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A Marvel Fanboy

China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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1 hour ago, Issac Newton said:

Umm....They did a lot of wrong with our films too. But, we do not shout everyday about it like: "Why F9 got release if Hollywood is blocked", "CCP is a shit", "I would be happy if NWH defeat TBALC", "Chinese movies are propaganda", "When will NWH release?"........It's a normal timetable that Japanese Animation to release in China within three years, Exception for popular directors works is within 6 months. You can see My Neighbor Toroto released after 40 years in 2018, But, we do not cry everyday that film is not releasing in China. Just letting it pass by. We do not talk much about it. If a Hollywood film gets a Japanese timetable for release in Mainland China, then internets will definitely be flooded with lots of hatred, but for us, it's normal, we wishes to our Chinese fans to enjoy the film that all. We never blame CCP involvement in passing CFA regulation. But, I see everyday, people rants about them, &that same group of people can not go to China,& speak those rants in front of their officals.....Normally, Japanese release do not pass review if there are bloody violence.

You know what,I even happy that Japanese Demon slayer overtake The Eight hundered to become a 2020 worldwide champion,even I am a Chinese.

Because I always think our film is not deserve to be a worldwide champion before our movie become the international event,Demon slayer is popular everywhere, it's popular in China among anime fans as well,this anime popularity is the Naruto's level ,even more popular than Naruto in Japan

so I think Demon slayer is more deserve to be a worldwide champion because It's turly popular globally.

Edited by Bruce
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1 hour ago, Bruce said:

You know what,I even happy that Japanese Demon slayer overtake The Eight hundered to become a 2020 worldwide champion,even I am a Chinese.

Because I always think our film is not deserve to be a worldwide champion before our movie become the international event,Demon slayer is popular everywhere, it's popular in China among anime fans as well,this anime popularity is the Naruto's level ,even more popular than Naruto in Japan

so I think Demon slayer is more deserve to be a worldwide champion because It's turly popular globally.

I appreciate your thought. I hope you are enjoying the Mugen Train Arc that is running in Bilibilli.

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9 minutes ago, lor15 said:

That dictatorship nowadays are so sad. People have absolutely no freedom to choose not even what movie they want to watch, that’s basic.

The problem is that people complain about censorship when certain films are not released. China has been a dictatorship since a long time ago, but we remember how bad are Chinese politics just when our favorite film is not released there.

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1 minute ago, peludo said:

The problem is that people complain about censorship when certain films are not released. China has been a dictatorship since a long time ago, but we remember how bad are Chinese politics just when our favorite film is not released there.

People complain on a box office forum about it, because that's when it affects the topic of the forum. I have complained many times about other things the CCP has done, but not on this forum, because it wasn't relevant. 

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20 minutes ago, Menor said:

People complain on a box office forum about it, because that's when it affects the topic of the forum. I have complained many times about other things the CCP has done, but not on this forum, because it wasn't relevant. 

So money matters when it helps our favorite film business, independently of the conditions of 1.4b people who do not have total freedom. But we reclaim freedom when our favorite film gross is doomed because certain politics from that dictatorship towards that certain film... I am sorry but that sucks

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20 minutes ago, Menor said:

Maybe you should. Censorship is bad. 

There are laws. Being an outsider, does not sound cool to do. Hello World's Japan release was on 2019, in China, it was released this year. But, one thing I love about China is that despite of piracy, people did show up in theatres &other thing is that it's China gross is gross is greater than combined gross of Japan &Overseas. Another example,  Jose, The Fish &The Tiger, Chinese OD is greater than the OW in Japan. Small Films in China has received much love than GA in Japan. &I really love China &Chinese fans that they keep supporting our works

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6 minutes ago, peludo said:

So money matters when it helps our favorite film business, independently of the conditions of 1.4b people who do not have total freedom. But we reclaim freedom when our favorite film gross is doomed because certain politics from that dictatorship towards that certain film... I am sorry but that sucks

So you quoted my post, but didn't read it...

7 minutes ago, Issac Newton said:

There are laws. Being an outsider, does not sound cool to do. Hello World's Japan release was on 2019, in China, it was released this year. But, one thing I love about China is that despite of piracy, people did show up in theatres &other thing is that it's China gross is gross is greater than combined gross of Japan &Overseas. Another example,  Jose, The Fish &The Tiger, Chinese OD is greater than the OW in Japan. Small Films in China has received much love than GA in Japan. &I really love China &Chinese fans that they keep supporting our works

Why not? No country or law should be immune from criticism, no matter who provides it. 

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China is a dictatorship and no sane studio should be doing movies to pander to a country. That's a fact.


It sucks that China isn't allowing Marvel movies to be released there, but studios shoudn't bow down to the CCP. I would never slash a movie or change contents just to please a country. I may disagree and even hate a movie's content for whatever reason, but I would never try to force studios to change a product just to please me. That's beyond madness.



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44 minutes ago, Menor said:

So you quoted my post, but didn't read it...

Of course I read it. It is just I can not accept that people on these forums only care about films business when basic rights are in trouble. It is like saying: "In May 2019, I did not give a shit about what Chinese people suffer because of the dictatorship. If they are giving +$600m to EG WW's gross, who cares... But today we are really angry with censorship because NWH is not going to gross 300-500 million for MCU and we have to see how a propaganda film makes $900m. Poor Chinese people. How can they live with that". Pure hypocrisy.

