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Jack Nevada

85th Academy Awards (24/2/13) Official Thread- TONIGHT!! NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST

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I'm just going to throw this out there and apologize ahead of time for offending anyone.I think some of you who don't like SLP as much as I do or others do is because you are too young. You haven't lived through some of the stuff that it deals with in the movie so it doesn't resonate with you as much as it does with me and people my age. Some of you, like Gopher, comment on the cop out ending when in reality it is not a copout, it's brilliant. I really think this is the best picture of the year. Lincoln is nice and interesting but SLP is real life and moving and tragic and sad and happy and it takes you through a roller coaster of emotions, like life. :)

How's this: The actual ending is great... It just cheated to get there (dramatically speaking). :)
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I wake up and this thread is already 50 pages long. I figured the nominations must have been really controversial so I prepared for the worst. Here's what I think:Best Visual Effects- SWATH? Seriously. Should have gone to Cloud Atlas or TDKR.Best Cinematography- Glad Les Mis was ignored and Django Unchained got the nomination, but it should have gone to The Master.Best Sound Mixing and Best Sound Editing- All BP nominees bar Skyfall? Ugh.Best Song- Ted? Really?Best Score- 4 of them are good but I didn't really like Skyfall's score. And I'm a huge fan of Thomas Newman. Should have gone to The Master or Cloud Atlas IMO.Best Animated Feature- Pleasant surprise. All the stop-motions got in and Brave and WiR. It's Frankenweenie vs Paranorman atm.Best Adapted Screenplay- No Perks. :angry: Haven't seen Beasts of the Southern Wild yet, so I won't badmouth it.Best Original Screenplay- Predictable.Best Supporting Actress- Jacki Weaver was a big surprise. I wish Dowd got in, but I haven't seen SLP so I won't argue. Still glad an Australian got a nomination.Best Supporting Actor- Was hoping Leo would get in. Guess not. :(Best Actress- Wallis got in! Impressive for a 9 year old. Youngest nominee ever in actress category!Best Actor- Surprisingly boring.Best Director- Biggest shock and snubs of the year hands down. No Affleck or BIGELOW! Are you serious. I was on ZDT for BP train. :rant:Best Picture- 9 nominations again. 8 of them I knew were coming. I wish Moonrise Kingdom could have got in over Amour, but that BD nomination sealed the deal.And Lincoln sweep is coming and you all know it. From now on, only baity movies can win Best Picture. The King's Speech won over The Social Network, The Artist won over Hugo, and now Lincoln over Zero Dark Thirty. 100M is no longer in play for Zero Dark Thirty. Lincoln's going to continue its incredible run and end over True Grit. Silver Linings Playbook and Life of Pi have just about the same chance as Beasts of the Southern Wild at BP.

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I really think that either Moonrise Kingdom or a bona fide hit should've taken the spot Amour took. That film should've resided where it was intended to be, in the Best Foreign Language Film category.

I'm not even gonna dignify myself to write a response.Kinda disappointed Trintignant didn't make it in. I thought for sure he had after the director nod. Edited by riczhang
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People do this every year, so I might as well, if there were still only 5 nominees it would have been -ArgoLife of PiLincolnLes MiserablesSilver Linings Playbookonly would've matched 3/5 with Director. That's definitely happened before.

Would've loved that, it would've made it the first year where I've seen a majority of the Best Picture noms before nominations were announced. As for now, I'm 4/9 D:
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I'm just going to throw this out there and apologize ahead of time for offending anyone.I think some of you who don't like SLP as much as I do or others do is because you are too young. You haven't lived through some of the stuff that it deals with in the movie so it doesn't resonate with you as much as it does with me and people my age. Some of you, like Gopher, comment on the cop out ending when in reality it is not a copout, it's brilliant. I really think this is the best picture of the year. Lincoln is nice and interesting but SLP is real life and moving and tragic and sad and happy and it takes you through a roller coaster of emotions, like life.

Kinda rolled my eyes when I read this, B. Are you going to pull the 'I'm older than you' card every time I disagree with you? Lincoln is 'nice and interesting?' I'd describe SLP that way. I was ON BOARD with the film for an hour and a half. Cooper's great, Lawrence is as good as ever, and David O. Russell brings something to the material and the ensemble that's better than your average Oscar bait. It's a grim, sobering film that uses the dangerous realities of these illnesses in a purposeful and effective way. It does NOT position itself as a movie about finding love. But then SLP cops out. I really couldn't believe that more. It stops telling believable stories and dissolves into dance numbers, confessions of love, and a glorious, Wayne's World magic happy ending for everyone involved. It stops being about real people and becomes escapism. Thematically it just doesn't make sense... the ending's a lie, a whole 'silver lining' when the rest of the movie based happiness in the grim reality of life, and the movie never comments on that (besides the Farewell to Arms "why can't there be happy endings?" scene, which doesn't touch on why endings like Farewell to Arms make sense), and that doesn't feel right to me. The mentally ill characters turn back into the movie stars that play them. The film gives the illusion of seriousness and danger while remaining intellectually comforting. So I don't know what the movie was supposed to be. It's a Little Miss Sunshine, a King's Speech, an Artist, a movie that will sweep people off their feet the first time they see it because people LIKE mega happy endings. But it won't be a movie that lasts because it doesn't tell the truth. In my opinion. But believe what you want. I'm glad you found something in SLP that I didn't. But when you say "it's about LIFE" you do sound kind of silly. :P
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I like SLP, HOWEVER it's just a cute rom-com without the great performances by Cooper and Lawrence (and the mental illness theme really is abandoned by the last act). No better than something like Midnight in Paris. There's no chance a movie like it will win. Put it out of your head baumer.

Edited by HobbitMan89
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Lincoln seems to be a cute history lesson for the shool yard where good ( SUPER LINCOLN) prevails from evil ( Slavery : baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadd) .

Lol, Lincoln as "cute?" Suuuuuure. ;) SLP is as cute and fluffy as all rom-coms at its core. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with liking that sort of thing, but don't try to deny what it is.
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