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A Marvel Fanboy

China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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I doubt MoM was going to release either way, if theres outrage over it I imagine an apology will still be issued though since this isn't really about human rights or anything but just some cult sneaking it into footage? Probably not really an image damage to be had for apologizing here. 


Also some of the people here need to calm down, I'm sure we all have our reserves with the CCP but some of the comments here are just not so veiled racism.

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3 minutes ago, Leviathan said:



Exactly, some are just very racist and very hateful/biased towards Chinese/China. At least in this forum section, there are some Asian and Chinese members who also understand the situation better. TBH I think Disney was just being stupid and uneducated with these things, they made Mulan and you know how disastrous it was, it's very likely that their film editor teams don't even know how to count numbers in Chinese. Understanding the meaning of Chinese advertisements on the street might be too hard for them.

On the bright side at least on Reddit, the Marvel fandom is divided now and they also don't want Marvel to lose the potential China market to DC either like us.

Fuck that nonsense. Those are fanboys.


Like, China didn't help Batman at all. Neither would to Doctor Strange 2.


Joker is literally the only DC thing to make a billion without China. 


Without China, Aquaman would be below Billion. 


Marvel without China will only lead to incomparable total grosses between fanboys

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31 minutes ago, Issac Newton said:

Tbh, Some aren't worrying much.



Oh dear, this sounds hopeful, does this mean Disney can resolve this by sending an edited version where they can delete all these cult name/logo etc. It's just an object, I think they can even delete that street sign out of existence.

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5 minutes ago, ImNotRacistAtAll said:

Fuck that nonsense. Those are fanboys.


Like, China didn't help Batman at all. Neither would to Doctor Strange 2.


Joker is literally the only DC thing to make a billion without China. 


Without China, Aquaman would be below Billion. 


Marvel without China will only lead to incomparable total grosses between fanboys

It's really too much now. You should drop the stick You never care about CoVid-19 nor about cinema closure. The Batman did it's best. Still pulling numbers (¥148.61M)


Not even a fanboys issue. I too have frustrations, but tolerance & patience above anything. Even if the results aren't satisfying but I don't rant or joke about it.


They made a mistake, apologies &move on. And that's how it should be.


Racism should stop now. It's going beyond limit...

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Honestly, Disney could end Hollywood movies in China for good. Or for a good amount of time. And I would love to see it. 


Tensions between NATO and China seem to get bigger because of Russia.


Like, Disney,what are these double standards? Making a stand against Russia right? Whatever


On the yearly Investor's Meeting, Disney's pandering is always brought up and asked to stop to work with the humans rights violation regime and giving them money. This year wasn't different, specifically because of Disney's stand against Russia. 


If Disney comes out making a stand against China saying they will stop their work with China, exposing REASONS (reasons that everyone knows, but no company has made it public), I really can't imagine other studios not following. 




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1 minute ago, honeycookiez said:

So it's obvious that it was closed to get a release date but then it got killed by a random sign on the street... They still need to make a clear statement for the future of their brand tho

I wouldnt say that it was obvious, no way home and morbius didnt  and from what i know there wasnt anything "controversial" with these movies.

Edited by john2000
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5 minutes ago, Issac Newton said:

It's really too much now. You should drop the stick You never care about CoVid-19 nor about cinema closure. The Batman did it's best. Still pulling numbers (¥148.61M)


Not even a fanboys issue. I too have frustrations, but tolerance & patience above anything. Even if the results aren't satisfying but I don't rant or joke about it.


They made a mistake, apologies &move on. And that's how it should be.


Racism should stop now. It's going beyond limit...

I don't get the racism. 


Honestly, genuine question. How am I being racist? 


For pointing out the obvious? 

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Just now, john2000 said:

I wouldnt say that it was obvious, no way home and morbius didnt really and from what i know there was nothing "controversial" with these movies.


According to that screenshot from Weibo which was posted by Issac Newton, it's obvious that CFA was about to give its release date and if Chinese netizens didn't find any problem with it, then MoM would be the 1st  Marvel film that got released after 2 years.

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What is happening in here? Let’s all calm down.


It’s clear Marvel had no idea what this street sign meant, like I understand why people are upset but it’s clearly not on purpose. It’s sort of like people on Weibo or whatever are looking for excuses now like they did with Simu Liu (who has done nothing wrong).


No Way Home never got released in China for no reason whatsoever. MCU/ Marvel Sony are now banned in China for the foreseeable. Let’s accept that and move on.



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6 minutes ago, ImNotRacistAtAll said:

Honestly, Disney could end Hollywood movies in China for good. Or for a good amount of time. And I would love to see it. 


Tensions between NATO and China seem to get bigger because of Russia.


Like, Disney,what are these double standards? Making a stand against Russia right? Whatever


On the yearly Investor's Meeting, Disney's pandering is always brought up and asked to stop to work with the humans rights violation regime and giving them money. This year wasn't different, specifically because of Disney's stand against Russia. 


If Disney comes out making a stand against China saying they will stop their work with China, exposing REASONS (reasons that everyone knows, but no company has made it public), I really can't imagine other studios not following. 





Honestly I would be surprised if they do because Disney, like all of the studios in Hollywood, care about the money. It's too big of a market. It would be epic though to withhold a movie they are really anticipating over there...like Avatar 2. But they won't do it & don't have the balls to do it either.


I appreciate people like Quentin Tarantino who did not cave to the Chinese government & edit their art. 

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11 minutes ago, honeycookiez said:


According to that screenshot from Weibo which was posted by Issac Newton, it's obvious that CFA was about to give its release date and if Chinese netizens didn't find any problem with it, then MoM would be the 1st  Marvel film that got released after 2 years.

I have heard similar things before and yet.....

