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What makes this movie so special in SK??

Bong Joon Ho is an acclaimed director of SK. The movie also starred Song Kang Ho, one of the best, and most popular actors in the country. It's a co-production with Hollywood, have a budget that is big for a Korean film.
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Bong Joon Ho is an acclaimed director of SK. The movie also starred Song Kang Ho, one of the best, and most popular actors in the country. It's a co-production with Hollywood, have a budget that is big for a Korean film.


Thanks Sam :)

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Bong Joon Ho is an acclaimed director of SK. The movie also starred Song Kang Ho, one of the best, and most popular actors in the country. It's a co-production with Hollywood, have a budget that is big for a Korean film.


There were some American investors involved--no big studios--but they pulled out at the last minute and CJ Entertainment (which was already footing most of the bill) had to step in and make up for the loss. CJ's end alone supposedly came to $40 million and they've already earned back at least half of it through foreign presales. The rest of the budget was put up by Park Chan-wook's company and a couple of other local firms.

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Bong Joon Ho is an acclaimed director of SK. The movie also starred Song Kang Ho, one of the best, and most popular actors in the country. It's a co-production with Hollywood, have a budget that is big for a Korean film.

Need to direct a large tentpole movie.

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Of Hollywood? Cause I would say The Host and now Snowpiercer are considered tentpole movies for SK.


True but Bong Joon Ho doing a Hollywood comic book film would be epic in my opiniion(I mean proper superhero).


Review will be coming in about 10 hours I expect.

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True but Bong Joon Ho doing a Hollywood comic book film would be epic in my opiniion(I mean proper superhero).Review will be coming in about 10 hours I expect.

I agree. Would love to see him trying his hands at a comic book movie, or any big tentpoles really.Looking forward to your review :)
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Right and so onto Snowpiercer...


I will begin by saying I aim to include zero spoilers whatsoever which will mean I cannot talk about certain scenes or events but hopefully can keep things interesting.


So, the film is arguably both a masterpiece and a disappointment. There is both immense ambition and also a sense that Bong was playing it safe a little. Let me explain...


The film is set on a train. Apart from a couple of scenery shots, everything is on a train so for an action based film, you are kind of talking almost like the Oldboy Hammer corridor fight but extended for 100 minutes. the film is claustrophobic, congested and at times there is far to much happening in too small a space. There is also a fair bit of shaky cam work which possibly happened due to actors having no choice byt to bump into the camera. You really feel the whole time that you are on a train and it is done so well that at times it hinders the visuals.


I read a couple of US pieces that commented how the film appears to just be Ellysium but on a train (lets not argue about which idea came first...) and maybe there is a sense of that with the divisions of class and such. However this film makes decisions and takes directions I would be both shocked and in awe of if Elysium follows suit (and I really hope that turns out to be a great film). Even though the whole film is in English and is clearly made with the US market in mind, there is something truly Korean running through the film which could shock a few US audiences who may be less comfortable with the lack of respect for genre moulds and what a character is 'supposed to do' in a Hollywood film.


The visuals inside the train are great, some of the CGI is a bit dodgy for the scenary shots but the sets and direction are near flawless. The acting too was really surprisingly impressive. Chris Evans is immense in this and John hurt also puts in a great performance that stood about amongst a sea of great performances. Too often, English language films directed by non-English speakers (first language) turn out to be wooden and awkward, this really really isn't.


When I saw the trailer, the one thing that worried me was how 'bad' Tilda Swinton's speech seemed to be. I am happy to say that the full thing within the film is really well done and she adds some great comic moments to this, as does Jamie Bell and of course Song Kangho. Despite not speaking a word of English, his mannerisms and tone of voice when speaking Korean really steals the scenes he is in, it's extraordinary. I hope it translates equally to those that don't understand him.


Overall, I thought the film was great, although my Korean friend felt it was Okay. It seems that the main issue is that people were expecting something revolutionary and instead got something that has been done before being done again (even if it was done very well).


If i had to compare the film and its reception, I would have to say its like Spielberg in the 90s. The Host was Bong's Jurassic Park, Memories of Murder was his Schinder's List and then this was his Saving Private Ryan. A great and brilliantly made film that disappointed people at first because it was 'just a war film' and not genre breaking like the films before. However in time, I believe will will realise (like they sort of do now with Ryan), that it's actually a stunning piece of filmmaking.


It's well worth waiting for and part of me almost thinks that its release delay in the USA is actually down to Weinstein believing this has awards nomination potential.

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