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3 minutes ago, peludo said:

Of course I read it. It is just I can not accept that people on these forums only care about films business when basic rights are in trouble. It is like saying: "In May 2019, I did not give a shit about what Chinese people suffer because of the dictatorship. If they are giving +$600m to EG WW's gross, who cares... But today we are really angry with censorship because NWH is not going to gross 300-500 million for MCU and we have to see how a propaganda film makes $900m. Poor Chinese people. How can they live with that". Pure hypocrisy.

Well,as a Chinese, I don't feel the suffer from the "dictatorship" which is not even exist

The movie can't be released doesn't mean that we are not free, in fact, we live very well, China is a safe, comfortable, fast developing, rich country, if you come to China, You can even wandering in the street at three in the middle of the night and don't have to worry about any dangerous situation, if you want to published your views on the Internet, no one can control you, you can even satire the government ,so I think our country is very free, Marvel film failed to release does not mean that China have a dictatorship

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14 minutes ago, peludo said:

Of course I read it. It is just I can not accept that people on these forums only care about films business when basic rights are in trouble. It is like saying: "In May 2019, I did not give a shit about what Chinese people suffer because of the dictatorship. If they are giving +$600m to EG WW's gross, who cares... But today we are really angry with censorship because NWH is not going to gross 300-500 million for MCU and we have to see how a propaganda film makes $900m. Poor Chinese people. How can they live with that". Pure hypocrisy.

Just because people don't criticize the Chinese government on this forum doesn't mean they don't criticize it elsewhere. This is a box office forum so the discussion will be about how things affect the box office.

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The standard of " China have a dictatorship and 1.4 billion Chinese are free or not"is whether Marvel movies get released in China or not? 

Very strange standard

So if Spider-man can release in China and gross $350m(it's still got a chance,it's not dead),then you guys will change your thoughts and say"wow,What a free country without any dictatorshicp"?

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6 minutes ago, Bruce said:

Well,as a Chinese, I don't feel the suffer from the "dictatorship" which is not even exist

The movie can't be released doesn't mean that we are not free, in fact, we live very well, China is a safe, comfortable, fast developing, rich country, if you come to China, You can even wandering in the street at three in the middle of the night and don't have to worry about any dangerous situation, if you want to published your views on the Internet, no one can control you, you can even satire the government ,so I think our country is very free, Marvel film failed to release does not mean that China have a dictatorship

First of all, my sincere apologies if I have offended you. I admire many things of China.


But from my point of view if you can not choose your government, that means you live in a dictatorship. Or at very least, it is not a democracy. My country suffered a similar situation along 40 years and I do not want it for anyone.


I know that economical situation of Chinese people have improved a lot along last 40 years. And box office level is a very good sign, since it is a not essential activity, but a leisure one. But if you, people, can not change the government, I can not completely agree with you.

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4 minutes ago, Multiverse of XXR said:


Your leader has made it so he can stay in power as long as he wants, and your citizens can't vote for their leaders. It's the literal definition of a dictatorship. 

That's a political stuff,I mean in the real life we are free,we can do whatever we like,say whatever we want to say

Actually most of normal people don't even give the shit about the political stuff,even they can vote for the leaders they still don't care about it.

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5 minutes ago, Bruce said:

The standard of " China have a dictatorship and 1.4 billion Chinese are free or not"is whether Marvel movies get released in China or not? 

Very strange standard

So if Spider-man can release in China and gross $350m(it's still got a chance,it's not dead),then you guys will change your thoughts and say"wow,What a free country without any dictatorshicp"?

That is exactly what I meant: China has always been a dictatorship.


The debate today is that some people only seem to worry about it if Marvel (or whatever HLW film) can release or not there:

* HLW releases: how much can my film get from China?

* HLW does not release: Battle at Lake Changjin is a shitty film which should not even be considered in 2021 WW list.


Just money from HLW films are considered. The others, who care... If this is a box office site, all films care, not just our favorites.

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17 minutes ago, peludo said:

First of all, my sincere apologies if I have offended you. I admire many things of China.


But from my point of view if you can not choose your government, that means you live in a dictatorship. Or at very least, it is not a democracy. My country suffered a similar situation along 40 years and I do not want it for anyone.


I know that economical situation of Chinese people have improved a lot along last 40 years. And box office level is a very good sign, since it is a not essential activity, but a leisure one. But if you, people, can not change the government, I can not completely agree with you.

Well,you don't need to apologize lol,I'm not a guy that easily offended and we just set a topic and have a talk doesn't mean "you don't like China,you hate America bla bla bla",that's nonsense,we are just here to have a talk,lol.


For your second point,I think it's the difference between the "literal" and the "actual feeling"


If we only talking about the "literal" sense of dictatorship, then China is indeed a dictatorship, because we really don't get a choice to choose our own government, and the president Xi does keep him in power for a long time,that's true.

But to be honest, if the discussion for the most part, 99% of the Chinese "actual feeling", the most people  totally don't think we live under a dictatorship and not free, because we lived very well without too much need to complain, if you don't break the law, You can do whatever you want , You can say whatever you want to say ,and that's the freedom of "actual feeling", and the political things that most people don't care about, because most of Chinese "actual feeling" is we're very free.

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