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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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The worst part of Watchmen to me was the way he used the songs in the soundtrack. They should have been part of the scenery playing in the background as opposed to right in your face. At least that's what I would have done. That is how they were in the book, most of the time they were on the radio in the background.

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ha ha you just don't get it do you. The movie that opened last year on this same weekend was NEVER going to make as much as this one no matter what. That weekend would always be lower by default

Agreed. I don't see any negative effect here. This weekend was bigger just like it was supposed to be. If there was some kind of public panic, LESS people would have gone to the movies...not MORE.

There were a lot of people ignoring the things which indicate that TDKR will make less than TDK.

IMO, the only thing anyone can definitively say is that the incident affected TDKR's box office somehow. How much and in what way can never really be answered. I could construct an argument that says it would've only grossed $150 mil OW if not for all this publicity - far-fetched? Probably. But only slightly less defensible than those who are saying it would've approached $200 mil without the shooting. No one knows. There's no precedent at which to point. Sure, people can say "look at the pre-release tracking numbers!!!" But, hey, am I mistaken, or have those numbers been 100% reliable in the past?!? Didn't think so.

Agreed. When someone says "We KNOW there was an effect"...I have to question how they "know" that? And which effect? Did this boost the box office or hurt it? There is no way to "know".

We've certainly seen enough wrong "predictions" to know they are not proof of anything. Go back and check the predictions for The Avengers opening weekend if you think the predictors are all that.

Seriously have none of you been reading notfabio's posts? He has commented multiple times now, Rth may have as well, that the entire audience is 18+ college and above. Absolutely no families. That is a direct affect from the shooting, to argue otherwise is to be divorced from reality.

Really? Some are actually going to try to make the case that the 3rd biggest OW in history was obtained with "absolutely no families"? The spin on this one is getting weird.

Now quantifying that impact is another story.

Also interestingly this sort of puts to bed HL's death drove TDKs gross. TDKR opened to more money, spare me inflation there other factors you aren't considering when you do such as disposable income is less today than it was in 2008 due to the recession, and did so despite an unparelled tragedy.

So you'll believe tragedy effects box office one way but not the other? Kinda convenient, eh? Isn't box office up this year? Why would "less disposable income" suddenly hit this weekend?

It should be agreed by all the shooting had an affect and TDKR actually did exceptionally well given the headwinds it faced. While overhyped, and I think you can say it would not have beaten TA even without the shooting, for it to open north of $160m given everything that happened on OD, is pretty remarkable, hater or not.

I agree the OW is remarkable. Shame that "expectations" once again turned a great number into "disappointing". Those expectations were fueled by illogical thinking in the first place. Agreeing upon "an effect" is going to be difficult since we don't really know what that effect was. Did it boost box office or lower it?

You can't view the public as a monolithic entity. Many of them were unfazed by the shooting and still went to see Batman or whatever other movie they were interested in, but others were not. Unless there were some government-mandated restriction on movie theater admissions this argument doesn't hold any water.

Exactly my point. Painting the entire public as one entity who were influenced to NOT go to the movies is ignoring the part of the public who were influenced to GO to the movies. Anyone who has had to deal with rubber-neckers on a public highway knows how stupid the public is in their morbid curiosity. How many people felt they needed to see the "movie the news is talking about" or "that movie they say made that guy kill those people"? To deny they exist is to spin the situation in one direction only.

The holdover drops do not look that different compared to TDK's release weekend.

Big surprise there....another comic book movie (Hellboy) dropped 70% when TDK opened.
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Its not spin, unless you have evidence and more credibility than notfabio and Rth which you don't.I don't have their access, nor their track record, so I defer to their information when they choose to share it. Perhaps you can share with us your credentials for your outright rejection of their comments regarding the audience and performance of TDKR this weekend.I await with baited breath your reply.
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Hmm, now that I think of it, I dont remember a single thing about SR. Thats pretty bad, right?

Terrible. Do you remember anything from Sucker Punch? :P
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Plenty of issues in all films. Certainly Rises is the least 'tight' out of the three. But people conveniently ignore how many issues his other films have. What matters is the enjoyment of the experience in the end.

I agree. In fact, most movies have plot holes.However, we can forgive plot holes and stay in the world of the movie as long as the continuity is so bad that it breaks that wall. As Baumer wrote, we stay in the "movie zone". Once we start questioning too many things, we lose that zone, we can no longer suspend beliefs and the movie loses its enjoyment.This happened for me with TDKR, but not with TDK or BB or "Avengers". That's the difference. There were weaknesses in all of those films, but not enough to deter from the enjoyment of the movies. In contrast, TDKR had so many issues that it just detracted from the movie considerably. While it's easy to dismiss those of us who feel this way as saying we are too nitpicky, the fact is, a lot of us have these issues. This is why I don't think the WOM will be as good with TDKR as it was with TDK.
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Ugh, we should probably take this to another thread but...

It's really like a couple minutes of conversation, but Gordon thought he could rally the people behind him. Blake felt that Bane was staging a farce and would never allow it to happen. Ultimately though, once Bane reveals that Gordon hid the truth about Harvey Dent, that killed that whole plan. No way would the general public rally around Gordon knowing that he was involved with a plot like that.

Right - so why have that in there at all? it was a waste of time. Use those extra minutes to cover some of the other gaping plot holes.
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Some images, but not much since I gave up after 40 minutes.

You did good. Did you saw the bucket of potatoes falling in slo-mo? It is the only thing I remember :lol:
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