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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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They're only unverifiable because you are new to those sources. That tracking link I provided is fine, and firedeep's contact is also kosher.If they admitted the yuan/dollar mistake earlier, it would not have been an issue. But now it's dragged on, this will scar someones reliability and credibility very much so.

It has nothing to do with familiarity of sources, that just infers an opinion-based judgment as opposed to a fact-based one. They're unverifiable just because they're unverifiable. That doesn't mean they're wrong, it just means they're not considered an authority by any "official" box office firms (for better or worse). And we already know China's infrastructure for box office reporting has a lot of work to do, which doesn't give much confidence to the reports from either side of the story.How do we know for a fact that those sites aren't the ones spreading incorrect information? The questioning has to go both ways here, not exclusively in Endgame's. I'm not saying that American sources are flawless in their reporting (we know that from various errors over the years), but its a huge leap to treat the word of a foreign source as gospel.I'm not even suggesting that I disagree with the mounting evidence against Endgame. I'm just trying to put things into perspective before this gets too out of hand. Treating one result as factual right now (whether its Endgame's claim or the opposite) isn't productive. The truth is that there's evidence from both sides of the story with no clear answers coming out of it yet. The more we stick to the facts and don't rush to judgement though, the better chance we'll have of getting straight answers from an official source -- assuming we haven't already. Edited by ShawnMR
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Looper breaking out in China would not have astonished me

It would have shocked me. I still don't see the big Chinese connection with it. Filming it in China is not enough for people to go apeshit over it.
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I raelly think Looper is saved by its last act. The final act at the farm and such (I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it) is incredible. But the 2/3's before that was nothing really special. I think this is another of those critical jerk off films that doesn't translate as well for a general audience.

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  • Founder / Operator

A successful run seems plausible to me. Its a stylized action film with a unique identity. There are a lot of analysts that present that genre as being of huge interest to the Chinese audiences, supported by Inception's run and reported levels of piracy. Tastes vary by country, especially in a place so different as China.

Edited by ShawnMR
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Oh, another thing I would like share here:

Never expect the SARFT to report the very accurate / actual and complete box office numbers for movies in time. In other words, you will never get the very accurate boxoffice data from China. All you can get, officially or not, is estimates. You get 27m yuan or 27.23m yuan but you never get 27,234,567 yuan.

For several reasons:

1. Not all theaters can report daily box office. Hundreds of theaters report numbers weekly or even monthly.

2. Older theaters or theaters in remote places can copies very late. Which means some movies can still generate box office after months of intial release, though this part of bo is rather small. And these theaters mostly report numbers monthly or yearly.

3. As we know, there only three main box office report outlets currently in China, which is well explained in the first post on page one. And obviously the three reports slightly differs from each other usually. Which one to use ? Any one could be used since all is estimates afer all. It doesn really matter since they are all in the range. Actually they all get data from SARFT but report slightly differently. Because only the SARFT have the raw numbers. The SARFT is too complicated to explaine here. In shortly, the SARFT themselves have THREE different subsidiary bodies that track and report box office: China Film Newspaper (this one just do reprots based on Special Funds numbers), CHINA FILM DISTRIBUTION AND EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION (the one who dates all movies and track their all box office, including BO from these weekly/monthly/yearly reporting theaters), Office of China Film special funds (the one tracks these 2,300+ hourly reporting theaters and hundreds the next day reporting theaters). The ASSOCIATION and the Special Funds have bascially the same tracking system but The ASSOCIATION can track widely and they dont report weekly numbers.

Our numbers here we use here, weekly is from the NEWSPAPER and Mtime (when they do the report every Tueday), daily number I post is directly from the Special Funds. We have insiders who can see/ are from the Special Funds.

And now you guys all know why the numbers all range with time ? Because the later the report out, more theaters are counted and the more accurate box office we get. And since Mtime, the NEWSPAPER, the ENTGROUP do report based on different statistics caliber and theater count. Their numbers differ.

4. In regards to the box office tracking system, a computer ticket counting system which collects box office data from more than 2,300 theaters (current available) national wide. It belongs to the SARFT. And no one else can take it without their permission.

Then who can get access to the system ? Well. Servel different organizations: Certain people from the Special Funds, Certain people from the ASSOCIATION, certain people from China Film (the biggest film distributer in China, a stated-owned company belongs to SARFT) and some other figures. But any private companies, like DMG, Le Vision, or Disney China, or Sony China ? No, not at all. These private/foreign companies get numbers from China Film (or HUAXIA Film, the other stated-owned film distribution company) and share revenues with China Film or HUAXIA.

