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Eric Quinn

A Very Merry Christmas to All of BOT: 2022 Edition - By Eric

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Well...we made it. While most Christmases are exciting and cheery, this year's doesn't really have that feeling. At least here in the States, there are currently millions with no heat or power due to the winter storms and heavy wind chills. And thankfully my family has not been affected by it. But even so, despite my lucky privileges, I don't feel all that happy this year either.


Frankly, the last couple months have been the absolute worst of my life. I got laid off from a job that I loved working in, losing all the amazing coworkers and incredible opportunities I had in the process. I had a new job fairly quickly, but the whole endeavor was a miserable experience and the people in charge didn't even give me a chance and let me go after two weeks, despite me doing everything they asked me to do. And now in this supposedly festive time period, I've been scrambling from job interview to job interview while also trying to buy Christmas presents for my family without any income arriving. Juggling all of this is an absolute nightmare, only compounding the typical Christmas holiday stress further. Add on everybody in my family but me getting COVID around that time period (how I didn't get it I will never understand) and the box office being the worst it has ever been and it's getting tough to find something happy from all this.


But hey...I made it through another year. I've had fun with my family this entire weekend, I get to see Glass Onion tomorrow, a film I am super excited for, and I still have you knuckleheads to talk to. The past two weeks have been very hectic on this board and it's hard to keep track of everything. Especially with some trolls trying to ruin the party. But this place has been my rock and comfort for years now and I love all of you silly goobers for giving me friends to talk to and a shared hobby we can all partake and have fun in.


And while it's hard to stay positive at this point, both in my personal life and this silly hobby of mine, at least I have people I have a connection to and vent towards if need be and plenty of memorable stories for 2023. So hope you all enjoy your holiday breaks and here's to 2023, which will, at the very least, be an interesting time for everybody.



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Eric, thanks for sharing and it's a blessing to have you here and in all of our lives.  Merry Christmas to you!


Not that this helps, but as you keep getting older, you run into years like this past one for you - and the lesson I've learned is "this, too, will pass" and things will get better, even if it doesn't seem that way right now.  But to get through right now, you take care of you 1st.  Don't be everything for everyone if you can't.  Say no.  Do something selfish just for yourself that makes you happy.  AKA - do what you need to do to get through to the other side.  And ask for help when you need it, and don't feel bad for doing so.  People in your life are there to help, and they would let you know that if you ever ask them.


I'll send hugs, thoughts, and prayers your way for a better 2023 for you.

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Merry Christmas, Eric. You truly are someone who makes a difference.


Wishing you all the best in '23!


P.S. Dune and Wonka coming out within two months of one another? If the last three months of this year was challenging, then the Fall of '23 is going to be 😁🏆🎉👌

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Your efforts, along with all of the mods, are largely appreciated, and this forum is something that all movie business buffs should be grateful for. 

Edited by excel1
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1 hour ago, Eric in Boots said:

Frankly, the last couple months have been the absolute worst of my life. I got laid off from a job that I loved working in, losing all the amazing coworkers and incredible opportunities I had in the process. I had a new job fairly quickly, but the whole endeavor was a miserable experience and the people in charge didn't even give me a chance and let me go after two weeks, despite me doing everything they asked me to do. And now in this supposedly festive time period, I've been scrambling from job interview to job interview while also trying to buy Christmas presents for my family without any income arriving. Juggling all of this is an absolute nightmare, only compounding the typical Christmas holiday stress further. Add on everybody in my family but me getting COVID around that time period (how I didn't get it I will never understand) and the box office being the worst it has ever been and it's getting tough to find something happy from all this.


Sorry to hear about your challenges. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and the challenges will fade into the distance behind. Generic statement that is all 100% true and truly, the positive experiences of life will be all the more satisfying afterwards. Good luck. 

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Merry Christmas Eric, and everyone else here on BOT. I know I talk about it a lot, but this place has been a staple in my life since freaking middle school, and I honestly don’t know where I’d be without it.


Cheers to another year!

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On 12/24/2022 at 11:56 AM, Magic Eric said:



Well...we made it. While most Christmases are exciting and cheery, this year's doesn't really have that feeling. At least here in the States, there are currently millions with no heat or power due to the winter storms and heavy wind chills. And thankfully my family has not been affected by it. But even so, despite my lucky privileges, I don't feel all that happy this year either.


Frankly, the last couple months have been the absolute worst of my life. I got laid off from a job that I loved working in, losing all the amazing coworkers and incredible opportunities I had in the process. I had a new job fairly quickly, but the whole endeavor was a miserable experience and the people in charge didn't even give me a chance and let me go after two weeks, despite me doing everything they asked me to do. And now in this supposedly festive time period, I've been scrambling from job interview to job interview while also trying to buy Christmas presents for my family without any income arriving. Juggling all of this is an absolute nightmare, only compounding the typical Christmas holiday stress further. Add on everybody in my family but me getting COVID around that time period (how I didn't get it I will never understand) and the box office being the worst it has ever been and it's getting tough to find something happy from all this.


But hey...I made it through another year. I've had fun with my family this entire weekend, I get to see Glass Onion tomorrow, a film I am super excited for, and I still have you knuckleheads to talk to. The past two weeks have been very hectic on this board and it's hard to keep track of everything. Especially with some trolls trying to ruin the party. But this place has been my rock and comfort for years now and I love all of you silly goobers for giving me friends to talk to and a shared hobby we can all partake and have fun in.


And while it's hard to stay positive at this point, both in my personal life and this silly hobby of mine, at least I have people I have a connection to and vent towards if need be and plenty of memorable stories for 2023. So hope you all enjoy your holiday breaks and here's to 2023, which will, at the very least, be an interesting time for everybody.




how is 2023 treating you thus far?

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