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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)

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this was a great film to watch. I think it could make twice as much released in early May, but that is trivial. As a remake this works since we capture the best parts of the original without being a copy or a repeat. It also stands alone as a film not requiring you to know anything from the original. Jumanji did have a sequal and a Galaxy Quest-esque reboot is possible there. Zathura would sell in this format. 


We do get some nice laughs and the characters resolve their disputes conveniently. The breakfast Club did that drama better than this film, which also lacks a bit in the SPX dept. The animals looked fake and the whole subplot of the villain and his abilities is dropped. Still, this was an enjoyable day out at the theater. 

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Didn't quite know what to expect from this, as I hadn't bother to read about the reviews and the plot prior to going to the theater. I only knew about its box office success. As far as the story and the premises of the film go, I think this is a good movie that never tries to be sth else than it is. I feel like the movie knows its target and doesn't try to take itself too seriously. It's meant to be lighthearted, goofy and full of cliches.....and that's what this movie exactly is. However, that doesn't mean it's not a good film. Quite the contrary, I had a blast watching it. Some things were too predictable though ( the 3 lives concept, once it got introduced to set the supposed stakes and highlight the danger to the characters trapped in the game, I immediately knew that they'd all end up with only one and that ALL of them would make it without a scratch in the end and go home)
All in all though, I give this movie a solid B+. A new  Jumanji-like story with a refreshing tone to it, full of gags and good performances from the main cast.

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Enjoyable film that requires nothing of the viewer - loses some momentum IMO once they add Jonas to the mix but they found the right ways to use the comedic chops of all 4 leads without it seeming overly weird. Probably the most I have enjoyed a Jack Black role ever (although I did like him in Goosebumps.) Unlike the other big film of Christmas you can leave this film feeling like something good happened - and I am sure that is part of the reason legs have been so nice.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a fun, star-fueled blockbuster that we don’t see often anymore. Johnson and Gillan give very good star performances, while Jack Black transcends that with a truly unique comedic performance that steals the show. Hart is average, and the rest of the cast is forgettable. The setpieces are fine, but the real fun comes from the teen character dynamics coming from adult actors. By the end, it turns out there’s a big heart on the sleeve of this film, and the video game dressing is a nice touch. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a silly film, but it’s very fun thanks to its ensemble and unique setting. B

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I saw this a few days ago. It’s nowhere near Robin William’s Jumangi classic (one of my most fav movies), however it never tried to be. It did it’s own original take, aka being inside the game and being in a more modern format of a video game. 


Overall the characters were fine, especially the adult cast. I thought each did a fine job, Black was a standout. I think the most funniest part though goes to the female actress when she tried to flirt with the guys (also the lessons prior were funny, it kind of hit home with me as I’m terrible at flirting). I literally was peeing myself! I will say The Rock for me felt like the least developed/stand out. I’m not sure if the others were just better/had better material to work with, or he was just bland.


The story was okay, nothing great but not terrible. Perhaps if anything the villain seemed pretty boring and not very interesting (unlike the soldier in the other jumangi, I actually felt menace radiating from him and felt his prensence). It just seemed like the heroes just did what they wanted easily. Also, I didn’t really like the idea of the game board just randomly turning itself into a video game console for no reason whatsoever. I would of preferred had the director just took away the first part of them finding the board on the beach (trying to connect it to the original), and instead just make up it’s own origin like it being in a video game shop “but not on sale” and perhaps main character steals it or something. And how did the game get in the school anyhoo when it was in the “freaky house”? 


Overall it’s a film that if you are walking into it comparing to the original, you’ll be dissapointed. If you walk into it however with an open mind, you’ll be surprised to find that it can be a fun movie to pass the hours. Overall I gave it a B-, 6.5/10 

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Finally got around to seeing this and LOVED it! I was cracking up throughout the film. I thought all the principles were great but my favorite was Johnson. That kissing scene was priceless. Now my son and I are practicing our smoldering look. B) 



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Even though this doesn't have classic status of Robins Jumanji i loved it! 

Right from the start this was one of the best entertainers of 2017 (2018 for me as i watched it in FEB :P)


The best part of the movie was everything i mean i couldn't find fault in this movie as long as it kept me hooked and laugh at all times! 

But 2 people standout....they are Kevin Hart and Jack Black....these 2 make the most of it! 


Has great repeat value.


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