The kind of people who will be complaining "why wasn't Infinity War nominated for Best Picture?! Why do movies like it NEVER get nominated?!" whenever Oscar season comes around. I tend to just keep my distance. The site's most dedicated members are still pleasant to be around (for the most part, at least).

Pretty much. They’re sort of the reason why the forum has gone down the shitter. I mean I’m not giving up on the forum but there’s been a lot more fanboys than there used to be. And fanboys tend to bring negativity around. That’s part of the reason I’ve been staying out of the main forum.



I know I’m still young on this site and have my moments of intolerability and apologize for that but for the most part, y’all are some of the kindest and pleasant people on the internet.

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14 minutes ago, MrGamer said:

It bothered me too, but TOG shouldn't leave because of it. Empire isn't worth that. Guy's just being a bully. 


Edit: Welp, there was at least a happy ending here.



I swear I'll never get used to reading dates like the American way haha. Thought for a sec it said 6th of April 

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5 minutes ago, Jandrew said:

I understand where he's coming from. As someone who's been a part of this site since 2011, and Mojo before that, I've considered this place like a virtual family. Some posters I talk to in real life and some I've already met in person. @baumer's in another country and yet he even sent me an awesome gift in the mail. Fun times here.


Yet this site isn't what it used to be. Growing really tired of the nonsense you see daily now. I don't log on to get attacked over an opinion, endlessly bash or praise this and that, or to scroll walls of emoji heads with no effort to add to the discussion. I've been here long enough where yall know my MO, I don't roll like that, but I don't tolerate it either. This site imo has lost that "family" dynamic, many of you just don't know how to act or know how to give simple respect. Even something as simple as "please don't post a million emoji heads." Of course I get replies of nothing but emoji heads. I don't log on for that shit.


This site needs to grow up. If you can't act mature with discussions or just in general, step back, log off, take a break. I got enough BS in the real world right now, don't need this virtual nonsense.


I agree with that. I like posting here and I like talking to people on here. There have been times where I've had the hardest laughs I've had in a long time because of shit people would post on here. And I get the fact this site hasn't been great lately. I almost quit posting here a while back because it was getting really fucking annoying with some people acting like real shits. It's still happening on here. My point was TOG didn't need to leave for the very thing you think may have been lacking on here lately: people to watch his back. People rightfully called out Empire for being an ass and he got what was coming to him. There are still people who are decent on here. That's my whole point to why TOG shouldn't leave. But yes, I agree with everything you said. 

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I should probably clarify myself a bit before logging off for good.  It's not just EmpireCity that's making me want to not be on the forums.  Most conversations in general on here have become repetitive and toxic.  It's the same discussion points over and over.  Marvel, Star Wars, superhero, Disney, rinse and repeat.  There's so many other users on the forums who bother me and I just don't want to engage in any of it right now.  It's exhausting.  I can do so much other shit in life than waste my time reading the same garbage over and over and trying to rationalize with people who never wanted to engage rationally in the first place.


I'll still be on Telegram if you want to talk to me.

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