(So in Looper's case, you tell me how Sony/Endgame get the $23-25M ?)

5. Rth once said they (Rentrak) will be trying to get access to track box office in China. And we all hope we can get better and more accurate reports from China. But does that even possible ?

I dont think so, at least not so far. The SARFT controls all box office data. And as long as China film market is yet to (fully) open, everything under SARFT's control.

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That is part of the raw tracking numbers. Not accurate but it tells us how good/bad a movie is doing.

Apparantly, it was doing on par with a few other local movies. Well, according to Endgame/Sony, Looper did $23-25M, so the local movies must also have done the this range. $100M overal weekend in China ? Sorry, what a joke.

I dont know how I have disputed this wrong press again and again.

I have friend that who tracks the SARFT box office recording system, the one to which the 2.300+ theaters national wide report box office numbers, in real time. Yes, the raw source of SARFT reports. He sees the numbers every day and every hour. There is no wrong.

When I post the numbers here, it is the source.

I cant believe we have discussed a joke press for a whole week. Will we still talk about it even if Sony/Endgame reported 100M OW for looper in China. Gee, lets just leave this alone. For sometimes, it takes face to save faces. Face it, Sony.

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Thursday:1. TaiChi / 太极 12m yuan $1.9m ---- Cume 85m+ yuan $13.5m2. Looper 11.5M yuan $1.82m ---- Cume 75m+ yuan $11.9m3. Double Xposure / 二次曝光 9m yuan $1.42m ---- Cume 55m yuan $8.73m4. The Assassins /铜雀台 7.5m yuan $1.19m ---- Cume 64m yuan $10.15m5. Dangerous liaisons / 危险关系 4m yuan $0.63m ---- Cume 41m yuan $6.5mSmall drop for all.

Friday:1. Looper 10.2M yuan $1.62m2. TaiChi / 太极 9.9m yuan $1.57m 3. Double Xposure / 二次曝光 8.4m yuan $1.33m 4. The Assassins /铜雀台 7m yuan $1.11m 5. Dangerous liaisons / 危险关系 3.8m yuan $0.6mContinue drops for all.
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Multiplexes in major cities make up these grosses in Yuan. Looper made 5m yuan for the 3-day weekend (28-30 Sep). Is it possible that it made another 22m yuan in other cities and cinemas other than multiplexes? Yes. Is it possible that it made 140m yuan more in those other places? No, it's not.

Therefore this is proof that Endgame/Sony are talking shit.

I checked this site out and compared the BO results in Yuan for the last weeks with firedeeps values for the major releases. The ratios are about 3-6. That there is no constant multiplier makes sense, because some movies are more successful in smaller towns or the percentages vary ver the run of a movie.

So with 5,961,043 Yuan from the major cities, Looper cannot make so much more from the smaller ones. There is Zero probabilty that it made more than 50m Yuan.

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I checked this site out and compared the BO results in Yuan for the last weeks with firedeeps values for the major releases. The ratios are about 3-6. That there is no constant multiplier makes sense, because some movies are more successful in smaller towns or the percentages vary ver the run of a movie.So with 5,961,043 Yuan from the major cities, Looper cannot make so much more from the smaller ones. There is Zero probabilty that it made more than 50m Yuan.

Yes, that is just a fan made app, not really a tracking. But it do can tell us how a movie is doing relatively. And you are right about the ratios.One year ago, the ratios usually is 6-8; two years ago, ratios 8~10. The ratios went down because more and more theaters added to the app.Local movies tend to have little bigger ratios on that site, since local movies usually have 1.3K copies that cannot be tracked while foreign movies never have 1.3K copies.
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I checked this site out and compared the BO results in Yuan for the last weeks with firedeeps values for the major releases. The ratios are about 3-6. That there is no constant multiplier makes sense, because some movies are more successful in smaller towns or the percentages vary ver the run of a movie.So with 5,961,043 Yuan from the major cities, Looper cannot make so much more from the smaller ones. There is Zero probabilty that it made more than 50m Yuan.

Those multiplexes only account 15-20% of the whole country.
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I bet Sony/Endgame are WISHING, HOPING and PRAYING that Looper makes $23m for the 10-day so they can just fob us off with that reason that all along they meant the 10-day gross.

Fucking liars, all of them.

That may be the only reason they haven't admitted to their mistake yet.
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