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Yeah, I was thinking about that to be honest, but it's too much like The Town already... This movie is actually partially inspired from The Town...


But yeah, I might go with him after all.

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Right, so...


The following actors/directors will be taken this year.


Saoirse Ronan, Rooney Mara

AnnaSophia Robb

Nicholas Hoult, Anton Yelchin, Ben Wishaw, James D'Arcy, Scarlett Johanson


As for directors...


Sofia Coppola

Ben Affleck


I still need one last director... but I swear I know no one who made a movie like the one I have in my head...

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If this is the end, I might do some commemorative lists.


My Top 10 Films


1. The Eccentric Minds Of Belmond Lane

2. Spark

3. The Glass Castle

4. Cinema Studies

5. The Rich & Famous

6. Extrasensory

7. The Who's Tommy

8. Cyber

9. The Simulation

10. Psychonauts


Special Awards


The "At Least I Tried" Award: The Academy

The "I'm Surprised This Didn't Click" Award: Stories From Eden

The "It's Fine, But It Should Have Been Much Better" Award: Spark: Ignition

The "Better Than I Thought It Would Go" Award: Le Grand Ecran

The "Who Cares, I Had A Blast" Award: TIE: The Terrible Plight Of Freddy Zapper and Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass

The "I'll Defend It Up To The Last Half-Hour" Award: Cyber

The "Genre of Specialty" Award: Sci-Fi and Comedy

Best Actor In A Leading Role: Owen Wilson (Eccentric Minds)

Best Actress In A Leading Role: Chloe Moretz (The Glass Castle)

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I'm trying to think of ways to keep this sub-forum active so there's still something going on and here's one suggestion:


Instead of having Years, we could instead have something like Bi-Monthly Festivals like we started having inbetween each Year of the game. This would allow people to only worry about making 1-2 films at most every couple months and the OOC section would allow for people to make fun films for fun rather than trying to win some award. Another thing to increase participation would be to make the Festival open (meaning all films get posted) and aside from the Committee there could be a collective Audience Award (like most real film festivals have) for every non-Committee person to take part in via ranking the submitted films.


And in-between festivals and on-going we can have threads talking about our film plans, trading ideas/suggestions, and focusing on having more collaborative/community efforts so people can still take part and be invested even if they don't really have time at the moment to make a film on their own.


Just spitballing here.

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It seems like we may transition from the Year system to a more Festival-oriented system. No one's commented on my suggestion though.


I think it's a great idea. It would give us less time to focus on 5+ movies and instead on 1-2.

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Since at least a couple people are on record thinking the Festival idea is good, I'm going to take a couple days to flesh out the idea further and then re-present it here.

Good, good. At least you try to keep this game alive. Thanks mate.

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So, here is how I imagine the new format working:


The In-Between Period


Basically this will be the period leading up to each "Festival" and it'll be based around discussing future projects, soliciting advice/suggestions about casting/story questions. It also can be used to "advertise" upcoming releases at the next Festival by releasing a "trailer" for the film, or for example by posting an excerpt of the film for people to look at to build up anticipation. It also can be used to get a collaborative project going between multiple members.


Basically, anything tangential to the game goes on here, as a way to keep community discussion going during the off-periods.



The Festival


This is how I imagine this working:


The Chairman- This is the person who runs the Festival and is in charge of creating and maintaining all of the major threads. The Chairman is one of the three members of the Awards Committee.


The Committee- Three players whose job it is to review all films and jointly decide on a Festival winner, runner-up, etc and also hand out additional awards if they so choose (could be serious awards or fun ones).


The Audience- Every member/player/spectator who is not on the committee. They also have the opportunity to review all films in little blurbs if they wish. At the end of the Festival, they will PM the Chairman a ranked list of all In-Competition films. The Chairman will tabulate the points and after the Committee has posted its awards, the Chairman posts who wins the Audience Award. Should be a good way to show potential differences in opinion (especially if the Committee is a fancy-pants one)


Submissions- Either In-Competition (competing for awards) or Out-Of-Competition (for fun). All submissions will be public, posted in the thread set up by the Chairman. Each film should indicate whether it is in or out of competition. Everyone can submit up to 2 films to the festival. Audience members can submit both films in-competition, out of competition, or one in each category. Committee members can only submit one film in-competition.


Depending on player participation, players may be able to submit a third film, but it would have to be out of competition.


Timing- The Festival takes as long as it needs to, depending on the availability of the Committee. I expect it shouldn't take no more than a couple weeks each go-around. As for the In-Between period, there should be at least 1 month in-between Festivals but up to 2 months might be a better time period to allow for some downtime, working on the 1-2 submissions for next time, and for general game discussion.


Special Event-


Every so often (I don't know the time period yet, but maybe every 6 months or so?), we will have an Oscar ceremony, with all films submitted in any Festival in the previous period eligible to be nominated for the Usual CAYOM Oscar categories. This allows for the OOC films to rack up tech noms or even surprise in above-the-line noms if they got very very well received at the Festival.



These are my expanded thoughts, but please comment and ask questions and suggest alternatives.

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