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49 minutes ago, porginchina said:

When you're spending $200 million-plus on a movie, it really shouldn't cost that much money to hire a Chinese speaker to consult and make sure you haven't missed anything painfully obvious that'll cause anger in Beijing and jeopardize some of your company's most important business interests. Disney has plenty of employees in the mainland, as well as HK/Taiwan (not to mention employees who come from Chinese families).


Hopefully this situation is resolved somewhat peaceably. But there are things that Beijing is really clear you can't touch in a movie if you want to play in China, and, well…



I get your point, but Mulan film still happened anw with the appearances of the Mainland's stars, sometimes it felt like Hollywood is really trying to cater to China as much as they  can but on the other hand they really don't genuinely understand its people, which unfortunately leads to silly mistakes like this happened with MoM. 
I guess now the match between 2 modern superhero franchises has been balanced and somehow we can say that it has been restarted, both DC and Marvel have their own weakness, but DC has China while Marvel doesn't, it will be interesting to see how WB exploits this golden opportunity moving forward.

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13 minutes ago, cookieleeann said:


Honestly I would be surprised if they do because Disney, like all of the studios in Hollywood, care about the money. It's too big of a market. It would be epic though to withhold a movie they are really anticipating over there...like Avatar 2. But they won't do it & don't have the balls to do it either.


I appreciate people like Quentin Tarantino who did not cave to the Chinese government & edit their art. 

I honestly wouldn't doubt it. 


China so called neutrality in the war is such a reach. Day by day, it's clear China's side. Let's see what action by China that might trigger something. 


Because Belarus is in the can. 


Today's world is scary and divided. I think that all ties should be cut with China and Russia but in somehow good terms. 


If this is how they wanna do their stuff, let them be. If a peace pact could be made where all ties would be broken (economically, politically) but still maintain a no war status. 


Idk if this is possible. At this point just let them take Taiwan. It's going to happen at some point and it's going to lead into another Ukraine/Russia situation and even more global escalation. Just cut any kind of ties with Russia and China and similars in a peace way. Yeah, this doesn't make sense.

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9 minutes ago, Leviathan said:

I get your point, but Mulan film still happened anw with the appearances of the Mainland's stars, sometimes it felt like Hollywood is really trying to cater to China as much as they  can but on the other hand they really don't genuinely understand its people, which unfortunately leads to silly mistakes like this happened with MoM.

I completely agree with this point! Mulan was an absolutely embarrassing debacle; I can remember watching it in a Shanghai theater, sitting through the credits, and being astonished at how few Chinese producers and writers were credited on the production (basically none, I think). Situations like Mulan are remarkable for how apparent they make Hollywood's cultural arrogance.


All too often in the US/the West, there's a tendency to think of China as little more than a source of revenue (albeit a politically problematic income source), ignoring the cultural complexity of the country and its people. TBH, I was totally guilty of that for a long time before I moved to China myself.

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1 hour ago, ImNotRacistAtAll said:

Fuck that nonsense. Those are fanboys.


Like, China didn't help Batman at all. Neither would to Doctor Strange 2.


Joker is literally the only DC thing to make a billion without China. 


Without China, Aquaman would be below Billion. 


Marvel without China will only lead to incomparable total grosses between fanboys



Well well, so basically you will only respect China if they help your DC films???
In fairness, comic book superheroes, batman, and even Star Wars were never big businesses in China. They don't worship those things blindly like Americans. They like Aquaman because it had Marvel's goofy style and had Avatar's nature concepts, and Avatar is a very dear film to them. If you can't offer them something that they can like, why do you expect their support in return?
This is ...unbelievable, all the ranting about politics, Russia, nato etc, just so you can hide the real reasons that you're bitter because they don't worship batman

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37 minutes ago, Arian1010 said:



Well well, so basically you will only respect China if they help your DC films???
In fairness, comic book superheroes, batman, and even Star Wars were never big businesses in China. They don't worship those things blindly like Americans. They like Aquaman because it had Marvel's goofy style and had Avatar's nature concepts, and Avatar is a very dear film to them. If you can't offer them something that they can like, why do you expect their support in return?
This is ...unbelievable, all the ranting about politics, Russia, nato etc, just so you can hide the real reasons that you're bitter because they don't worship batman


I'm a Marvel guy. I... enjoy DC. Sometimes. 


Batman did this bad because of how badly China is doing now. Like, last week was their worst week of the year. And all that for them to keep 75%. Like... 


I don't care about China helping DC or not. 


I just find stupid how these studios keep trying to pander to China to then be banned because of editable little mistakes that China clearly is not open to ask for a edit. I mean, It's clear it wouldn't release still but still. 


And people here saying Disney should bend the knee and apologize is beyond me. 


And yes I'm bias because of the current political state of the world. I care about stuff like that. Yes, I believe China should be put aside from the world like Russia and Belarus. And the fact that studios take a stand against Russia but doesn't care about what's happening in China is just beyond me. Not only human rights violation but the clear siding with Russia. I don't understand why China is even trying to look neutral still. And I think it's important today because we're as close as we could to something close to a stand against China to happen and it's crazy because... Disney could be the one starting the domino, just like with Russia. 


And tomorrow I probably won't care but this sentiment will be triggered every now and then. 




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7 minutes ago, ImNotRacistAtAll said:

And people here saying Disney should bend the knee and apologize is beyond me.

Well, no one wrote that. Even our Licensor and Management at Mainland China had issue an apology when Studio here mistakenly recognise "Taiwan" as a country.


Remember "Apology" is not losing "respect". It just a way &indeed a better resolution for future negotiation.


See This statement by Jujutsu Kaisen (Management Sector at Mainland China) + Licensor "MediaLink"




MediaLink (Licensor)


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