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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Maybe I'm just a sucker, but I think he's dead dead, mostly because Harrington in his post-show interview seemed to make it exceedingly clear that he's very much really dead.

That interview is a big bunch of bull, lol.

He has stated time and again that he hates his hair. Yet, now that he can cut it according to that interview, he doesn't want to just in case a movie role needs it? He said himself before that he feels his hair forces period piece roles upon him. Then now he's growing his beard out too.

He certainly couldn't say "don't worry I'm not staying dead" right after we all saw that.

Like I said before, the entire NW plot would've been pointless. Why would viewers care about the Wall now? Also, why hint at his parentage all season just for him to die? Then why have Melisandre show up at the Wall just in time to say nothing?

Edited by House Cozmees of Everdeen
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Oh yeah, I think I can say now that the show version of the Dorne plot was just plain terrible, with the crap cherry on top being that Elliara and the Sand Snakes use a poison that goes into effect while the boat is 2 miles offshore, very easy to turn around, Doran to get the news, and dumb revenge idiot heads to roll.


The book version had its problems, but it had a simple and effective core throughline and it built towards something, whereas the show version spun its wheels before sputtering to a braindead conclusion.

PLus trystane is now dead no matter what. Cersei and Arya were well done the JON scene was rushed and not well done at all and KIt is a bloody liar he is coming back. I don't think Stannis is dead they would have showed. ANd why on earth would meereen which hates dany listen to a eunuch and a dwarf

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I just am bummed they cut the single best scene from the fifth book out:

Theon's breakdown in the godswood.


But, they watered down that entire storyline so they could smush other stuff into Winterfell as well and the result was not much.

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I just am bummed they cut the single best scene from the fifth book out:

Theon's breakdown in the godswood.


But, they watered down that entire storyline so they could smush other stuff into Winterfell as well and the result was not much.

 That scene was awesome but without bran it isn't much. On JON kit harrington still hasn't cut his hair the hair he says he hates plus there are pictures of him in belfast he is not going anywhere

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I added a lot to my post that you quoted.

Plus, why would it not be til 7?

Oh, the version I read said that he recently cut his hair and beard, but maybe he's growing it back out again. I just think...I don't know. I agree the Wall story would be pointless if he stays dead but I've always taking all of George's hints that he ISN'T dead as proof that he is, just like I've taken his hints that R+L=J is true as confirmation that it isn't. I just feel like he wouldn't hint so blatantly. It just feels like trolling. The main reason I don't think he's back for a significant role next season is that it would be impossible to hide him filming and in marketing material.

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who knows I thought he would take Varys place and he still might


True enough. Don't think I will find out since I really really don't want to watch Season 6 if Book 6 isn't out.


It'd be like if, 10 years ago, the Harry Potter movies overtook the books.

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He cut his hair just a few inches in like January. It's grown out since then.

I think you're giving GRRM too much credit, lol. I don't think he's that tricky. It's not really his own comments about R+L, it's the clues in the books.

Obviously R+L=J is set up in the books, but it just feels too obvious. Like somebody is fantasy booking it. I just doubt things that seem obvious. Then again, maybe not. I hope he's alive.

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Obviously R+L=J is set up in the books, but it just feels too obvious. Like somebody is fantasy booking it. I just doubt things that seem obvious. Then again, maybe not. I hope he's alive.

It isn't really only on the internet for most readers it really isn't plus seeing how george promised that jon's parentage will be reveled that reveal doens't matter if he is dead. Kit is just building tension for next season

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Obviously R+L=J is set up in the books, but it just feels too obvious. Like somebody is fantasy booking it. I just doubt things that seem obvious. Then again, maybe not. I hope he's alive.

George himself said that he won't change any of his plans for the books just because fans may have guessed it. So he knows that some things people will be able to figure out beforehand.

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And stupid tweet of the night goes to... @zensmile :

".@HBO, that was a really stupid deviation from the #GameofThrones book. #johnsnow was the only reason I was watching. I'm done w/ you now."

I get people getting mad at deviations but... that wasn't a deviation. At all. Besides more than 3 (and different) guys stabbing him and no wildlings being around, it was identical to the book. :lol:

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Emmy nom confirmed


Fuck Ellaria, just fuck her


It's just hilarious at this point how opposite Book Ellaria and Show Ellaria are.


Book Ellaria: "Oberyn wanted vengeance for Elia. Now the three of you want vengeance for him. I have four daughters, I remind you. Your sisters. My Elia is fourteen, almost a woman. Obella is twelve, on the brink of maidenhood. They worship you, as Dorea and Loreza worship them. If you should die, must El and Obella seek vengeance for you, then Dorea and Loree for them? Is that how it goes, round and round forever? I ask again, where does it end?


Show Ellaria: "Hey let's just have dumb murder plot followed by a second dumb murder plot"

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