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The Letter Grades Strike Back aka Cookie's Corner Y5

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13 minutes ago, cookie said:

The top 25 should be done by the weekend. I'm hoping to have read everything before @Rorschach starts doing actuals, but no guarantees.

I'll have to push back the start of actuals back a few days from Friday as I had a surprise assignment dropped on me at the last minute. Hoping to start 'em Sunday or Monday.

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Today on @Spaghetti Should Check His Work More Often



Nick decides that since she rather enjoyed the last meeting that she had at a café, that he knows a great Sushi restaurant and he has tickets for a special production of Hamilton on LA’s Broadway


The sushi at the restaurant, which happens to be beautifully decorated inside, is delicious, and the theatrical production of Cats is also very good



She works at her own home, accompanied by her pet cat, Diamond.


She wakes up drowsily, and she is licked awake by Diamond. She initially thinks that it was Nick, being somewhat grossed out, but she is relieved that it’s just her dog.



I dig the movie tho


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1 minute ago, Spaghetti said:



...if you liked RAF, TLBH, and Epsilon, then....what’s my popular movie you dislike this year?!?!


Well the question is how much I liked it.


Even PoE and Spark 3 were in the B / 7/10 range :qotd:


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6 minutes ago, cookie said:
  • Bottom Rung of the Year at 6 P.M CEST

What I mean by this one is that I won't just list the obvious trash of the year. It's more about the films people put actual effort into that disappointed me personally and what not. So look forward to that.

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The Letdowns




One Punch Man


Yeah, Rorschach has been pretty open about how difficult it was trying to finish this thing. It's a very stuffed piece, and unlike some other movies of similar length what led to the huge word count here was him cramming way too much into one film - instead of describing sequences in detail like Numbers and I did with TSW2 and Pillars II.


It leads to a movie that has like three different beginnings, probably because it can't decide what story it actually wants to tell, and for a comedy that's pretty bad. You at least knew what the endgame was, but the Boros storyline only briefly appears at the very beginning and then doesn't even become relevant again until the last third, and thus so much of it just feels like exhausting filler.


I don't tend to pick on the writing but you can feel this was rushed if you compare how smoothly Rorschach's other wordy film Bambi: A Life in the Woods reads to this one. It honestly felt like it was written by two different people.


There are some good stuff. I like Taron Egerton in the lead role and I'd say the scene that recreates this:



is very much the film's highlight. If the whole film was more laser focused like that we could've had something really good on our hands - a shame too given the passion Rorschach seems to have for the series.


I'm honestly still struggling to decide where exactly to put One Punch Man. Is it in the top 25? Is it in the honorable mentions? Is it nowhere near the list at all? Burning questions that will be answered shortly.


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Perfect Match


Yeah, I wasn't very much a fan of the halfway turn this movie took, sorry Blanks (and EGK).


Thing is, everything up until it turns into a mediocre action movie I thought was pretty good. If it just stuck to being a romance movie with a mystery element it would've been way more interesting than what we got, even if the latter half does raise the question of what makes an AI human if thinks it is one - a good question the movie doesn't really answer.


It's not bad, but again I felt disappointed.


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I've gone into great detail on how I feel regarding this film, so I'll just link the review here:



I think Slambros is incredibly talented and I would have no issue at all reading a longer film from him - provided he picks a grander and more straightforward story suited for it. This was just too much for one fairly confusing movie, and I'm going to assume the source material handles the narrative threads a lot better. There's a reason it was adapted after all.


And Slambros I can tell learns fast - Yin reads amazingly compared to this, and is much more engaging as a result. I think he has all the tools to deliver a CAYOM all-timer someday - he just needs to find the right story to do so.


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4 minutes ago, cookie said:


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O, Maestro!


I'm mostly disappointed because it was too alternately straight faced and/or confusing for me to deliver many Voltron jokes.


That gif of Allura and Coran flying away was all I needed.



...what's the context for that scene?


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Last one.







With someone as talented as Rian Johnson on board (future Voltron plug!), I was really hoping we'd get something more substantial than what's basically a demo reel for a future movie. Not that much else I can really say besides that.


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