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WGA/SAGAFTRA Strike Discussion Thread | SAG Ratifies Contract

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13 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

lmao, absolutely not. Stop believing the swill the tech bros are shilling. 

I predict that if a AI wrote a movie, all you would get is mess of chliches. You cannot replace the originality of the human mind.

I am no luddite..I don't know what I would do without my computer.....but people who seem to think Humans being replaced by computers  is a really good idea scare the hell out of me.

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Just now, Cmasterclay said:

Except without actors and writers all these capitalist business moguls literally have zero product and thus they have zero leverage, so fuck em.


I'm not anti the system, I just want the system to work for the people who actually work within the system. Like if businesses stopped being greedy dicks and treated their employees well and worked to improve the lives of it's workers, you'd have a lot less anti-business sentiment rising up.


Like how can I have be anti-business when I technically own my own business? 

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Just now, Water Bottle said:


I'm not anti the system, I just want the system to work for the people who actually work within the system. Like if businesses stopped being greedy dicks and treated their employees well and worked to improve the lives of it's workers, you'd have a lot less anti-business sentiment rising up.


Like how can I have be anti-business when I technically own my own business? 

I don't want movies to stop being produced anymore than I wanted my local Amtrak to stop running or the MTA to shut down. But when all people are willing to sacrifice their personal pleasure and convenience to protect other working people, all of us eventually benefit. That's how a fair economy works. I am not a SAG member just like I'm not a member of the Broward Teachers Union. But a victory for one group of working people shows solidarity and strength that leads to a victory for all working people. It isn't anti-business. It is pro-worker. Pro your neighbor. Pro every friend you have that works for a living.

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2 hours ago, ChipDerby said:


Well this is also a question for teachers/students. Is there a way to "prove" AI was used in doing something or assisting in something?

You also have the question of what is AI and what is not. I can see AI tech being used to produce  something like Microsoft Word..or name your favorite word processing progatm..on steroids.

This is unknown territory;  we might be headed for a real life Butlerian Revolution a la "Dune". (which the movied does not really go into; maybe the second half will since it has real revelenace).

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I am going to go out a limb and suggest that as far as the marketing of completed movies go, the impact of the strike will not be that great.Still plenty of ways for studios to market movies not involving personal appreances.

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1 hour ago, Cap said:

Sidebar, when I was in college and film school, I almost failed out because of my inability to write a paper. I understood all the topics; I could orally give you a presentation; I could in my mind, draft the paper, and then the second I got to started writing it I had overwhelming and complete anxiety about writing a draft. Seriously. I failed at college because of it. (Finished after sixteen years).


So having a tool where I could spit out every single one of my thoughts, and my complete treatment, and then give me some type of a draft that I could edit on my own, and work with, would be very tempting. 

Granted, nowadays, talk to text is much more accurate and easily accessible, so you can just do that instead. But, From a disability point of view, I kind of see the appeal. I just morally don’t think I’ve ever use it. 


But would that be true AI, but just Microsoft Word or Wordperfect on steroids?

I think somelike that would be more useful for things like not fiction books then movie scripts, but sitll I think there is going to be alot of diascussion about  what constitutes AI and what does not?

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1 hour ago, Plain Old Tele said:

Wait what? How has Zaslav improved his company?

THis guy was also defending Chapek. I think he one of those  people who likes "Tough Guys" and being an SOB is the best way to run a company.

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4 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

I see the Fran Drescher Redemption is happening in real time. 😂


There's a time to Address Grievances and then there's a time to Close Ranks.


Smart unions figure out which are which. 👍


(Smart union leaders figure out how to make the latter easier to happen)

((Smarter union leaders try to minimize the conditions for grievances arising in the first place))


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Just now, filmlover said:

I need immediate gifs of Fran yelling "IT. IS. DIS. GUST. ING! SHAME ON THEM!"


I'm sorry but it's always going to be funny to me that The Nanny was actually voted as president of a major industry union.



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Hollywood is definntly in for the roughest ride it has had in terms of change since TV came along  in the late 40's. Theater revenues dropped 40% within a couple of years.

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