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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Ok, for example, as a book fan, I have no idea why people hate that kid Olly. Instead of certain events occuring using unknown and relatively irrelevant characters that GRRM fails to build, we get a character that is relatable and unique. There's zero reason to hate him other than just to hate the showrunners IMO.

because its so obvious they are telegraphing what he's going to do its subtle in the books and theirs a certain weight behind the actions taken by the characters he's replacing in the show its ridiculously over the top and poorly done

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Yeah, but when first four episodes leaked before season even started, there was a strict policy that we can't even talk about it (therefore tittle of this thread). ;)

So, okay, here you go:

Oh really? I wasn't aware of that rule for here, so to be honest you could be right. Perhaps just PM is better? Besides I already had someone PM me.

Edited by K1stpierre
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Have you ever thought that maybe the two people who work directly with GRRM and have dedicated their entire lives to this show might have a better understanding than what YOU think the show should be like?

I know it wasn't drectly to me, but I'll answer. ;)

Do you even watch this series? Have you read books?

Anyway - what books are doing great is character development. Characters really have arcs, have consistence and logic in their behaviour etc. But in the show they're sometimes butchered by nonconsisten and illogical behaviour. (like when really smart guy does something really stupid for no reason, or someone really strict and just made something on the verge of a crime for no reason etc.) So, yeah, sometimes, we, the fans, knows better how characters should act than creators. And I'm not taking about Thrones only.

I'll try to explain why.

Creators of show have an idea of character. Let's say character that is really agile, slick, but he has a really bad left hand. They showed us in some episde that he is really slick. But never showed that his left hand is bad. So, creators knows that, audience not. Audience knows that this guy is slick.

And then comes great scene, he must do something really incredible using his agility, but he must use his left hand. We, the audience, know from what they showed us, that he'll do fine. But he is not, he did terribly, he failed. Audience is pissed, because that's illogical, that made no sense and this shouldn't happen this way. So, we, audience knows better how this character should bahaviour. And if he out of sudden does something that contrary to his character develompent in series, then it's just a bad writting/showrunning. Therefore - we're pissed, especially if we liked the show.

[Not allowed here] - ED

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Ok, for example, as a book fan, I have no idea why people hate that kid Olly. Instead of certain events occuring using unknown and relatively irrelevant characters that GRRM fails to build, we get a character that is relatable and unique. There's zero reason to hate him other than just to hate the showrunners IMO.

Agree. Although he is a little bit 'too obvious'. But I don't mind him, his fine for me.

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Tyrion, Jaime,Loras,  Cersei, Stannis, all of dorne,littlefinger, Sansa all doing things that are counter to their show characters counter to what grrm inteneded and counter to common sense. All of them assassinated as characters reflecting little to none of their book selves.

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I've seen every episode twice and read every book twice. I disagree with what is suppossed to happen tonight. But I love the changes they've made this year otherwise. Maybe we could have gotten Sansa riding horses for hours with Sir Robert instead. or Tyrion whining for hours. or introducing an entire company of characters with no prior relevance to the story and characters already established. Or spent chapters with Brienne in various inns. Thrilling television that would make. The last two books had some real good moments but were oftentimes largely meandering and incosequential. This season has made them more cinematic and digestible for a television audience.

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I've seen every episode twice and read every book twice. I disagree with what is suppossed to happen tonight. But I love the changes they've made this year otherwise. Maybe we could have gotten Sansa riding horses for hours with Sir Robert instead. or Tyrion whining for hours. or introducing an entire company of characters with no prior relevance to the story and characters already established. Or spent chapters with Brienne in various inns. Thrilling television that would make. The last two books had some real good moments but were oftentimes largely meandering and incosequential. This season has made them more cinematic and digestible for a television audience.

Agree again. Sansas story, cutting Brienne timescreen and putting Olly in the place of Bowen Marsh were good decisions. And I was sort of deffending rape scene from earlier, because it was 'in character' for young Bolton. But Littlefinger losing his intelligence, Dorne story falling into deep pit of intense stupidity and now, that thing what will happen tonight it's just... just bad. I would preffer boring, but logical scenes over bad scenes. Especially considering that tonights 'hero of the day' is my favourite character.


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I've seen every episode twice and read every book twice. I disagree with what is suppossed to happen tonight. But I love the changes they've made this year otherwise. Maybe we could have gotten Sansa riding horses for hours with Sir Robert instead. or Tyrion whining for hours. or introducing an entire company of characters with no prior relevance to the story and characters already established. Or spent chapters with Brienne in various inns. Thrilling television that would make. The last two books had some real good moments but were oftentimes largely meandering and incosequential. This season has made them more cinematic and digestible for a television audience.

you'd prefer sansa getting raped, jaime with no development, dorne for no reason other than to mention it seroiuslt what was the point of dorne bring in stoneheart or aegon instead,Barristan dead,  St. Tyrion,idiot littlefinger, morally pure varys some changes were fine yes hardhome brienne given the other changes but her previous stolryine had a purpose to show the devastation brought about from the war, Stannis now

Edited by The Sun's Son
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Oy. Remind me not to come in here for a while. I really don't get why people take this shit so personally. I swear, my fellow book readers make me cringe sometimes, lol. But hey, feel what you feel. I'll just scroll right past bitch fests.

However, the guy that leaked the things also said it is a dream that the character has.

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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I disagree with the rape sequence on screen but the general idea of Sansa in Winterfell and actually involved is a massive improvement. Dorne was bad in the books and is bad in the show. St Tyrion is such a non comforist internet point...dude is the protagonist of the party.

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I disagree with the rape sequence on screen but the general idea of Sansa in Winterfell and actually involved is a massive improvement. Dorne was bad in the books and is bad in the show. St Tyrion is such a non comforist internet point...dude is the protagonist of the party.

he isn't pure white in the books he is grey he wouldn't even have sex with that sex slave he offered herself to him free of charge, I mean really come on

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Oy. Remind me not to come in here for a while. I really don't get why people take this shit so personally. I swear, my fellow book readers make me cringe sometimes, lol. But hey, feel what you feel. I'll just scroll right past bitch fests.

However, the guy that leaked the things also said it is a dream that the character has.

Doubt. It was builded for whole season (seasons 1-3 he was unlikeable, he then redeemed himself in the end of fourth and was a agreat and loveable character in fifth), and leaked rpevies of episode 10 shows a scene when one person says something that inclined this whole mess wasn't a dream sequence.

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Need to step in to say two things:


1) Discussion of leaked material is not allowed in this subforum, there are rules on that so ya'll should move to PMs.


2) Since there is a lot of book-related discussion involved too, you should take it to the Book + TV thread I bumped earlier.

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I disagree with the rape sequence on screen but the general idea of Sansa in Winterfell and actually involved is a massive improvement.

Well, to be fair... Sansa in Winterfell married to Ramsay couldn't ended any other way.

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