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Jack Nevada

85th Academy Awards (24/2/13) Official Thread- TONIGHT!! NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST

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Oscar Predictions:


Best Picture: Argo

Best Actor: Daniel Day Lewis

Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence

Best Supporting Actor: Robert De Nero

Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway

Best Director: Steven Speilberg

Best Original Screenplay: Zero Dark Thirty

Best Adapted Screenplay: Argo 

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Original screenplay nominees from best to worst


1. Zero Dark Thirty

2. Amour

3. Moonrise Kingdom

4. Django Unchained

5. Flight


Adapted screenplay nominees from best to worst


1. Life of Pi

2. Lincoln

3. Beasts of the Southern Wild

4. Argo

5. Silver Linings Playbook

The screenplay of Life of Pi is the worst by far!

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From ADF's personal Dame Leogend impersonator:



First O'Russell gets got red handed with a look of disgust when Madame Riva won BAFTA. Now Kevin Costner gets caught red handed sleeping during her speech! Who knew Madame Riva could provoke such RUDE reactions!

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The screenplay of Life of Pi is the worst by far!

Have you read the book? It's an outright miracle they were even able to adapt a coherent film screenplay for it, let alone one that worked. I don't think it's the "best" of the bunch, but it's easily the most impressive and that counts for soemthing.

Edited by IronMan89
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Charming little bit from THR's lovely 2000 word profile on Riva published over the weekend.

And what of the Oscar nomination and potential to make history with a win at the Oscars, for which she will soon be flying to Los Angeles? When the nomination was announced, she says, "Everybody around me was so excited, and they were dancing and yelling, and I am just calm about this. I think that it's a wonderful thing to be nominated, and if it happens, that will be great. It will be a great surprise for me. But if I don't win, then that's the way it's going to be." After a brief pause, she adds with a giggle, "But now, if I do win, it would be a very nice thing, and I'll be just like a little girl, completely surprised and completely thrilled!"

And in other news. Haneke's just arrived in LA, and Riva arrives tomorrow.


Lastly, just a fun fact. Amour is only the second film in Cesar history to have picked up the big 5, Picture, Director, Lead Actor, Lead Actress, and Screenplay. The first was Francois Truffat's Last Metro in 1980 at the 6th Cesars. 

Edited by riczhang
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Riczhang your going to be disappointed sunday when jlaw tarrantino and waltz win


I'll be disappointed with the first two. But, I have absolutely nothing invested in the Supporting Actor category. I thought De Niro was nothing spectacular, TLJ was TLJ in a wig, Waltz was Hans de-nazified, Arkin's nom was barfworthy a complete waste of space, and PSH was the only one I really liked out of the 5 and he has no chance of winning. :( 

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I confess, I'm kinda tired of JLaw just from her constant cheerleaders here.



:rofl: So true. At least it isn't as bad as ADF's Michael Bay who's Pro-JLaw and Anti-Riva crusade is just ridiculous. Or IMDB's Madness.  

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