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Crunching the Numbers: May the Fourth Be With Your Films

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3 minutes ago, Spagheditary said:

While I can’t attest to that in particular, SPARK IV will make the climax of this look tame. It’s going to hopefully be a gonzo, glorious send off to the franchise.


Looking forward to it.


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"Okay, that's enough!" Candace interrupts. Garrett is beginning to freak out a bit, so his mother tries to calm him down and reassure him the ocean is safe. "That happened forever ago, honey. I was a little toddler. Younger than you are. This island has been safe for a very long time."


Huh, so Felicity is playing a decade older than her actual age. Interesting.

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Jaws: The Return


All the spectacle, none of the character. It's technically competent, the Pier Collapse scene is quite the visual and energetic hoot, but the film is very soulless, with no character arcs, no personality. Amy Adams gets stuck with a thankless role and Felicity Jones and her family are just there as bait for bad things to happen. It's entertaining, and worth appreciating for the staging of a couple setpieces, but utterly disposable.



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Amulet II: The Last Council


A very deliberately-paced film that does a little rug-pulling out from under the audience with some defied expectations. Former villains becomes heroes, supposed allies turn out to be monsters in disguise, and the last hope turns out to be the dawning terror. The film leaves off with our protagonists feeling at their lowest, with only a desperate spark of resistance as their only chance. The film could have used some tightening up though, at some times the pacing does feel on the side of glacial as we get a lot of exposition dumps and moments that tease out just a little bit of character momentum. But some of the action setpieces, including the wyvern attack and the desperate stonekeeper trials near the end, are wonderfully thrilling.


The voice cast is very well-rounded, if quite spaced out with the size of the cast. F. Murray Abraham shines in his small role in the film's final act. Navin and Karen feel a lot more underused and static compared to the first film though, since this film ends up really being about Emily's journey and discoveries. All in all, it is a worthy follow-up to its predecessor, even if it does not reach the same heights.



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Amityville Nightmare Part II


This could have been solved so much earlier if they just burned the house down at the start.


Better paced than its predecessor, with a ticking clock thriller mode to it, the film certainly chills and thrills. However the film also goes towards a more gory and outlandish route, eschewing some of the mood and atmosphere the first one did have in spades. More shock and awe this time around.



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Tomorrow I will read/review the following requested films:


Princess Diaries 3

Kingdom of the Sum



As well as the following un-requested films:


Marked Up Time

By the Balls

Silent Hill II




Then I will read everything else.

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