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Never read the books, but did the Mountain live?


Tagging since they may address some of this in the finale:


The wounds in the book were not fatal, but they were inflicted by a poisoned blade. The Mountain is intentionally kept alive for most of the fourth book by the exiled Maester Qyburn (the one who came to King's Landing with Jamie and Brienne) so he can do experiments. Eventually the Mountain is reported to be dead.

Edited by Numbers of House Stark
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The sansa storyline is realistic though.It would make sense for sansa to ally with littlefinger.If littlefinger died who knows hat the lords of the vale would have done.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Prince Obyern was still winning the battle, it was he played his hand to far and forgot the Mountain is no noble warrior. 


If lets say he fought Ned Stark, Ned would not have used that trick in the end as Ned was beaten in battle fairly and he is "honourable".



That is what I like and dislike about Game of Thrones...Doing the right or ethical thing does not always led to positive result however the author makes it seem if your not some selfish pessimistic douche bag your going to die quick. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Prince Obyern was still winning the battle, it was he played his hand to far and forgot the Mountain is no noble warrior. 


If lets say he fought Ned Stark, Ned would not have used that trick in the end as Ned was beaten in battle fairly and he is "honourable".


I call bullshit on that.


There was no trick or cheating there. The Mountain had been temporarily incapacitated and Oberyn was spending too much time gloating and strutting around so the Mountain was able to summon one last burst of energy. It's not dishonorable at all.

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Anyone else keep hearing Oberyn's repeated line in their sleep last night?

Uh, yeah. That's totally what I heard in my sleep last night....


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And still not as gruesome IMO as the scene in Hannibal where the guy escapes the human mural by having to have flesh ripped off several parts of his body as he pulls away from the stitches.

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And still not as gruesome IMO as the scene in Hannibal where the guy escapes the human mural by having to have flesh ripped off several parts of his body as he pulls away from the stitches.


I haven't seen that, but it boggles my mind how anything more disturbing than Oberyn's death could be allowed on network television (and with a TV-14 rating, no less!). Seriously irresponsible by the FCC.

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I haven't seen that, but it boggles my mind how anything more disturbing than Oberyn's death could be allowed on network television (and with a TV-14 rating, no less!). Seriously irresponsible by the FCC.


It's probably less gory and bloody overall, but it's definitely more gruesome and disturbing IMO since it's a drawn out affair with close-ups of the skin and flesh ripping off.

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Fuck that was brutal. I wish red viper could of lived he was awesome. I have to believe Jamie saves Tyrion some way hopefully. Also please tell me Sansa ddoesn't hook uo with Littlefinger causw that be creepy.


For the most part, the decision to accelerate Sansa's stuff means we're about to enter uncharted territory for her character.

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I dont think i can watch that episode ending anytime soon, heck took me a year to rewatch the red wedding 


that shit was gross i had a gag reflex as i watch ughhh


its been such a while since i read the book i didnt remember how oberyn died , but i did remember the mountain being



as for sansa , that smirk she had in her bedroom was disturbing, not as disturbing as creepy littlefinger but yeah , they're in a weird dance right now , and i don't  quite remember what happens plot wise in the vale or i fthey're going off tangent on that one 


fav scene of the episode :

Arya laughing when they told her lysa was dead 

i'm telling ya a psychiatrist would have a field day with arya 

i bursted out laughing myself , because lets be real what is she suppose to do cry ? the irony of the situation must have hit her real hard , this is the 2nd person the hound brings her too , promising she'll be safe and he'll get paid for keeping her alive and once again on the cusp of being reunited with family this happen !  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


sad scene of the episode :

poor jorah shunned away by his khaleesi :( , that was harsh , i felt for him ! she didnt even leave him speak/defend himself   :ph34r: when will we see him again?


wtf but hmm i'm digging scene of the epîsode:


misandei and greyworm , sure its filler but GoT does them like nobody else , i was hmm but damn they actually do have chemistry too bad who cares about their romance but yeah it was hot , music was good in that scene 


that end though , the scream , the looks , the emotional roller coaster on everyone 's face was crazy  went from woohoo to wtf noooo real quick for some and ahh crap to fist pump yess for others

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