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Weekend Estimates Hobbit 36.7 pg 33

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Expectations have nothing to do with anything.Next to the original trilogy, TH is doing quite poorly with a massive drop in attendance.Next to the average tentpole, TH is doing very well.TH is a great success but we are talking about one of the most renown intellectual properties in the world.

This. It`s doing well. It just isn`t the story anymore, well, not the positive story like THG, TA, Skyfall. IMO, people expected too much from the fact it`s based on a classic while market has changed, both in literature and movies. YA was in infancy back in 2001-2003. Now it`s a major genre and there`s a huge demographics that is drawn to kind of stories and heroes that TH simply doesn`t have and won`t have even with some made-up additions. Thanks to YA explosion, girls are no more satisfied with movies where female characters are added only as boner-givers to adolescent boys. They want a character as the main protagonist so they can identify with her. That`s why I`m hoping that "instant boner" double-wielder ina corset warrior Elfette will completely misfire with THG fans and female audience. She`s a ridiculous and much much older Katniss knock-off created to cash in on THG craze and be sex object for boys who can be her sons. Pathetic.Anyway, my point is that every generation has their own heroes and this generation`s ones, at least on female side, come from recent literature. OTOH, guys, and girls as well, are also treated to Marvel marvels and TDK so that`s really much more competition for TH than LOTR ever had. Edited by fishnets
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Better number for TH

Well, $31 mio estimate for weekend was always bullshit so of course it`s a better number though I don`t see why it wasn`t estimated at about $36 mio to begin with. B was close with $34 mio. I hope B`s right. I don`t want any jumps to $40 mio, no sir.
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And i don't. Last time i checked $400m is much less than $550m. Even without 3D ROTK adjusts to close to $500m.

And that's the next "mistake" - you can't just adjust receipts. Look at the following list:http://www.boxofficemojo.com/yearly/You'll see that from 2003 (RotK) to 2011 (we dont' have numbers yet for 2012) the market expanded by nearly exactly 10%. That's about the maximum factor you should apply when adjustung numbers. The same applies as with 3D: The more expensive the tickets, the fewer admissions. Otherwise (using your adjustment) 2011 should be up about 126% from 2003. It doesn't work that way.
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And that's the next "mistake" - you can't just adjust receipts. Look at the following list:http://www.boxofficemojo.com/yearly/You'll see that from 2003 (RotK) to 2011 (we dont' have numbers yet for 2012) the market expanded by nearly exactly 10%. That's about the maximum factor you should apply when adjustung numbers. The same applies as with 3D: The more expensive the tickets, the fewer admissions. Otherwise (using your adjustment) 2011 should be up about 126% from 2003. It doesn't work that way.

It does work that way, sometimes. Look at Toy Story.Why should 2011 be up 126%? Only a fraction of all tickets sold are in 3D, the vast majority of movies are in 2D. Edited by Elessar
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So 35 for the weekend then. ;)

Sounds right. I`d say that anything under is underestimation. I was calling Saturday jump since opening weekend so I should get a round of applause for being objective despite rooting heavily against this completely unnecessary, redundant trilogy.
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According to peter griffin, the same is true for the godfather which makes it a bad movie.

Yeha but at least everyone had balls to admit GF3 was bad. ROTK was laughably overrated by everyone at the time because they wanted to believe that each new movie was better than the previous one and now that people have sobered up they cite FOTR or TTT as the best and ROTK as really bloated and the real beginning of Count Bloatula.
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It does work that way, sometimes. Look at Toy Story.Why should 2011 be up 126%? Only a fraction of all tickets sold are in 3D, the vast majority of movies are in 2D.

While the majority of films are in 2D, most of the top earners are 3D.And taking a single film where those calculations work seems a bit far-fetched - what's with Batman Begins / The Dark Knight? With a very stable franchise, like Harry Potter, this might work (and still they decreased). With others, it just gives you a range.Predicting Hobbit was not that difficult, you could start with FotR or RotK and end up with 362mil (FotR) or 415mil (RotK); then add a bit of caution because Hobbit really isn't that epic, and so I came to my range from 350 to 400 which seemed sensible for me. Now it looks as if it's disappointing (from my POV) but it's really not that far behind those numbers.
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add a bit of caution because Hobbit really isn't that epic.

People overestimate epic. It has to be put in the context of characters to work hence why epic stuff like Battleship, Kingdom of Heaven,etc flopped. If people don`t like the stars (vanilla shit like Borelando and Kitsch) or don`t care for characters (from previous movie or the source from which the movie`s adapted) epic won`t help.
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Everyone will be on Holiday on Monday..... so Sunday drop should be quite small.IAL dropped 18% on corresponding day.

Fuck, so TH will achieve $40 mio weekend then. I don`t want that to happen. It`s still over 50% drop, way bigger than any LOTR movie`s second weekend drop but I want it to drop harder than even KK.
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Fake's projection looks good. TH will get some good grosses over the next two weeks because of the holidays. It should finish around $300M. Given the movie's quality, $300M is good for it.Compared to LOTR grosses, it is an out and out disappointment.

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